High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

That sounds completely reasonable! But I should also say
 maybe a bit premature? We don’t know exactly what we’re getting yet. Once we get a basic idea of what’s coming and what’s not, we can take stock of things to see how much Void Elf and how much High Elf we actually have comparatively. There may be less High Elf stuff coming than we all think.

And me, and every other High Elf fan.

Because this is the avenue High Elves have taken, it’s ridiculous to think only the skin tone options is all that was needed to solidify this, it’s not, that’s why were seeing requests for paladins now too.

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Perfectly reasonable, and if that day comes and there’s much less high elf stuff
 find me on here, remind me, and I’ll give you a full apology. Seriously. I have no problems admitting when I jump the gun.

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it reminds me of han solo:

“Sorry sweetheart. I haven’t got time for anything else.”

he says that to leia after the falcon lurches and she gets thrown backwards into his arms. he is listening to what might have caused the lurch, and so just holds her. she freaks and tells him to let her go.

he says, don’t get excited.
and she replies, captain being held by you isnt quite enough to get me excited,
and that’s when he says, sorry sweetheart, havent got time for anything else.


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Actually just you and like 5 other people. People like Nico are alright.

I think the primary reason you’re at odds with Zareem specifically though is because you come across as basically wanting to throw the Void Elf baby out with the bath water and I feel that’s really an unrealistic position to take.

I believe High Elves as a playable race can flourish under the Void Elf banner without completely throwing away everything that makes Void Elves
 Void Elves. It’ll basically be like having two races in one depending on the options we select. And there will be quite a few like myself that mixes both High Elf and Void Elf aesthetics into something in between.


Lol, that’s funny. Though now I might have to go watch those movies.

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they are not doing two races in one, understand it, void elfs are still voild elfs

We will see that on June 9 they will tell us that they are the elves who are studying in telurus rift

Let’s call things by their name

Man, I’m all for more lore. They really need it. Their identity isn’t solidified yet.

I’m against messing with the racials. If Blizzard feels like it, it could perhaps let us select Entropic Embrace’s appearance (more or less voidy), but changing racials in any way but cosmetic is a big no-no for me.


empire strikes back is amazing.

Sweetie, Nico just told you hes at odds with you if you think Void elf customizations beat out the request for High Elf customization.

I do too, i’m not advocating for the deletion of Void Elves, Zareem believes that because hes afraid, i haven’t said that once.

I’m advocating for even more High Elf options as opposed to Void Elf options because this is the “High Elf avenue”, it’s natural for people who are a fan of High Elves to want more from the only option they have.

I frankly don’t care what happens to the Void elf aesthetic, because i never did, they were a vector to High Elves from the beginning and they’re a better vector now, and hopefully even better in the future, that’s all this “argument” ever was.

Yep, threads that are bumped every hour will get more likes then the threads that don’t constantly bump. Who knew?

I’d be okay with it. I would like Blizzard to come out and make it official like the wildhammers or the highborne.

It really would shut up all of my concerns. What can I say, the race would officially encompass void elves and non corrupted high elves. I couldn’t say anything.

Yea, that’s kind of where I’m at.

Yea it is.

We call that popularity honey, it’s something High Elves have over Void Elves in strides.

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Nah, Nico and I are on the same page. We’re cool. And stop with the creeper talk, it’s gross.

I think you may have misread my post. I specifically said to Zareem:

When you ask for more void themed stuff, I’m on your side. :smiley:
When you ask to not add more High Elf stuff I’m not. :disappointed_relieved:

I’m not opposed to his stance on adding new Void-themed options. I’m only opposed to calls to not add any more High Elf-themed options. I want more of everything!


Which is what is happening from people defending Void Elves.

They want us to “stop here, because we got what we wanted and anymore will ruin Void Elves”

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Nah bro.

The only thing I’ve ever taken umbrage with is your crazy idea that Blizzard is just going to straight-up change the void elves into the high elves.

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Which i never said. But go off.

All i’ve ever said is if High Elves take over Void Elves in aesthetics, it is not a hard loss for the sole reason that Void Elves never had a lot of foundation to begin with.

Look at it like this, it’s your job to ask for Void Elf customization.

It’s High Elf fans job to ask for more High Elf customization.

And If High Elf fans requests beat the other out of sheer popularity, that’s no ones fault, because as hard as you’re defending Void Elves, no one really cared to ask for more void customization as loud as people were asking for High Elves in general. :man_shrugging:

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I disagree, if you ask to add something absurd to void elves like paladins who unlike priests, don’t and never had have a single void related ability and are openly disgusted by the existence of the void, people have a right to say no to asking for something like that.

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