High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

While I do agree that BE needs something in exchange, I’d hate to see undead paladins when forsaken can’t for lore reasons. We already have 3 fandoms at each others necks, let’s not add forsaken fandom to it. :confused:

And Blood Elves can have Golden eyes regardless of class, it’s not that serious. Most of the Forsaken Elves consider themselves Forsaken Elves from what we have seen, right down to Sylvanas when she returns to her home to say good bye to loyalists.

Most undead posters I’ve seen have been very supportive of BEs receiving such customization so the idea the Undead fans are going to be at BE throats is totally based on assumption that so far has no merit. And what’s more, the Forsaken should be getting new customization to be Nathanos like if anything, not turned into another facet of Elf let the Undead BE skins go to the BEs

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Well. I’ve always wanted to play a High Elf because I’ve always liked High Elves

If Vanilla WoW had been different, then maybe things would be different. But I remember being excited seeing the High Elves in Theramore and in the lodges.

In Vanilla I was super excited about Quel’thalas being up there and there was the lodge nearby.

Then they did BC
 and that was fine. Not what I wanted. But it was interesting. But the High Elves were always there.

 for me It’s always just been about wanting to play my Warcraft 2 and 3 boi’s.

Even if the people you’re talking about exist, it doesn’t mean Alliance High Elves shouldn’t be playable for those who want to play them

and honestly
 considering what’s going on, it seems pretty cruel not to let people play something they’ve been asking for fifteen years. After all, some of them might not be around to finally see their dream realized.

So it was a good announcement. Hopefully people can finally live out their WoW fantasy
 and if they’re misguided and have some other fantasy? Well. It’s not going to do any harm. Not like it matters.


I’m more into the lines of thinking that san’layn and dark rangers should be melded to make their own race. It would justify things more. And atm I don’t think much forsaken players are in tune atm for things that is elf related.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about other than you’re the first person I’ve seen to actively advocate against BEs getting undead skins on the basis of Forsaken fans, when most Forsaken fans are very supportive of BE getting things and vice versa. I’m a BE fan and never played a Forsaken, but I have a deep love for Forsaken lore and their in game representation, and from what I’ve seen a lot of Forsaken fans are also BE fans.

What’s more they are also same faction so what ever small offense you’re assuming is to be had, is now made even smaller.

San’layn should be their own designated AR. But San’layn and undead BEs aren’t the same thing. So that’s where I’m at with that.

Mostly I dislike the idea due to that paladin lore states undead can’t be really be infused with the light as it would literally turtore them to death. And to be paladins you need to be infused with the light.

I also think that helfs are being given more importance than they really are, nor do they have their own city, and they barely have numbers to have a decent squad

I would already unify them with the void elfs, please blizzard unite the silver convenant with the void elfs

Nah, have the silver covenent join the army of the light, and help diversify it along with humans, dwarves and gnomes! (WC2 alliance races)

People that want high elves want them for a number of reasons. For me its because I grew up playing Warcraft II (both vanilla and Beyond the Dark Portal). I was fine with blood elves being the new high elves, but then Wrath of the Lich King came and established them as a collective that sided with the Alliance. The Allerian Stronghold survivors wouldn’t have been enough on their own, but combine that with the Silver Covenant and the Quel’danil Lodge guys and you have a convincingly large enough in-world presence to justify their being playable.

For the record, I’m not an elf fan and would need very specific circumstances to roll one. That said, I do understand where the people who ask for high elves are coming from, and mainly take issue with how Blizzard has been wishy-washy with that request, bordering on malicious compliance as of Legion.

“Generic” as an adjective does nothing for your point, because then you’re trying to allude that being different for the sake of being different is better. Void elves are “different” but are a terrible addition lorewise. High elves might be “generic”, but they were already in-game, have a presence in-world, and have been requested for several years.

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D&D Elves are generally chaotic neutral for the most part.

 no I don’t expect that
 but I think they might go into more detail about the forthcoming customization
 and possibly announce the “inheriting” of options from parent races to other allied races (i.e. Nightborne getting Night Elf skins) and maybe even Darkfallen options for Blood Elves. Of course that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part

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I’d say the answer here is to give Blood Elves the “Darkfallen” aesthetic to make San’layn/Dark Rangers
 and also let Forsaken be Paladins! :smiley:

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Except I’m not talking about people asking for the wow high elves. I’m referring to people who are talking about non-wow elves and why they need to be a part of things. Like bringing up Tolkien to explain why high elves on the alliance are needed. I mean Generic Elves as in basically the no frills version of Legolas.

Also that they are asking for that to be reflected basically in the story. If you want to fill your TRP profile out to be that, knock yourself. But Blizz shouldn’t change the story to accomodate people asking for the elven races in their game to reflect elves in other properties

I’m pretty sure those forsaken would love it to be infused with light and slowly burn into ashes

If the Forsaken want to incinerate themselves with the Light while throwing shields or bashing skulls with a big two-handed mace, who am I to stop them?

Someone should make a comic of a forsaken paladin screaming in pain in different occasions/situations just for the lols.

Numbers mean absolutely nothing in WoW. Void Elves themselves as well as some other races prove this.


And I’m not saying that this should not be playable, but equating them with blood elfs has always been nonsense

And more than 15 years they have been discussing who are the real high elves

I am blizzard and I kill that name forever, two different paths for blood elfs and rebel High elves, two different names and more marked differences

to unlock this void elf, i had to get exalted with nb, as if i was going to get them as an AR, then i was allowed to rep for velfs. so if you think nb was a pain to get, you shoulda been there for velf rep grind. it was at least another month of rep grinding. not only did we have to get exalted with nb, we also had to get exalted with highmountain and that azsuna and dreamweavers too. all that just to have the privilege to rep grind another month to get a race with hardly any lore, a home consisting of a rock, and original sold to us as velfs like alleria hehe. woot, finally, its coming sorta true.

I’ve got all of the ARs at this point.

Void elf is one of my favorites. They need work, but I think they have a lot of potential.

is alright, but the rep grind was boring and I’m just not super excited.

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