High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I really want either Void Elves or (if they’re ever made playable) our High Elves to get human and dwarf hairstyles and beards. I really love how those two races are already sharing some; it really goes to show how strong their bond is.


He does that a lot. And I honestly don’t think he reads what he’s writing about.


Oh man, if you ever saw the customization options that BDO has in there system, you’ll be wishing for that xD

EDIT: In case people are wondering what I mean with there character customization?


Blood Elves I desperately want undead BE skins red eyes included, the video you shared from the old mega thread on the dev comments on Golden eyes and player choice have me believe they would do the same for anyone who wants the Undead BE Dark Ranger look regardless of class it would just be them giving player choice to say that’s your character. (Though I also support Sen’layn and hope that doesn’t effect them, but I really see undead BE’s raised by Sylvanas as different from Sen’layn / Venthyr)

I want NE black hair.

Void Elf red eyes.

More hair styles for all.

I wish for a Nathanos model for Forsaken but eh.

The skinny Kul Tiran.

Tattoos for basically all races but hopefully distinctive for each, like Nightborne should get cool Highborne esque arcane type stuff.

Now on to High Elves :slight_smile: I really like the models in the OP tbh, I would want the option for Golden eyes on them as well, maybe a light brown too, JEWELRY but actually apply this to all the elf races (for both male and female characters)


So long as you can’t make horrifying Slenderman people…

Why hasn’t this happened already?!

And yes, Wizard Beards for all!


Well, not all. We don’t want the feminine male dwarves to look too much like the other male dwarves now, do we? And we don’t have any Male Blood Elves in game, so no point with Blood Elves either

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I personally don’t think a system like that would suit WoW. What I’d do is give each race a selection of preset faces/noses/eyes/ears/lips and all that others stuff, so they still look like they belong to each respective people.

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Yeah, I know a system like that doesn’t really belong to WoW, but there is ways to actually to go really hardcore on customisations for WoW without a complete overhaul on the system (virtually, just presets like how it mostly is now).

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BDO’s customisation is god tier

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I know right. I spent almost 6 hours in customization when creating a witch because there was so many options to chose from and so much to work with to how I like it to look.

I have seen a lot of games with a lot of customization’s, but as soon as I started playing BDO and seeing theirs, nothing can compete

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Flashbacks to the old Oblivion customization systems.


The OP art looks exactly like belfs besides the backwards broken back look of male belfs. Imo

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It is ridiculous to suggest that an ethnic group divided politically for 30 years would demonstrate different physiological appearances that are unique. It goes against all the lore established, and all common sense for that matter.

And writing the high elves into the void elves means you get all the precious lore you care for, so again, why do you need a new racial slot with normal skin tones unless the focus was on their appearance and not the lore?

They literally gave thunder lightning to Jaina in a completely irresponsible move, and have largely acted selfish and without consideration. Its in their character.

No, we just need to water down the blood elf group because you want human skin tones instead of writing additional story that would add additional lore and depth to void elves.

Woah, sure it does, because your request is that of an existing race. This immediately affects player choice. It waters down the faction differences and makes choice matter less.
nightborne and void elves are designed differently from their parent races to avoid this as well.
Pandaren are neutral, and are shared equally unlike your request which is to essentially make a race neutral.

The other side does have that race. And anything they don’t get would be unequal in design and morally unfair to the group that had it as a core race first.

high elves are divided in allegiances.
You have void elves. Play em.
If you want the BE look, roll a BE.

Not for a video game.
What I find a ridiculous mindset is the belief that you need a racial slot, with different skin tones and a different model/stance/hairstyle for what you argue is a desire to experience lore.
While also saying that the same group which is on the Horde, can’t have these options for…reasons. Do you not see the contradiction?

If you are the same race, you stay on your parent race’s faction. Deal with it.
High elves wont happen, and shouldn’t happen.
Want to look like a non-voidy elf? Go Horde.

We must be playing a different game. Perhaps TERA?

Clearly you have issues understanding what I stated, or you’re in a different world of your own again.

That sounds like a reading comprehension on your part.
Pointing out your lore arguments are flawed does not make it my argument.

High elves for no reason, suddenly look completely different from blood elves, who are the same race as them. :thinking:

That would be headcanon on your part since there is nothing to state it.

Blood elves live in a place without sunlight?

They are literally the same population.

You mean the dark skin high elf who is a dragon? Which doesn’t matter since…everyone can get a tan by standing in the sun?

You’re right, you can work out (farstriders, blood knights), not be athletic (magisters), maybe in between.
So…again…why would blood elves not have access to the same builds? Lore wise speaking because, that is your focus.

My living in Italy wouldn’t stop me from having the same build as someone in Oklahoma dude. Sorry.

Homogenizing factions is limiting design, not embracing it.

Translation: I don’t agree with you, so your points are invalid.

Good talk, but I am not the one making the request for 14 years. So I think your points are less substantiated than my own.

Dang, I thought I laid the sarcasm thick enough there but wow.
My point was literally pointing out how lore DIDN’T matter. Can we address what people say, and not the imaginary one you come up with?

Probably because you’re willfully misunderstanding what is stated.


Just wanna say the High Elf drawings all looked really good!


Oh look, logic of the Anti’s too.

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No, in one post you say lore doesn’t matter. Then in another you say it does. Maybe it’s because sarcasm can be tough to interpret someimes in text, I don’t know.


It’s because he is trying to sound like he knows what he is talking about.


My disagreeing with you =/= declaring your view invalid.
Quit working so hard for acceptance Sara.


You mean the one where I was sarcastic?

Why would I, who has repeatedly stated the high elf issue is a design one, say lore matters after declaring it doesn’t?

Let’s be real now.

Loredoesn’t matter at all to the devs. If it did, we’d have quite a bit more races to pick from who are also alliance.

That isn’t even good b8 m8.
I r8, 0/8 on this d8.

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Yeah, this sums it about up.


Ah, we are doing this game?

Helfers want high elves because they want to be pale pretty elves, but don’t want to be Horde. Its a shame really that thelore doesn’t matter to them.

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