High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Exactly. The void theme belonged to shadow priests. Their entire legion campaigned focused around Xal’atath, the mysteries of the void, and how they could use it to their advantage without succumbing to its power.

Maghar orcs and the Arakkoa are examples of races that have void worship as part of their culture, but there’s so much more to them than that and even then their void worship is mainly put onto priests (where it should rightfully be) making it just a piece to their overall puzzle.

Then we have Void elves, whose whole culture revolves around the void, right? We don’t even know, because it hasn’t been explained at all. It doesn’t make sense to stick one class theme onto a race and give them absolutely nothing else. Just think of Night elves, how every single playable class has a different theme and a key role to their society. Void elves? Nada.

Just how are they going to tie in classes like warrior into the void theme? It just won’t make any sense. Every single Blood elf in the recruitment scenario was a mage or a warlock. Not even a single priest was present, the void class, it’s just unbelievable. So even now the playable classes are a stretch on lore, yet we have people that want to deny Paladin, -_- it’s a cruel joke.


First of all, the Horde as a whole was under the impression that they were going to occupy Teldrassil, not destroy it. The decision to burn all the Night elves in a fire, and all of the other “Evil” decisions Sylvanas made were all revealed to be orchestrated by her in front of Orgimmar in front of everyone before she did her little voldemort flying trick.

Anyone could have seen that the Blood elves played a huge role in overthrowing and taking down Sylvanas, from allying with the Alliance to fight N’zoth and Azshara, to emassing with the Alliance to confront Sylvanas.

The whole Blood elf arc is a story of redemption for their race, and the idea that some High elves might see this and decide to return home is not hard to believe.

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But the fact that some High Elves may stay within the Alliance or join the Void Elves is also not hard to believe as well.

I honestly think that’s basically the more plausible scenario. Even if the High Elves are neutral about what the Blood Elves are doing now, they definitely shouldn’t be happy about the rest of the Horde. They should still view the other races as monsters, who have actively tried hunting them down before.


I completely agree. And if a Void elf player decides they want to identify as a High elf that option should be open to them, just as it should be to a Blood elf.

Eh, I think the fact that so many members of the horde gathered to fight and overthrow a corrupt leader was a pretty good sign that they aren’t monsters. And with an active peace treaty in agreement I could see even more High elves being open to the idea of returning to Quel’thalas.



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At the end of the day it makes more sense for Void Elves (Alliance aligned Thalassians) to identify as High Elves than it does for Blood Elves. They’ve joined the Alliance which is the faction that High Elves and their actual High Elven Organization the Silver Covenant are part of. They’re also seen hanging out with regular Non-Void Studying high elves in Stormwind.


That was literally just Horde vs Horde. Blood Elves would have been on both Saurfang’s and Sylvannas’s side. And if we can use Vereesa as an indication of anything, the High Elves were there to fight with the Alliance, against the actual, real, Horde.

Undead and Orcs have both tried hunting down High Elves before(same with the other races, but those two are the most prominent). There’s no reason for our Quel’dorei to forgive them.

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Sure there is, and that’s not one group anymore. There were different reasons for groups of high elves to split from the main group, Blood Elves. Some of those conditions are no longer present and other conditions have had a great deal of time pass. Those who remained in the Alliance because that’s where their home happened to be, might have found that after a number of cataclysmic events their home in the Alliance is no longer there.

If any group in WoW is not a monolith, that would be high elves.

That isn’t the question I asked though, I asked, why would an elf who has made the choice to become a Void elf, choose to identify as anything besides a Void elf? And is there any example of this happening among the Void elves? Do you not see the nature of asking this question? And why you are unable to answer it yourself.

Eh it definitely felt more like a battle against Sylvanas, and considering she pretty much revealed that she was the bad guy pulling the strings at the end like some villian twirling his mustache certainly put that in perspective. So well in perspective the rest of the Horde immediately turns on her in fact. I’d say that was a wonderful demonstration of the Horde being able to discern good from evil.

Plus it certainly seemed like the majority of the races followed their leaders, as most of the blood elf units were either with Lor’themar or working together with the Night elves under Halduron.

Eh this doesn’t necessarily mean High elves hate them, heck there was a Blood Elf near Quel’danil lodge who gives you some quest for his Orc buddies in Orgimmar.

Did they stop mind controlling dissidents finally?

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Isn’t almost all of Silvermoon time-locked to the burning crusade?

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So no then

Yeah they’re all busy corrupting their bodies with the voi- oh wait.

Torturing angels for power, lying to gain new allies. Mind controlling their own people. Attacking the group that sanctified the sunwell. All just a day in the life of a noble blood elf.


I get this. But honestly, the High Elves we’ve seen represented in the game, regardless of their alignment to Wildhammer Dwarves, Dalaran or whatever else, have mostly been Alliance-aligned or Alliance leaning. By them rejoining their old people in Silvermoon, they’re basically betraying everyone who has done right by them, and that kind of seems to be a theme that they’re against. Remember that these High ELves literally had to be sheltered from the world and the Horde(to an extent).

I have no doubt in my mind that Auric or any other High Elf would decline an offer to rejoin the Sin’dorei, even if made by Lor’themar himself.

From the perspective of our characters in WoW, it really wasn’t. It was Alliance and Saurfang’s Horde versus the Horde. The Horde were willing to die for Sylvanas, right up until she freaked out the way she did. They only turned on Sylvanas because she scorned them.

If those Quel’dorei ballistas were supposed to represent High Elven forces being there, then both them and Vereesa were working for Anduin, ready to sack Orgrimmar and take it from the Horde. I’m probably being biased, but to me, that would suggest that High Elves still aren’t very fond of the Horde and its races.

I’m pretty sure he’s the exception. And even then, he’s friendly towards the Alliance pc and neutral to the Horde pc, iIrc.


Yeah I guess turning yourself into a void abomination, and directly channeling the void into baby wild life is the pinnacle of noble. Clearly the standards for the high elves is high.

Difference here is in the case of the void elves they were kidnapped and being turned into ethereals when saved. EVERYTHING I just mentioned and more was done completely willingly by the blood elves. Fairly sure the mind controlling dissidents who don’t agree with the aristocrats might just maybe piss some of the high elves off maybe.

And it hasn’t been very much time since BC has passed - such atrocities would not be forgotten quickly by the High Elves who rejected such practices.
And frankly, not every Blood Elf would have been vocal about not wanting to be working alongside Orcs/Trolls. The Forsaken were more their allies than anything, and they were there out of borderline desperation.

For every High Elf thats returned to Quel’thalas, there’s likely a similar amount of Sin’dorei who don’t want Quel’thalas to be associated with the Horde. We’re talking about stuck-up nationalistic elves with superiority complexes; they left the Alliance when they weren’t of use to them anymore. They can have that mindset towards the Horde too.

PS: Silver Covenant/Regular High Elves are not Void Elves. Void Elves are Blood Elves.

We’re going to see individual elves potentially swap sides, and there’s nothing wrong with that and it’s actually interesting. There’s a potential of a second “civil war” (gosh, I hate using that term rn) brewing with Quel’thalas, especially with Kael potentially being able to have some words towards anybody.

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I agree. I don’t see the problem with that.

But some people, Anti or Pro, do have a problem with that, which I have no clue on to why people would want to have problems with it. In the end, both Blood Elves and Void Elves players have every right to identified whether they want to be a High Elf, or a Blood Elf/Void Elf, and with all the customisations coming in Shadowlands, that is what the plan is. Only thing is, the name will still be either Blood Elf, or Void Elf. But what it says on the nameplate does not mean you have to be what it says on the nameplate.