High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Which is exactly my point.
In what way, does it make sense lore wise, for high elves to be tan and not blood elves? When they are the exact same population group? You can’t state you are in for the lore, then say “but lore wise this makes sense” when it absolutely does not.

That makes no sense that it would ruin them. If anything, that would make a good story. Former blood elves and former high elves coming together and reuniting in this interesting fashion?
All this seems like is an excuse to demand an entire racial slot, for something that can be written out with a sentence.


  1. You can’t tell people what does and does not affect them.
  2. It does affect them because you have what they have, and then some.
  3. Its bad game design.

If factions are dictated by their races, then repeating them isn’t beneficial.

Yes, yes you do, because you’re trying to say
“these people who are the exact same race, have the same origins, have different options because…uh… we just want high elves.”
There is no lore that would justify such differences tht would make any sense.
You can’t be a lore warrior then ignore it for the sake of a playable option.
Roll a void elf if you want different options.

It doesn’t when you’re arguing high elves would be different in appearance from blood elves entirely.

Your lore justifiction is for a gameplay change that I am opposed. Dumb question.

Where have I ever advocated for lore? This just looks like a long strawman where you make things up.

Transference on your part.

How about I explain it to you?

Lore: Doesn’t matter to you.
Why? You suggest changes that are lore breaking. High elves are tan, but blood elves are not? Why?
Build is different from blood elves? WHy? Makes no sense story wise

Design? Doesn’t matter to you
why? If they are the same race, why are they suddenly different?

That is your choice to be upset archmage. If someone says they do not agree with you, and you feel its upsetting, that is a choice on your part. Let alone, do pros not do the same? Would that not be toxic then? Or is it toxic only because there are those who do not support high elves?

This is a good joke

I was referring to how blood elves themselves are known as a Horde group in its entirety.
high elves? They aren’t the same place. They vary widely.

There is, primarily because you are requesting what is available on the Horde. I am not stating you’re trying to steal anything. I am stating, however, you are requesting a race which is exclusive to the Horde, and wanting them to no longer be this way.
It detracts from the uniqueness of the factions, and this uniqueness does take precedence over the high elves as part of design.

It really doesn’t.
There is no lore regarding Ganon being a Gerudo for the Legend of Zelda, and yet that game is completely celebrated.
This also applies in terms of WoW.
You want to know how?

The devs admitted chunk of the Horde’s story was left unfinished because the game itself needed to be completed in time..
Gameplay > lore
Lore is decoration. You don’t need lore for anything.
Most people also don’t know lore.

You can’t claim its “their” race to play, when its not playble, and its on the Horde. This isn’t GM RP, this is common sense and being educated on business and game design. Sorry you feel intimidated.

Nope. You can THINK its important, but it isn’t.

It isn’t.
It goes like this

“Let’s make a video game.”
“What type?”
“RTS with a birds eye view.”
“Cool, let’s design it”
“What about the characters and stuff?”
“Humans and orcs”
“What’s the story. I dont know lets do that later just need someone for theplayer to fight.”


Quoting system broke for some reason. I looked, sighed, and didn’t bother fixing it.

Your justification is lore, but your request is one that affects game design and gameplay. A design choice I do not agree with, why do you insist on thinking your story means more than the game?

It is an odd question though.

Nope. I do enjoy playing video games though and you can’t exactly do that nd type on the forum at the same time.

looks at the proudmoore family
looks at Rexxar who uses the same model as playable Kul Tiran models

“But lore…”

No idea how to respond to this rather bizarre response.

That is indeed what he is suggesting, given that in WoW, such differences in build and skin options suggest ethnic differences due to the way the game is designed. So, why would high elves have such differences from their blood elves in such an exclusive fashion unless they were ethnically different?
If they are not ethnically different, and only physiologically different, why would blood elf players not have access to such a model?
Why is this acceptable for lore hounds when there is no lore friendly means of explaining these differences?

I really love the High Elf priest look!

The artwork people make always just amazes me.


It’s amazing I am still seeing art I haven’t seen before! It’s also cool how this thread has grown… much faster than the troll threads.


Anyways, I am here to show my love and support for playable High Elves for the Alliance.

Time to bring back the positivity to this thread.


It’s the power of


And I am constantly blown away by the HE artwork there are no words :sob:


I’ve never played Hearth stone. What is the stories for those elves?

I’ve never played it either and kinda am curious too!


I think, I maybe wrong, but I think it is the same story as within WoW with the Elves that you see in Hearthstone, since Hearthstone, you got mostly stuff from the Warcraft Universe.

But as I said, I maybe wrong.


Hearthstone is a completely separate universe from the Warcraft one. There is no story behind Vereesa and the other elf’s appearance.

Interesting. It’s a card game from what I remember. Are they named? I should check it out but I’m lazy.

political preference does not lead to biological change. a dalaran SC elf doesnt lead a life any more physically demanding then a farstrider. and i would argue halduron and his farstriders live much more demanding lives then vereesa and whatever paltry force she can muster as they actually patrol the borders of the high elf kingdom. the SC walk a beat around a city if they are still around

she literally spends her days in a cramped apartment with 2 half elven children. “hmm done re stringing my bow for the sixth time today, time to make dinner and then get ready for our SC meeting where all 12 of us left will be assembled for the first time in over a month! i wonder whos winning the fourth war so far.” :pinching_hand:

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It’s never interested me to play… but some of the lines I’ve seen posted on discord from people who do play between the characters are pretty iconic


I dunno, the only time when I played Hearthstone was to just get the Hearthsteed mount, and that is it.


So you’re saying lore does matter? I agree with you on some stuff. But this you seem to bounce around alot.

They aren’t the same population group. They have been living apart for 30ish years.

The idea that they must receive exactly the same treatment, especially since both groups are different from the one they started from, is ridiculous

That’s already happening since they both fight under the Alliance.

The idea that all large amounts of High Elves would want to get corrupted in the Void Aberrations is not a sound concept.

We don’t need Void Elves getting watered down and changed to make some of the High Elf fans kinda happy.

One is an extreme take on the Blood Elf fantasy and the other is the High Elf fantasy.

  1. It is easy to see it has no effect on gameplay at all. It doesn’t affect anything to see a similar character on the opposite faction. It already happens with Blood Elves/Void Elves, Night Elves/Nightborne, Pandaria/Pandaren.
  2. The other side doesn’t have them and anything they get the other side would not have gotten anyway.
  3. The complain about the other examples listed.

High Elves are already part of the Alliance as well as Void Elves. It’s not affecting Blood Elves at all.

This is a completely ridiculous mindset.

You don’t need to be a different race to have a different Haircut.

You don’t need to be a different race to get a tan.

You don’t need to be a different race to be buffer/slimmer/fatter.

You don’t need to be a different race to walk/move different.

It changes nothing in the lore to show add any of these things. And if they did something so big it needed a lore clarification then it would just be adding new lore.

All Allied Races got alterations before becoming playable. Accept it.

They already are. That’s why people are asking for them.


Scroll up.

You keep flip flopping when it suits your arguments.

Then you’re just straight up wrong.

They aren’t. Some come directly from the lore.

Because they live in different environments. They are separate populations.

I already linked a Dark Skin High Elf. That shows they are posible.

Because they live in different environments. They are separate populations.

You don’t need to be mutated or a different race to have a slight build change.

Only if you play dumb.

They live in different environments. They are separate populations.

That’s embracing design. Not ignoring it.

Geep arguing it if you want. But none of your points here stand.


So long as we are on the subject.

What are some possible customization additions/options you guys would like to see added?

Anything you would really like to see?


For any races? Or just HEs? Or just Thalassian Elves?


The option to adjust your height.


Know what. Whatever you feel like.

This is a positivity thread afterall.

I would love to see that too.

Needs a massive game engine change sadly.

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