High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

use powers of light not of the void

To be frank, nightborne and highmountain lore was pretty good. Vulpera’s isn’t amazing, but it’s interesting enough.


Beautiful. There’s so much possibility moving forward.

As the NPCs say… new doorways have opened to us.

But facepam, these elves for which they give them the skin is because they use the void

but they would be like arathor who would be more inclined to the faction of their father, because a paladin would go telerus rift, would go especially with turalyon let’s be honest

That’s kinda funny. I was just in another thread saying I couldn’t remember a lick of Vulpera lore beyond the basics.

Highmountain was… kind cool, but kind feels like they just took some tauren ideas they had laying around… Still I like it.

NB lore is my least favorite of any lore. yea, it’s more fleshed out than, say, the void elves, but its just such nonsense to me. They are my least favorite AR and they were a chore to unlock and I hate them.

We got to see a lot of how their magic works as well as their leaders mentality and if you were paying attention you can see some from the rank and file. It’s not a bad amount of info.

Oh! And they can voidify things.

Heck in visions you can see many of them resisted N’zoth so we got a good view of how well they do with an old God breathing down their necks. And that’s in N’zoth version of events.

That’s what I thought… But wasn’t sure.

I’ll do my utmost to give you a chance at a later time.

Doesn’t help that I’ve been told I vaguely look like him in real life.

Eh, I’m going to try my best to make sure this avatar isn’t a secret glimpse into the future, but since I probably eat like he does…

The only real presence High Elves had in BfA were generic 7th Legion Shield-Mages in the Arathi Warfront and Yvera Dawnwing in Boralus. Not that this means much of anything. Void Elves got more screen time likely because they were new and I think because Blizzard thought just having them around would flesh them out. Sadly I don’t think it did.

We saw generic Void Elves die in Nazmir, we saw generic Void Elves in Zuldazar voidifying raptors and animating a void-dino-construct, and we took a jaunt or two with Umbric during the war campaign. The only thing that really got some fleshing out was Umbric. We got to spend time with him and know him, which is a good thing.

My concern at this point is that he’s the only Void Elf of note with any real development next to Alleria, and that we still don’t have more in depth development on Void Elves as a people.

Allied races were intended to be “fire and forget”. Races that could be made available at the drop of a hat because their groundwork had already been laid as NPC’s. And that works for every allied race except Void Elves who had no presence in Legion whatsoever, are unlock by a rep that has nothing to do with them, and don’t actually exist until you unlock them. That’s not even getting into the issue of their origin (as Blood Elf exiles).

Every other allied race had some build up and groundwork laid prior to them being available to play. Void Elves need some lore development to play catch up with the others. It seems like Blizzard expected Alleria to be the groundwork for Void Elves but their introduction, the acquisition of their powers, and their visuals were so far removed from Alleria that I don’t think most players really associated the two until in-game and out-of-game media began referring to Alleria as a void elf.


Honest to God the news about high elves is what brought me back. I had originally decided to take a hiatus until the new leveling system was put in place, but the high elf news combined with the XP buff made a return too attractive to pass up.

Now the only question is do I go ahead and spend the next few weeks unlocking the void elves? Or do I just go ahead and level an alt and then switch them to a void elf when the restrictions are removed?



I guess it’s a matter of taste, because I had a blast doing their questline back then.

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That’s true.

Though I feel like that’s a problem will all the races. It really comes down to these 1 or 2 big players. I mean when was the last time a non Genn worgen was important to the story.

Yea, I mean it’s all subjective. I"m glad you had fun, but I will not be stepping into suramar ever again if I can help it.

Void Elves just needed more time in the oven IMO. The unlock scenario shouldn’t have been the unlock in my opinion. It should have happened much earlier in Legion and we should have seen them on Argus working alongside Alleria and the Argussian Reach, ideally with a few named NPC’s that we interact with like how Archmage Ymera was for the Lightforged.

Then when it came time to unlock them, there should have been an entirely different scenario, ideally with some involvement of the Silver Covenant to support the idea that High Elves and Void Elves are working together. Then the ground work would have been laid and we’d “know” the Void Elves better making them much easier to slide into the Alliance in an organic way.

Obviously with years of history with the Alliance behind them, and the fact that they had a significant presence at the siege of Suramar, High Elves would have been the easiest and most organic choice, but we got what we got. Now we have to work with that.


I agree to all of those points. I do think Blizzard dropped the ball on Ve lore and if they wanted them to be the player character “elf” on the alliance side, then they need to flesh things out more.


Very big agree on these two sentiments.


ghostcrawler wasn’t important at all. Who do you think he was?

Yeah. Races are represented by characters.

Void Elves will be the same way. In game they’ll be shown as either Umbric or Alleria.

Careful with talking to cezol, Zareem, He basically just says the same stuff over and over again and asserts that since something is a majority, it has more right then the minority, dispite lack of evidence on who the majority is. He has also been actively seeking to start fights on the forums.

I do agree we need to learn more on who the VE is beyond umbric and alleria. But I do not agree with adding too much HE in VE still. I think there is too much potential in HE as a ppl then just walking down one path into the void.


You must be new to WoW.


Have you even made a thread asking for more Void stuff yet? I haven’t seen a single one pop up despite you guys saying you want it. I don’t get why you’re trying to tell people what they’re not allowed to ask for.


When you put it like that, it’s comparative to how some people view minorities.

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