High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

If I had my way I would have made HE and Ogres ARs in a similar vein the the DIs and MHs and then no one could ever make a post complaining about them ever again…

And then I’d pour myself a bit of a drink for the lies I have to tell.

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is that you yourself have said they stop being what they were, and by gameplay they cannot modify all the racials unless they create an exclusive for dk that would be the best, the dk do not use neither power of light nor void, but what we know as the kingdom of death and that’s lore

For their blood elf model as a vector to Alliance High Elves.

Not at all, I want them to have never existed and have gotten High Elves instead, like what was supposed to happen from the beginning.

But that’s not anything worth talking about, because like many Alliance mistakes, Void Elves are here to stay.

So we’re gnomes and dark irons and Kul Tirans.

Participation does not make for lore and story development, it makes for participation awards.

Disgruntled middle aged white women who make life difficult for service employees because things are rarely their standard.

Realizing this doesn’t really fit what you’ve been doing but you were so close to finally letting me use that meme :face_with_head_bandage:

Blizzard players are too adult and it’s no fun.

Wait, real question. If we’re giving the void elves crap for only being in the war campaign and like the zand raid and a few other things. They were mentioned above. Too lazy to look…

So…what was the high elf presence in BfA… I literally can’t remember any story beat with them in it.

Also, if we’re getting rid of VEs because blizzard is lazy at lore writing… err look out…Nelves, gnomes, MGs, Dwarves, Draenai, worgen and any other non sw human faction that I’m thinking of… (okay KTs did alright, but I bet they don’t get anything new for a long time)

And void elf paladins can have the same kind of explanation for why they are void elves in name only…

“This order of void elves learned how to purge the void out of their bodies so they could be paladins.”

It’s ridiculous, but in the same level of lorelol as lightforged DK.

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I don’t think “Void Elves” Should have paladins. I think we should have the option to label ourselves as “High Elves” and they should have paladins. Almost like a subrace option. You would be restricted to the High Elf customizations which would open up the Paladin option. Your racials would be changed to reflect that option. Either the arcane alternatives or maybe a light based alternative on the existing racials. Their mount could be a Unicorn charger or even just share the existing human charger.

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It’s never been about their presence now, it’s their presence all over the game for the past 15+ years.

But they are also in an island expedition team, as some of our portal people, and they brought their weapons to the siege of orgrimmar part 2.

Because that would imply that they are not void elfs, the dk are resurrected dead, I think it is something different

Do not seek to break the lore, rather ask what from the beginning they want to be helfs like Ar and not corrupt other races for the selfishness of playing something that does not make sense

I find that the best options for these High Elf customization in general, it’s basically an AR-lite, and everyone wins.

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Fair, but doesn’t seem right to disqualify void elf lore just because it’s just starting.

The thing is that they don’t have lore, they were born and we got them, that’s it, they have a niche in the void and the blood elf model.

And Blizzard has had 2 years to expand their lore in an old god expansion and they didn’t.

And now they’ve packed High Elf’s onto them, it’s like they want people to forget they’re a thing.

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I actually like this.

I really could see a future where “void elf” and “blood elf” are names primarily associated with historical events as opposed to anything else.

And there can be a horde counterpart to this on the Blood Elves actually.

Give the Blood Elves San’layn/Dark Ranger customization. Give them alternative racials to fit their aesthetic. Allow them the “Sub Race” option to label themselves as “San’Layn” or “Dark Elf.” For them though I would remove the Paladin option since they’re undead.

BONUS: If they did this it would be awesome if the High Elf and San’Layn Subraces got their own heritage armor.

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Is this not what a void Paladin is?

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Blizzard’s terrible at giving new races lore.

Still, I think there will be enough void elf fans to continue to ask for void elf stuff in the future.

And you’re more than entitled to, but anytime I hear about giving customization options to void elves, it overwhelmingly is related to High Elves rather than more void stuff.

I don’t exactly see it becoming more regular that people ask for more void stuff since they:

  1. Haven’t been doing it already.
  2. Are also now High Elves.

But again, no one is telling you not to.

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eh, they are probably suppose to be, but I can’t find anything on them. Really they look like normal (if no evil because paladins in this universe can be evil) paladin that happens to be working for TH but still uses holy/divine magic.

As I said, you can have that opinion. I don’t really have anything to say against it, and wouldn’t if I did.

What more do you want me to say?

this is my personal opinion, it is no longer about the current lore

But they do not consider that the lore of the high elves has been frozen in a way, I understand the point of these elves especially the alleria family to stay with the alliance, but a high elf who left his home who abandoned his people in the worst moment, which no longer requires the sunwell can still be called high elf

They do not believe that they must evolve in their lore as in their time the high elves were made of kalimdor, to make the distinction between blood elfs more noticeable, finally creating their own kingdom.

I think the high elves died with anesthesia facing arthas, what are left are thalasian elves looking to see who is the most noble

If you can purge the void from them, then nothing forbids for more ways to do it.

Besides, the new void elves don’t seen to be infused with void in the same way as the originals, who knows?

Aucald from MMO-C made a better version:

I read an interesting lore rationale for Void Elf Paladins (or Void Knights if you prefer). Basically put, the organization of VE Paladins are those Void Elves who feel their transformation by Durzaan has made them monsters, and sought an infusion of the Light as a “cure” for their condition. The infusion was surprisingly successful, but it did not fix the condition of being tainted by the Void - and now the Light and Void exist at once within them, causing violent feedback loops that are exceedingly painful when these Paladins channel their light abilities. A beneficial side-effect, however, is that the surges of pain also blanket out the cacophony of the Void and make the voice of the Light all the more clarion. The Void Knights embrace their self-sacrifice to show that the ren’dorei are not lost to the Void, and that even when shrouded by the Void’s touch can still reach out to embrace the Light.