High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

The racials can stay exactly the same but be changed in cosmetic appearance to reflect the High Elf fantasy. Entropic Embrace can be “Arcane Embrace” or something like that. It would do the same exact thing. Void Rift can be Arcane Rift. THe only difference would be the visual effect. If someone wants to stay a Void Elf then they could have the option to keep their racials Void flavored.


Okay, so you’re just asking for it in a soft reset kind of way… I still think it’s something I’m not a fan of and don’t think blizzard will do in such a severe degree.

But I do apologize for thinking you meant a hard reset instead of a soft one.

Still think it’s a crazy idea though.

This is literally not a sentence as it pertains to this topic.

You get the option to stay a Void Elf, it’s just fact that the option to be a High Elf is overwhelmingly more popular and will be more represented player-base wise.

That’s literally no ones fault but popularity and player demand.

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Whether I would what it to change or not, I’m not sure we will be seeing any changes to things on this scale.

Not saying they shouldn’t, just that it took how many years to get what your getting now, and changing racial cosmetics is kind of wider than giving a few new skin and eye variations.

I would say that might be something not worth worrying about just yet. It’s highly doubtful Blizzard would outright just completely replace Void Elves with High Elves. It took 15+ years to get them to this point, and I believe they did so with great reservations.

Unless something drastic happens in the future, Void Elves will still be called Void Elves in the UI, still start in Telogrus, and still possess the option for heavy void themed aesthetics.

It’s highly unlikely any of that will change. The only thing I would expect beyond whatever we’re getting in Shadowlands is more options for players to opt out of the void themes, like a glyph for Entropic Embrace’s visual to look like something else, like say an Arcane Aura (though I wouldn’t expect an option to outright hide it) and even this is something I think Blizzard is unlikely to add.

You concern seems to be how much High Elf aesthetic gets added vs. Void aesthetic, and I can appreciate that. But until we see exactly whats coming you’re probably worrying yourself more than you need to. And also keep in mind that this is a new option coming so its a big deal and there’s going to be lots of people talking about it and the options they want as I’m sure you’ve already seen.


Well, because it wasn’t the whole sentence? I mean it’s definitely understandable.

Honestly, I don’t think the rift will be as big as you think, but honestly… As I said before I don’t really care in the long run. I just want there to be a divide with void elf stuff coming from blizzard. Ad far as people who play helf…rp as much as you want.

That’s literally not a concern of mine in the slightest.

I get where you’re coming from but I feel like it’s different this time. This is an expansion where we’re seeing all kinds of different character customization. They’ve already put one foot in the door on delivering High Elves through Void Elves. They have to know people are going to keep requesting proper High Elf customization if this is the route they’re taking.


I guess I’m more Void Elf than most. I see many roads, possibilities, opportunities, for everyone to get things that make them happy.

I think Paladins can work on Void Elves with the right aesthetics (as in their abilities are all void themed rather than light themed) and lore support (Mayhap Void Elf Paladins referring to themselves as Riftblades rather than Paladins).

I don’t think Paladins are likely, but I also don’t think they can’t work either.


No no no… I appreciate you talking with me.

I’m not actually worried. I’m just giving my feedback on what I would prefer to happen. At the end of the day, the full reset could happen and I could wake up tomorrow to find my shadow priest now a high elf. I would be, at worst, mildly disappointed.

I don’t think things will be so bad, and the new customization are dope.

Just, as there are calls for more helf flavor for void/blood elves, I want to give a voice to the people who also still want void/blood flavored elf stuff and boy that’s a weird sentence.

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For lore no, or they make sub race or it is a laugh to make paladins in that

It is impossible to be a void elf and be a paladin

To be frank, lightforged or void elf DKs shouldn’t exist either, and yet…


Yea, it’s not impossible.

I’m not sure if I’m a fan of the idea at face value because of the even further implications, but I probably could be brought around.

I think, at least for me, that these customization have to come out and we have to see how much they are affecting the blood elf and high elf lore in some kind of full on official canon capacity.

It could be that, worst case scenario really, Blizzard doesn’t plan to address them as anything other than basic customization to appease the role players and they won’t have an effect on canon at all. Which case, this will all seem kinda silly.

Though I hope a more mutually beneficial decision is reached for all fandoms involved.

I highly doubt Blizzard would do something like that anyways. Basically taking one groups race and twisting it into something completely different for another group isn’t something blizzard has ever done.

That is not so, what happens with those dk, is that they only show themselves as they were before becoming a dk, they have no strength, neither light nor void, but death, since your powers are more of necromancer than of which you are in life, and that happens with all races

Yea, you’re probably right. Like I said, I’m not really like caught up in it. Just voicing my thoughts on it on the public forum more than anything.

You are wrong? You’re claiming a fact with no ability to back it up other than anecdote.

And you’re doing so towards the most played AR.

My point was that you don’t have to be so negative about how you’re going about it.

Your opinions are just as valid as anyone. You just sound bad is all.

Blizzard expanded void elf lore to include those wayfarers finally and made it possible for high elf fans to RP their high elves.

Look man have your opinion but chill out a little. You sound like you want velfs to go away.

I’ll grant you this one. It’s just what it sounded like you wanted.

Again, if you were less negative about it that might not have been the read some got.

We not playing the same game? They were fairly active in the war campaign, and honestly I think these new options facilitate new lore for them.

We’ve all been wondering how they could get more velfs without the ritual. Now we can assume the wayfarers can in fact follow Alleria’s path.

As I’ve been one of the folk who had been suggesting adding helf customization to velfs I can assure you the Antis (some at least I don’t want to speak for them) we’re very much against this.

Two things.

One. I don’t know enough about the Karen meme to really comment. Lol

And two. I prefer Nicholas cage in a bear suit for when I’m being considered ridiculous.

It’s been my favorite description of me so far.

Sigh I’ll never be able to unsee it.


The only option they mention is for blizzard to create the title of high elf within an allied race, which can happen, but we know they won’t.

At the moment they are skins that are endorsed by the same allergy, I think that discussing that no longer makes sense

and those who want the high elves will keep asking them, this won’t do

this only works for those who want the skin regardless of the lore

Blizzard could write twelve warcraft novels on Void Elves and I bet people would still insist that void elves don’t have enough story or lore.

And yet lightforged still have light-powered tatoos and Naaru runes, and all their racials remain. And void elves still keep their void powers.

If we can pretend that these DKs aren’t void elves or lightforged draenei anymore just for the sake of fulfilling a class spot, there’s nothing forbiding void elf paladins from have some shallow explanation.

I don’t think it will happen, but not because it’s impossible. It’s because Blizzard won’t add any race/class combos right now.