High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Makes sense that most of her support would be from those two groups overall.

I’m sure Blizzard will get around to clearing the whole thing up soon.

And not leave it untouched for years…

Hopefully they get removed from chains in the pre patch. And hopefully the same time we get explicit comments on new VE recruits.

Has there been any example of this? Not yet that I know of. But there’s been almost zero Void Elf story development or any notable characters outside of Umbric or Alleria.

Why would they? They’re a small group of Thalassian Exiles joining a faction that High Elves and their main organization are part of. They’re seen hanging out with them in Stormwind. It makes far more sense and is more logical for a Void Elf to consider themselves a High Elf than it is for a Blood Elf to do so. Void Elves are still Thalassian Elves part of the Alliance and at political odds with the Blood Elves.

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We can dream. I know, opinions of mine on them or not, I don’t think I wanna log into Org and find chain gangs every day. Lol

And confirmation on velf tones would be nice.

I think the fact that the Ren’dorei are both very new and very small in number compared to the Sin’dorei is lost on some people.

The Blood Elves have a culture all their own, while the Alliance High Elves have been assimilating into Human culture (likely with their own nuances mixed in). With the addition of the Ren’dorei - elves with a shared heritage, it’s not implausible that the Alliance High Elves would be curious about them if not interested in pursuing their study of the void.

Some High Elves who decide to pursue such interests though, might end up calling themselves Void Elves and some… might not, and I don’t think Alleria or Umbric would hold that against them since it doesn’t have the social impact that calling yourself Sin’dorei does among Blood Elves. But that’s just how I look these things, not anything supported specifically by lore.

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Wait there are actually people in chains in org? I’m completely oblivious to horde as I’m mostly an alliance player with some casual horde playing.

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Once you finish the war campaign yeah. They’re not super common or obvious if you’re just passing through but they’re there.

Sylvanas loyalists being carted about.

~https://imgur.com/a/mNRmMDS vereesa new eyes


Now that’s interesting.

aye. They finally gave vereesa her correct eyes. Made possible because of void elf customization. From what has been seen blood elves don’t have access to the purple eyes.

These can be used both for void and arcane.


Very very interesting…

Not really the point.

The point is there’s no evidence to suggest that anyone willing to go through such a trasformative process of becoming a Void elf would ever identify as anything else. Now I have no problem if a player has their own, personal rationale for doing so, as could any blood elf player.

Them being on the same faction doesn’t lend any credence to your argument that a void elf would ever identify as anything other than a void elf. Especially when the process of becoming a void elf is pretty traumatic, both physically and mentally, and the end result is something far different than any ordinary High elf.

On the other hand a High elf who joins the Blood elves undergoes zero transformations, is still connected to the Sunwell, looks identical, and can still subscribe to the same High elven traditions being carried on by the Blood elves. If anything I’d say the elf who has remained exactly the same makes more sense as a High elf than an elf who’s been transformed by the void.

But in the end I think everyone should be able to identify as a High elf, but if you’re going to compare who is closer to High elves I’ll have to stop you there.

But the Void elves are a culture of their own, with their own crest, and beliefs, it would make no sense for any elf to go through the process of becoming one, just to identify as another elf anyway. It’s as simple as that.

What proof do you have that there would be any social impact revolving High elves among the Bloode elves? It seems pretty contrived to make two separate assessments with the same amount of evidence for both sides.

I do wonder if this means they’ll update ALL the high elf eyes.

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I find it odd for them to be even touching High Elves, considering they’ve incorrectly denounced them in the past and have now hot glued them to something completely different.

Like if you feel like you’ve “dealt” with the issue, why even address it anymore, you only make the issue bigger.

She’ll sadly probably end up being good, that or she is the dumbest character in the game. When even Azshara is scared of the Player Characters, that’s a good indicator that you shouldn’t try to start a fight with them. But then again maybe Sylvanas actually is that dumb.

sylvanas’ story should end with a public execution. I know that won’t happen but no redemption. Just have a showdown between sylvanas vs alleria vereesa. A cinematic just like thrall vs garrosh.


I mentioned this in one of the entropic embrace topics but… check this out:


Seem like Entropic Embrace customization might actually be happening. Too soon to tell for sure though.


I don’t want to look into whatever “secondary hair color” means.

Because that’s too exciting

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this is all amazing

My holy priest might actually be able to be a holy priest with a “light form” proc! Gosh I hope this is really happening!


If that’s happening… Think they’ll do paladins? Lol

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