High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I figured this is what you meant through majority blood elf.

This isn’t a blood elf vs high elf contest though.

There’s not one more deserving side, the blood elf story would continue regardless of high elves being playable.

Lore is what determines the existence of your race, and what faction every respective race belongs to.
I’m sorry but this is not subjective or and agree/disagree thing.
Lore is the foundation of every race in the game, so you’re just putting your foot in your mouth there.

There’s literally no way you can be happy then, other than barring alliance players from playing their own race.
You don’t know what good design decisions are, refrain from the gm RP please.

In regards to the context, since you enjoy cherry picking my words.

Since were referring to lore, yes, lore is absolutely crucial. This is non-negotiable and even other antis would agree with me.

That’s not how things work. The alliance and horde conflict exists solely due to lore. This entire game is based off lore.

Why did you requote my same post like 5 times in one post? Anyways,

I’m sorry you think that, but just no. The blood elves existence are a result of Arthas’ scourge invasion, that is lore.
The tauren joining the horde back when the orcs helped them against the centaur threat, that is a direct result of lore. I’m not sure what else to say in that regards.
If lore wasn’t important, you’re basically arguing into nothing. Why are you even posting in a topic that’s completely based off the lore, anti or pro?
It’s not personal.

Did I completely drain you perhaps?


This wasn’t what Drede suggested. :man_shrugging:

The two people pictured below belong to the same species, to the same race (conventionally understood as “white”), and to the same nationality (in this case, American); unsurprising to most, having even mildly divergent social, cultural, and political values has resulted in wildly divergent physiological presentations.

  1. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/df/ff/40/dfff40230cc79ab662a996c1377d9b9f.jpg
  2. https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/media/john-cena-1109.jpg

No it is a valid opinion :slight_smile: I love both too!!!

I prefer Blood Elves but because of it I know how rich the lore is for Alliance High Elves and think it makes sense to see them, and I also would like to see them myself it’ll be good story telling for faction conflict!


Thank you.


all high elves come from the same place fyarsing. quel’thalas. they never spread out and developed a different ethnicity. and this is the same ridiculous thing where an alliance high elf and a blood elf are the same damn thing, blood elves are high elves and anything one can get the other can too

the only way to differentiate them meaningfully is to give them a new theme. like a void elf. the fanfiction art is nice, but it is just that, fanfiction


yes my blood elf needs these tattoos in shadowlands! my hunter especially


Thanks for posting the pics.

Did you have to grab each one and post a link?


I hope they become playable in the future! Gotta kill me some filthy high elf heretics…
Baladash malanore!

I prefer blood elves too. Also Horde are just better at doing things so I’ll probably never change!

I’d love to see high elves being played too /grin

It’s just awkward not seeing them playable since we’ve had a direct rivalry with them since wotlk lol.


waves at Fya

Hey Fya!!! Hope you’re doing well!! Good to see you here!!


“I was born in Kul Tiras and that’s why I am fat!”


So, are you saying you wouldn’t be against High Elves as a neutral Allied Race?


Yes, I got the url of each picture.


Well thank you for taking the time.

Have any more pics for the pile?


How do you link images like this?

I need more forums-ing skillz!

Also some of those hairstyles are hideous no offense, great high elf concept art though. It’d be nice for them to have a non-glowing eye option similar to Vereesa in the comics.

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agreed i want my farstrider tats in shadowlands. dont need those weird hairstyles. void elves can have them for their customization pass 5 years from now(if it happens)

It’d be awesome for high elves and blood elves to have tats. Tats for all races though really…

I really want arcane arcane sigils similar to nightborne for blood elves. The glowing tattoos are what basically make me love Nightborne.

And those tattoos on Alleria are just amazing


Yeah, I don’t really think those hair options suit WoW’s aesthetic. Cool tattoos though.

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Not right now.

Trust level 3 privileges. You have to interact a lot in these forums to reach it.

There’s this one from Hearthstone:

Plus Hearthstone Vereesa with unique eyes:


Nooo :(((

I know this is gona sound like I’m obsessing over minor details, but I feel like here eyes are maybe not naturally pink, and that it’s the effect from casting triple arcane shot or whatever she’s doing in the image.

I like hey basic eyes from the comic lol


I didn’t once suggest that High Elves constitute their own ethnic group.

Instead, what I said is that different choices (be them social tendencies, cultural traditions, or political decisions) can very easily lead to completely distinct shapes and sizes of people.