High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

oh i loved the nb rep grind. the story was interesting and indepth and suramar is the prettiest city wow has ever made.

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I’m not sure what you’re saying exactly but my take on this is that they should be called different things like they have been throughout WoW. That’s not to say that people can’t RP as a High Elf that rejoined the Blood Elves if they want but to me it’s silly to call all of the elves High Elves when the game and characters reference them as different people. I don’t think there’s any need to muddy the waters calling Blood Elves “High Elves” when they don’t refer to themselves as such in game.

High Elves = Alliance Thalassians

Blood Elves = Horde Thlassians.

If it were up to me though I would probably have made them have more differences since we’re getting (at least some) customization through Void Elves.

1.) I would have kept the eye color difference. Blue and a few other colors for High Elves and Green/Gold and a few others for Blood Elves. I personally liked that difference but its w/e now.

2.) I would have gave them a different model or tweaked the Blood Elf model a bit. Maybe a difference stance and a few different animations. There could have been lore reasons to justify them looking a little different. Different lifestlyes in a diferent environment could have changed them a bit. Adaptation/evolution can happen at the blink of an eye in WoW so its easily explained.


I’m glad you liked it, but like I said, I will never step foot in Suramar again if I don’t have to.

They needed a lot more impact upon their introduction and a much better foundation. They came out of nowhere, are completely unrelated to the events of the Legion campaign (the biggest problem with them, IMO) and at best look like filler to the allied race roster.


That’s certainly an opinion to have. I appreciate you sharing it.

The NB storyline actually made me sad that I missed the Legion expansion, because I fell in love with it. I didn’t have an interest in unlocking anything, I just accidentally picked up the quest to search for Thalyssra and then realized a few hours later that I still doing a questline for the previous expansion.

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Yeah, kinda like how Void elves are a different thing from high elves too. Probably shouldn’t muddy up those waters either, you know, if we’re going by your logic.

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I’m not really a fan of the Void Niche for an overall race. Maybe as a sub group of that race. THat said however if they wanted to make the Void Elves less out of nowhere they could have introduced them on Argus. They could have been Elves who were part of the Alliance Expedition to Draenor that survived and were fighting alongside Turalyon & Alleria during their time in the nether. They could have followed Alleria’s footsteps in taking up Void Magic. They would have been Alliance heroes from the Beyond the Dark Portal campaign and we could have had them as an active force on Argus.


Well they’re both Thalassian Elves that are on the Alliance. THat’s the difference.

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Unfortunately it wasn’t the path they took. But I do agree that they should have. We still don’t know what happened to the armies that accompanied turalyon and alleria.


Okay, but only one is playable. Why muddy up the waters and confuse people with two races under one? Why not just keep them as the Void elves? Why would any High elf who chooses to consort with the void and join the Void elves ever decide to call themselves a High elf anyway?

Those are my thoughts as well. Looking at how the Argus campaign was written, I think the void thing was originally supposed to be an Alleria-only thing. That way she’d mirror Turalyon’s being a lightforged human, since the writers were on a light & shadow bend.

It’d be a lot more believable if it had been a number of high elves that went through the change, and Alleria was just one of them.


Well for one, they’re already getting some of the key options to look like High Elves and they’re on the faction which High Elves are sided with. Secondly if this is the option blizzard is pursuing to deliver High Elves to Alliance then I think they should just rename the race tbh. High Elves is a better over all name for the playable race with the Void Elves as one of their sub groups. Better yet give the player the option to tag themselves as a High or Void Elf through the customization options with your choice of racial to fit the Void or High Aesthetic.

It makes more sense than calling a Blood Elf a High Elf.



This doesn’t make them playable, and this also doesn’t explain why a High elf who chooses to become a Void elf would ever still call themselves a High elf. After all, we have no examples of this happening in game.

(And to anyone else reading, I have no problem with a Void elf, or blood elf identifying as a high elf, I’m merely applying his own logic against him.)

I mean if we’re going to infer whatever we want from these new customizations, who’s to say that these options weren’t designed to give both sides High elves? Perhaps the Blood elves will inherit all the pure High elves who still worship the light and the Sunwell, and give all the void high elves to the alliance to worship the dark? You know, since we’re making random inferences with no evidence and all.

Right, tell me, which one of us is going to have the option of playing the fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired paladin elf in the game? And which one of us is playing the elf mutated by the void and shadows? Who feels more like a High elf again? Because I know I won’t be the one glowing like a void popsicle during battlegrounds.

Shrug indeed.

I think we are arguing in circles

For my part, unless I see something that I do not agree with, I will stop arguing with the prohelfs.

I am going to wait until June 9 and they explain what they did, I think it is what they are doing, sunwell that restored the eyes of the blood elfs, and the alliance was given by the elves who are learning from void with alleria and umbric

some are waiting for subraces and I think it is something that is not going to happen but as I say you have to wait until June 9 and explain

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Well we were told for many years that the only difference between High Elves and Blood Elves was that the only difference was political. Void and High Elves as well as High Elves studying the Void are all part of the Alliance putting them at political odds with the Horde which the Blood Elves are allied to.


I don’t understand the obsession by some to want the name High Elf on the horde when no Horde Thalassian elf has ever been shown referring to themselves as “High Elf.” I’m not sure why they would start now directly after a war just took place between their respective factions. THat’s not saying someone can’t RP as a High Elf that defected back to the Horde or as a Blood Elf who defects to the Alliance but I don’t know why they would take up that name when they’ve never been shown to do so as of yet. It’s likely the “Blue Eye” option for the Blood Elves is a result of the Sunwell being cleansed.


I’d laugh if Blizzard said that our blue-eyed Void Elves were just the blue-eyed Blood Elves from the Horde, lmao.

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There it is again “pure high elves”, that phrase gives me the willies. No one gives a crap about your racial purity test on playable characters in a World of Warcraft.

High elves are certainly not all blue eyed and blonde, it’s really weird that you hold on to that. A lot of high elves have black, red, brown, blue and silver hair, and some high elves have violet eyes.

Being a Paladin was also never a defining trait of the high elves.

Once again, I think you’re off your rocker and trying to argue something that doesn’t need to be argued.

I’m only replying because people reading this thread need to see that others think you are getting on with nonsense. Let people be happy, and continue to be happy with your own head canon—but stop trying to push it on others, it’s not a good look.


Don’t worry Trollsong is very well known in most of the High Elf threads.

Let her throw her tantrum because she knows lore supports the Alliance having the actual group that refers to themselves as “High Elf”, and our options are canonically the closest any player can get to that. :heart:

For these past few years, antis were claiming that we only cared about High Elves because they were “pure”, had blonde hair and blue eyes, to weaken our argument, saying our love for them was only based superficial reasons.

It kind of feels ironic to see that they’re arguing they have High Elves solely because of those reasons, now.