High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You can exist, but I think your character would just be in a lot of pain? I don’t think it’s ever been made clear or not. But if LF undead exist, I don’t see why LFD DKs couldn’t.

This could also refer to previous interactions with the horde as well during the rts stuff prior to wow

[quote=“Velftroy-frostmourne, post:8837, topic:472406, full:true”] Also, the Light and Void don’t work together; Velf paladins would die.

They could just recolour all the abilities to be purple for Void Elves.
And honestly, that’d be cool as heck and open the doors to unique animations for other paladin races too. (Sun for Tauren, Pheonix for Blood Elf, N’aaru for Draenei, ect.)


Paladins are kind of more than just being gold. There’s no way a Void paladin would be accepted into churches of the Light, etc.

But I do want Void Elf paladins, and I’d love if Blizzard just straight up said that some Void Elves don’t have any kind of Void energy in their bodies.

Either way we are getting off topic the point is it’s very very very unlikely for any high elf to want to join the horde without taking the blood elf name. If they had chosen to stay a high elf rather than “honoring their dead” it’s likely due to moral issues with how the blood elves have chosen to operate. To join the race and not honor their dead would seem rather dumb.


You do realize that the Void elves Are the Blood elves right? So the Void elves that Alleria saved, and had join the Alliance could very well be the same elves that mind controlled other sentient creatures, or took part in draining the Naaru. So…

Except it is, or else you wouldn’t have to station a High elf representative in the first place. If the narrative was suppose to be that the high elves didn’t need the Sunwell they wouldn’t have deliberately wrote the story of having the blood elves welcome them, or put any of the effort into placing all the High elf npcs around the well either. Auric himself literally makes a speech about the importance of the Sunwell, and how they all need to come together to defend it. I commonly risk my life for things I don’t need or care about. :slight_smile:

Um no… Umbric was literally a magister of Quel’thalas. And guess who was guilty of making the decision to drain the Naaru?

Did you miss the whole he got booted part?

Not before they joined the Horde. They make it very clear that they served the Horde, but were never truly loyal to them. Umbric was a magister for the Blood elves when the naaru was being drained.

Seems like you are making an argument neither should get the title :slight_smile:

No, it just seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. If it’s reasonable that High elves could forgive, and join the Void elves, then it’s reasonable that the same could be said for the Blood elves. Especially when the leader of the Void elves was one of the Elves responsible for the draining of the Naaru.

Plus High elves are highly inconsistent anyways, they don’t act as a coordinated whole, and don’t typically share common opinions, or goals with each other either. That being said, no one can really say what they would, or wouldn’t do as they tend to operate individually anyway. Some may decide to remain with the Alliance, others might decide to return home to Quel’thalas, these options allow the players to reflect those origins, and choices.


Sure they could “go home” now give a reason why they wouldn’t take the name blood elf to honor their fallen kin since they now apparently are fine with the blood elves many misdeeds as well as the hordes.

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I mean the “why” is up to each individual, just as it is for any Void elf player who wishes to identify their character as a high elf as well.


I think it would be best if the “High Elf” name just died/faded away.

Too much controversy and arguments over a name.


Yeah, I agree. It isn’t really making the argument look good from both parties. But as I said in an earlier post, everyone, Blood Elf or Void Elf, can chose to identify as a High Elf or as a Blood Elf/Void Elf. The arguments are really starting to go nowhere.

The antis like to say blizzard gave an inch and we are trying to take a mile.

In reality we asked for a mile (A fully separate allied race with possible unique model) and now we are requesting for blizzard to meet us halfway (Racial toggle for void elves, blood elf hair styles and colors, and paladin class)


I think we need to move beyond that. undead should receive paladins.

So, here is to Alliance High Elves via Void Elves then :beer: :elf:

It’s good their are options for ppl to have this.

Considering void elves were forcibly turned, and are former blood elves, is this the argument you want to go with?

I personally plan to rp my high elf as separate from void elves as much as is allowed.

And I would still prefer high elves to be their own race, or for there to be a toggle which opens up other classes and changes the name. There should be a toggle for all the race customization being rolled into another race.


True. But I still wish there was an option to disable that effect on the Entropic Embrace. I really do dislike that effect.