High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Except they still use the Void to actively corrupt Azeroth, and it’s wild life. We see them quite literally channeling the eggs into baby raptor eggs. And you DO realize that these Void elves also participated in all the events you just mentioned right?

My only issue is with the idea that elves who choose not to take the blood elf name would come back after the blood elves have spent the past decade being the epitome of evil including mind controlling their own citizens. Blue eyes coming back when actively not exposed to fel fine. High elves leaving the SC/alliance lands and willingly joining with what blood elves have become and still keeping the name high elf. Eh not so much just doesn’t really fit.

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Can I just say that those two Blood Elves who were getting mind-controlled would add so much more plausibility to Umbric’s story about how him and his followers never really agreed with the Sin’dorei’s decision to join the Horde? Seeing them as Void Elves would make me love Void Elves so much more. It would also kind of make them feel like less of an afterthought, lol.


Yep mutating wild life to understand their curse is certainly on the same level as mind controlling your own freaking citizens /s


I… I need this.

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They weren’t mutating wild life to understand the curse, they did it to create void constructs to assist in the assault. They were literally killing babies and you’re comparing it to a mind control skit in a time-locked city that hasn’t been updated since the burning crusade?

That and the Void elves are the VERY same blood elves who committed all those atrocities, only WORSE because now they’re studying the void, corrupting their bodies and minds with it, and pose a threat to the sanctity of the Sunwell. It’s really hard to be any more of a targeted antichrist to a race than the void elves are to the entire high elven race.

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They were killing animals you know the thing that we do constantly in wow or did you miss the whole murder hobo thing. No you are right it’s not comparable in the slightest mind controlling your own citizens is far far far far far worse.

Also not sure if you got the memo but high elves don’t need the sunwell just the addicts who used fel rather than fight through it do.


Monori, with Vereesa Windrunner still being Anti horde, I highly doubt she and the Silver Covenant would join the Horde to rename themselves to Blood Elves. But the possibility is endless on what can happen in the future. Anything can happen, or nothing could happen at all.

I am pretty sure the Warcraft Universe is the same as the real universe: The future is unpredictable. The only ones who really does have a plan of the future is the ones who are writing the story.

I mean yeah they have some absolutely terrible writers looks at darkshore but logically it wouldn’t make sense.

I don’t blame the writers, I blame the devs. Because some just want to skip stuff that could be important to the game, and I believe, my opinion ofcourse, that BfA could’ve had a good story. But it was just how things were implemented. And every expansion has stuff cut out from the game, so this comes as no surprise.

Nah Darkshore is all the writers that isn’t on the devs. The whole idiocy of raising night elf heroes as loyal to the horde that’s on the writers same with Nathanos being able to beat empowered Tyrande and her needing to be saved instead of him having to run and be saved from her.

Also Nathanos in general is due to he who must not be named having a thing for him since vanilla.


We’re never able to kill babies (or VERY rarely), not even baby murlocs. The fact that they chose babies of ALL things says quite a bit on their ethics. And this just in, we’ve already made it clear that the blood elf narrative has evolved, so keep repeating a skit from a time-locked zone like it’s relevant. Or conveniently ignore the fact that the very void elves you’re going to be playing are guilty of all the things you’re accusing the blood elves for.

Except clearly the High elves do need the Sunwell considering we can clearly see them making their pilgrimages to it. It matters enough for Auric himself to rally the High elves over defending it with the Blood elves. even.

Yeah I guess they should have decided to become void glowsticks instead.

I’m sorry when did the void elves mind control living sentient creatures and torture angels for power?

Making pilgrimages to pay respect doesn’t mean they need it. It’s a symbolic place but they don’t “need it”

I suggest running through any low level starting zone you can kill critters all you want.

Also I likely won’t be playing void elves because blizzard refuses to drop faction barriers and the majority of decent content is on the horde especially if you play odd inconsistent hours.

They share the same past as the Sin’dorei, sadly. They’re just as guilty of this as the Blood Elves are. Unless Blizzard has said something else?

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Nah they were booted before the blood elves joined the horde is I believe the story. Umbric has also claimed they were against joining the horde so idk.

As I said, it is just how things are implemented that leads it to being bad off. And what Activision does can also effect Blizzard as well (Prime example of the lay offs of employees some time ago now.)

Now, as much as I would love to see Alliance High Elves becoming a seperate playable Allied Race, I got to also accept that Blizzard could have other plans in the future. Now, I believe that these new customisations that are coming in Shadowlands is the sign that we could be getting playable High Elves, but just not with High Elves in the name plate. And some Anti’s and Pro’s are happy to accept that, some aren’t, as we can see on the forums.

Only thing I would like to see with the Void Elves mainly is an toggle option to disable the effect of when Entropic Embrace pops. But some people are really being harsh on that towards me about my idea. But, this is the forums. Should come as no surprise there.

I don’t think Blizzard was actually ever specific on their timeline. But if that is actually the case, that’d be awesome. I’m pretty sure it isn’t, though. One of Umbric’s lines is; “I always knew Alliance had better magic than the Horde”, or some bs. So, by association, Void Elves are kind of guilty of torturing M’uru too.

Then they would have paladins though.

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I don’t think Umbric’s followers were specifically Blood Knights. I’m pretty sure they mostly consisted of other Magisters and the likes.

Also, the Light and Void don’t work together; Velf paladins would die.

I mean I shouldn’t be able to exist either

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