High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I don’t understand why anyone would think that weakens the argument for them. There are as many reasons to want them as there are people asking for them. Wanting them for their aesthetic is as legit a reason as any IMO. The fact that they exist as Alliance NPC’s just made the call for them much easier to justify.

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Is she just a troll, though? I’ve seen her in these threads for a bit now, and she genuinely seems to put effort into her posts and has a lot of good points, and she doesn’t necessarily have a bad attitude about us?

You’re right, it’s a perfectly valid reason to want a race, but there should normally be other reasons too(not that it really matters much), especially when we’re kind of “taking” a similar thing from the Horde.


I consider anyone a troll who is continuously proven wrong and continues to spread their incorrect viewpoint on lore.

They frequently ignore our other reasons.


Pretty sure Cezol calls anyone who disagrees with him a troll. It can’t be helped. But no, I can enjoy a conversation with anyone who’s willing to be civil, and fair, which unfortunately isn’t everyone.


Yeah, a lot of them do. I was just saying how ironic it is to see Antis are now claiming to have the genuine High Elves, solely because of the blue eyes, blonde hair and paladin class.


The blood elves left the high elf name behind. Some didn’t get the memo I guess.


I wasn’t pushing anything, onto anyone. I asked him a question, and he responded. In fact he’s the one trying to tell me what I can, and can’t do based off his headcanon.

And I can see you took all of that other stuff I said to him seriously, so I guess you missed the disclaimer?

I guess it’s just amusing that the same line of thought he was trying to use on me, was just as easily applied to him.


There is still no high elves as playable characters. A blood elf with blue eyes or a void elf with high elf skin still isn’t a high elf. So, nothing changes.

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I think our best option would be to ask for the “Alleria Experience” for Void Elves.

Where she still has all her High Elf themes and features but also has all her Void stuff added to that.

We also need to keep on with the request for Lore updates stating that Void Elves are joining up with High Elves.

Some good suggestions are-

  • Allerian Stronghold fallows after their leader and starts studying the Void.
  • The Void Elves join up with the Silver Covenant to farm use their infrastructure and teach the Silver Covenant how to use the Void.
  • Highvale are trying to learn balance and Allera offers them to teach them how to use the Void. (Very iffy but a neat path to Paladins)

We also need to keep requesting additional customizations for all aspects of Void Elves like Allera Tattoos or new Hair Colors.

They seem to be listening so lets keep at it!


Which has never been a “staple” of High Elves, so it’s laughable to see.

Staple “High Elf” classes are Hunter, Priest, and Mage.


I never said a person couldn’t RP as a High Elf that defected to the Horde/Silvermoon.

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If you didn’t agree with the choices of the past you wouldn’t be on the horde lol.


Post messed up

I don’t tend to godwin but what the hell I though that we aka the pros were supposedly the supremacists according to antis anyway.

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If someone who wants to RP an unique backstory of being a High Elf who returns to Silvermoon I don’t think there’s anything stopping that. Im talking about the groups as a whole. As a GROUP no one calls the Horde Thalassians High Elves. Why would they start now?


I mean this conversation only started when you said only the Void elves should be able to identify as High elves.

I don’t see how those two things relate. The narrative of the Blood elves has changed a lot over the years, after all, and after all of Lor’themar’s gestures of good will I would hardly be surprised by the idea of some deciding to return home.

But you see that same question can be asked of you.

Why would Void elves suddenly start identifying as High elves? Have we ever seen that happen before? Is there any proof that a Void elf would do that? And if you’re going to say “It’s the whole purpose for these customizations!” I’m going to have to let you know that the door swings both ways.

It’s the same logic used for Sand troll customizations on darkspear trolls. Sand Trolls are not a horde race, they’re an enemy clan to the Darkspears even, but that doesn’t mean every single Sand troll on the Horde identifies as a Darkspear troll.

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Because the stuff the horde has gotten up to is even worse than the stuff that the blood elves did on their own that caused the rift.

There’s a big difference when the point of contention are the members of the race itself, and when it’s other members of the same faction. Even less so when the source of conflict was forcibly removed. The point is that the Blood elves have evolved quite a bit since the original splintering, many of reasons that led to some division are no longer a problem, and with the Sunwell restored there’s reason enough for any High elf on Azeroth to decide it’s worth returning home and protecting.

No it’s not rofl. Maybe in your head canon but in reality the blood elves have participated in horrific war crimes including genociding another race of elves. Did you miss the whole deliberate parallel between silvermoon’s fall and teld’s?

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