High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Reading up to the Argument, I disagree that Ghostcawler wasn’t important, but the question was directed as Ghostcawlers own opinion to his own thoughts about neutral races, not all of Blizzard.

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It’s just an opinion Sara, nothing more. Everyone’s free to have them imo.

I have played since cata. Ghostcrawler was not anyone important. You can think he was but I don’t consider the lead systems designer important for this subject and what they think should be done with the story and races.

Smells like lies.

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this is my third account. In 2018 I merged my first 2 accounts with this one. Rreifren is actually my first ever character.

If “blue eyes” are considered a “High elf” customization shouldn’t the option to label yourself as a “High elf” be given to both the void elves, and the blood elves? Why is this something you think should be exclusive to Void elves?


Why do you want to be labeled as a High Elf on the Horde?


Because a High elf has nothing to do with your affiliation.

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High Elves have everything to do with your affiliation.

Why would you want to be labeled a High Elf on the Horde?


What Blood Elves call themselves High Elves? I can’t think of any instance of that being shown ingame. The difference is political and everyone knows what a High Elf is in WoW traditionally.

High Elves are the Thalassian Elves part of the Alliance. (Non Void)

Blood Elves are Thalassian Elves part of the Horde.

Everyone understands this and there’s absolutely no reason to the muddy the waters with that. I’m not sure why so many people bring this up.


I mean… the whole point of Blood Elves are that they’re High Elves that took on a different title…

That’s their whole thing.

and It’s got nothing to do with eye color.


Personally I think the eye color should have stayed separated to keep a distinction but that’s no longer a thing with both sides getting the blue eyes. So it’s not that big a deal anymore to me.

At the end of the day though while they are all “High Elves” they’re on different sides. Blood Elves don’t call themselves High Elves, nor do High Elves call themselves Blood Elves. This is a distinction I think everyone understands. When someone says “High Elves” they’re referring to Alliance affiliated Thalassian Elves.


They don’t though, considering we’ve seen examples of High elves who are neutral, or even hostile toward the Alliance. A high elf could be be anyone who wishes to honor their past as a High elf without taking on a new title, and beliefs that might not align with their own.

What High elves call themselves Void elves? You’re under the impression that these blue eyes are somehow proof that High elves have joined the Void elves, and yet you’re asking me what proof I have of them among the Blood elves?

Being a Blood elf means more than simply being a Thalassian Elf on the Horde.


There’s neutral individuals of course. But when it comes to the Elves who are sided with the factions we’ve seen no proof of that.

Thalassian Elves in the Alliance (non void) are always referenced to as High Elves.

Thalassian Elves in the Horde are always referenced to as Blood Elves.

As for “What High Elves call themselves Void Elves” There’s High Elf wayfarers showing up in Telogrus so there’s High Elves going to study the void there.


The racial leader of Void Elves.



It’s not blue eyes on their own.

I mentioned before everyone got blue eyes that it wouldn’t matter.

That’s not the thing.

But still. You’re like, “I want to be in the Horde but I don’t want to be an Elf that changed their name to honour the dead.”

I’m not sure why you’d be debating that on the internet though? Like… if you want to play a headcanon elf then you don’t need us to accept it? You could have been doing that the entire time.


But we can’t cherry-pick things that require proof, while using “possibility” as a rational to justify something else. “Oh, our Void elves are the High elves we see in the Rift, because it just makes sense!” Well sorry, but that’s no less likely than any of the other countless possibilities of High elves who might have joined the Horde either.

Heck, Lanesh the Steelweaver may just be an example of a High elf who joined the Horde himself.

And suddenly the lack of any proof isn’t a problem? Do we have proof that those elves are playable, or are you simply hopping to a conclusion because it’s a convenience to your argument?

Whom we’ve not seen leading any High elves since her return.

Because the name “Blood elf” implies more than that, especially if you were an elf who didn’t agree with the choices of their past.

I mean couldn’t the same be said for any Void elf player as well? Why did these new options suddenly bring about the interest in removing entropic embrace?

You say this as if it somehow counters the fact that Alleria is High Elf who considers/calls herself a Void Elf.


Well it counters the logic that her being a High elf somehow implies that High elves are willing to fight for her, especially considering none of have fought for her since she’s arrived.