High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You might have missed it, but there are several High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift.


And? We have High elves at the Sunwell.

Had High Elf pilgrims there in one scenario.


I mean, the presence of High Elves (and Blood Elves) in Telogrus Rift who say they are there to study the Void and who are actively learning the arts of the Void from the Locus-Walker should tell you something.


Yes, they are allowed to visit the Sunwell, and the way Blood Elves/Rommath treat Auric Sunchaser, the High Elf representative, as a traitor should also tell you something.


And there is only one instance of High elves with the Void elves as well.

But they’ve always been there, the meaning of that dialogue never lended credence to the High elf theory until the blue eyes were added. But this same logic could be used for Lanesh, or Auric Sunchaser when he called for all the Blood elves and High elves to rally together as children of Silvermoon.

They’re not “evidence” for what you want, only when it’s convenient for your agenda.

Except they treat everyone, including horde players this way, so that really has nothing to do with him being a High elf.

I mean, there isn’t any question why? People want to play High Elves. This was a compromise made by Blizzard… so people are going to continue to try and get what they actually want?

Yeah. But a Horde High Elf would be an exceptionally rare person. Once again, they’re working for the Horde but they refuse to change their name to honor the dead?

So I guess the question is, why are you here trying to keep Alliance players from playing High Elves?

Like… Baine is basically an Alliance Tauren… but I’m not over debating Tauren players on the forums.

What are you after?


It may not directly imply that, but it does mean that they see Auric as just another outsider, like the Horde pc.

This is false. Many of us have always argued that both Blood Elves and High Elves were joining the Void Elf ranks ever since we knew of their existence in Telogrus Rift.

How so? He’s a Thalassian Elf with blue eyes. Afaik we don’t even know if he considers himself a High Elf or a Blood Elf.

That’s because they are children of Silvermoon. I see no connection between stating the obvious and “oh, I’m coming back to Silvermoon and I am going to kill my Alliance friends on sight”.

Rommath holds Auric responsible for what he believes is treachery. But if the player is a Blood Elf, this doesn’t happen. Rommath does not rely on Auric simply because he’s the High Elf representative.


Probably still upset Alliance got High Elves and wants Blood Elves to take the moniker so their headcanon of ‘I’m a TRUE High Elf’ is validated by Blizzard.

As you’re right, if people want to headcanon that it’s no issue. They don’t have to convince anyone.


But it does make sense? I don’t see how that’s cherry picking using something that makes sense and has been portrayed as so in game. We don’t see Blood Elves referring to themselves as High Elves. The game makes this quite clear to separate them by faction. The most recent example of this is in Suramar with Elisande. By this same token we don’t see High Elves referring to themselves as Blood Elves.


Okay, so why is it okay to ask for these options on Void elves and not Blood elves?Especially when both sides are still required to use their imagination to fulfill that request.

Because the name “blood elf” implies a history of choices that every High elf may not agree with, even if they are atoning for them. But having different opinions doesn’t mean they can’t still work together on the things they have in common.

The magisters, and farstriders within the Sin’dorei are a perfect examples of this, that despite each group reflecting completely different ethics, and beliefs from one another, they still come together to fight for a common cause.

How am I trying to do that? All I asked is why would the option to label yourself a High elf only apply to Void elves, and not Blood elves if they’re both getting the same customization.

What are you after, exactly?

…. What option are you after on Blood Elves? If you want to play a High Elf on the Horde that seems like a separate request… but I’m not sure what you’re missing to play that fantasy?

I’ve always quite vocally been about having playable Alliance High Elves…

But… and correct me where I’m wrong here -

You seem against Void Elves who suddenly have expanded skin color options to be labeled as High Elves or have changes that make them more obviously high elves even though it seems like the most likely reason for those expanded skin colors exist?

So that you can play an incredibly unique one of a kind character on the Horde side?

I’m just trying to understand.


im happy you guys got the blue eyes. =D its good to see the community getting what they really wanted


Beyond any of this though:

Why would blizzard write the story to have Thlassian Elves in the horde calling themselves High Elves to begin with? For the sake of understanding the story that would just be confusing for a lot of people. Why would you want to call the elves on BOTH factions High Elves rather than those groups having their own names? It’s simple and easier to understand. There’s no need to muddy the water when each group of Thalassian Elves have their own name.

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It’s always been largely accepted that Void elves were Blood elves, the high elves in the rift were never perceived as undisputed proof until these new options were released.

I mean, that’s exactly my point. If the possibility is evidence of “proof” then any possibility qualifies. From Lanesh, to any of the High elves we see at the Sunwell. The idea that you can arbitrate which theories are, and aren’t valid despite both sides not actually having any proof is pretty absurd.

Okay, just like the High elf wayfayers are just High elves. You cannot use the same customization for both sides as evidence of pre-existing events suggesting to something you want, while invalidating that same possibility with the same logic on the other side.

Which has nothing to do with him being a High elf, considering that he holds any Horde-loyal race to the same responsibility. This does not suggest any ill-will toward High elves, considering the whole gesture of them being there is an act of good will itself.

Um, I’ve only ever wanted blue eyes for my blood elf, so I could really care less.

And secondly I’m not telling anyone what to headcanon, simply asking why some individuals are under the impression that the same customization means different things for both sides.

Thormus mentioned possibly adding an option for a player to label their character as “High elf” to facilitate the new customization options, which I wouldn’t be against if it applied to both sides, and not just one.

I don’t have any problem with Void elf players wanting to RP as high elves, and any problems I have regarding changes to Void elves has nothing to do with deliberately wanting to prevent that player-agency either.

That being said I’m not a fan of Void elves getting Blood elf hair styles, and hair colors simply because I’d like to maintain at least some visual disparities between the two races at the end of the day.

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And secondly I’m not telling anyone what to headcanon, simply asking why some individuals are under the impression that the same customization means different things for both sides.

Obviously I can’t speak for Blizzard’s intentions, but in an effort to answer this question, I think people are rationalizing the blue eyes/high elf skins differently for each side is because:

  1. There is the old dev comment that stated Blood Elves might get their blue eyes back as the newly reignited Sunwell slowly cleansed them of their Felt taint.

  2. As a matter of pride and honor, Blood Elves are unlikely to ever call themselves High Elves again. If a High Elf decided to return to Silvermoon and join the Horde, I’d expect them to take on the Blood Elf moniker… in fact I think the rulers and citizens of Silvermoon would expect that as well.

  3. Those Thalassians that refer to themselves as High Elves are, as far as I know, always allied with the Alliance and hostile to the Horde, or straight up neutral.

  4. The NPC’s named High Elf Wayfarer are a fairly solid indicator that some High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei.

Without specific input from the devs outright saying “Blood Elves have blue eyes because the Sunwell cleansed them finally” and “High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei”, it’s left to us to infer based on what little evidence we have available to us.

I’m not saying neutral allied High Elves couldn’t throw their lot in with the Horde, but I’d be hard pressed to believe that they’d continue calling themselves High Elves and not adopt the Blood Elf moniker. I’m fairly certain they’d receive a fairly chilly reaction from their brethren in Silvermoon if they did so. The more supported rationale however, is the Sunwell finally cleansing the Fel taint. Unless the devs say otherwise, its up to the player to decide which.


I mean if we’re going to justify complicating the game by adding multiple race names to one race, then you can’t also use that “complication” as an argument to not apply that same logic to another race. Especially when we’re talking about the same customization.

People understand that Blood elves are high elves, it wouldn’t be hard to also understand that High elves may also reside and live with them, especially considering thats the implication many people have already gotten by the addition of these options in the first place.

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People have rationalized it in many ways, including the addition of High elves within the Horde. In fact most WoW news outlets describe the customization as a “Helf” option for both sides.

I don’t think the existence of other possibilities is a rational to exclude Horde high elves though, especially considering that these possibilities could easily apply to the Void elves too. Couldn’t the blue eyes simply be another trait the Void elves are inheriting from the Blood elves like their skin tones? It’s not like Blizzard claimed that these were Helf skin tones after all.

But far be it from me to draw conclusions on what could possibly prevent a Void elf player from wanting to RP as a High elf though.

Even if Blizzard came forward and confirmed that High elves have joined the Void elves, the implication that any Void elf would still identify as a high elf instead of a Void elf is taking quite a bit of liberty with the lore itself, so it confuses me that this same logic is being brought up as evidence that it cannot apply to Blood elves.

To summarize, people are okay with High elves returning to join the blood elves, but they have a problem if those High elves still identify as High elves? Despite the fact that the amount of liberty a player needs with the lore by making that decision is completely the same.

What I’d expect from a High elf returning to Silvermoon depends entirely on their history, and choices, which is the whole intention of giving players more agency with these customizations in the first place. It’s not like Valeera is any less of a Blood elf simply because she works with the Alliance, and it’s not like any of this makes any less sense than sand troll options for jungle trolls either.

This isn’t true at all, we’ve seen both neutral High elves, and High elves who refer to the Alliance as a sham and join the Blood elf players in killing Alliance NPCS. In fact one of the High elves is deliberately dressed as a Blood elf to emphasize his anti-alliance perspective.

I’m not saying I even disagree here, merely that the logic you use to come to that conclusion is no different than the logic needed to come to the conclusion of High elves joining the Blood elves either.

Whether or not you believe a Blood elf would, or would not call themselves a High elf is no different than asking the question of why a Void elf would call themselves a high elf.

But without facts no one has any right to tell anyone else what is, and isn’t canon, especially when the developers made it clear that these options were intended to expand on a players choices regarding choosing other subraces, not restrict them.

It’s just weird to see a group of people defending the purpose of these customizations with their own assumptions, only to attack other people for doing the same exact thing. In the end Blizzard gave the exact same options to both sides, so no one should go around pretending to know what it means.

And yet Blood elves don’t seem to hold that against High elves in game, and it’s never mentioned as a source of contention between them either. Otherwise I doubt Lor’themar would be willing to make so many gestures of good-will toward them, to the extent of even giving them access to the Sunwell, and personally traveling to make amends and return other High elves to the fold.

And not once have I ever heard the requirement of changing their titles as High elves during any of this either.

I’ve never seen anything to suggest this, in fact Blood elves have been described as being either supportive of the High elves returning, or indifferent to it. And there is no more “supported” rationale, in fact it’s most commonly referred to as the “High elf customization” for both sides.