High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Sorry, none of that sounds like a rebuttal, just sounds like you’re angry I’m aggresive :man_shrugging:.

Only difference from now is that antis were always wrong about High Elves.

I’m not wrong about Void Elves, no matter how much you want to pretend there’s so much more to them than the half-baked intentions they hail from.

Ah yes, 50.

To the now 9 or 10 total mega-High Elf threads with 300+ likes, who’s answer is now “void elf customization”.

Keep pretending your horse is bigger and not the sickly substitute for the real horse that Blizzard refuses to genuinely give :man_shrugging:.

I would actually like to see their ritual on how they infuse the void into themselves willingly. I feel that is a hole that needs to be filled. If there is dialogue of some joining there should be dialogue on what their fellows who don’t join thinks and doing instead.

Dude, just put him on ignore. He’s completely out of his gourd when it comes to this topic.

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My best guess is that the proces isn’t as simple as a quick ritual and bam you’re a Void Elf, but rather a longer more careful process of learning similar to how Alleria came to possess her powers. It probably does involve some ritual work though. Like summoning void creatures to absorb for example.

You missed the point twice but ok.

It does take some actual numbers to be anything beyond an opinion made from anecdotal evidence.

Do you hear yourself?

Yeah. Cause at that time folk like you weren’t trying to eliminate void elves.

Like really can you hear yourself?

Nothing more than your opinion. In either case don’t be negative.

And if they lose what they are, which they won’t cause they will still be void elves, then yeah folk have plenty of reason to not like that.

Yeah it kinda is.

Both sides got high elves without losing what they actually are. The whole point of SLs customization is to give players options.

This was a good deal. Not prefect but darn good.

Folk now have the ability to RP a high elf.

At the same time the blood elves are still what they are and the void elves are still what they are.

You should never have gotten off that horse.

Don’t try to steal another race to make it yours. With your view on it you should be asking for the AR still not trying to do away with void elves.

It’s ridiculous you’d even try. Blizzard isn’t going to delete a race. The story is likely still going to be void vs blood not high vs blood.

Now if you want to go off sounding like the Antis you’ve argued with for however long, go ahead I guess.

Aw cute, you’re still sad.

Still doesn’t make me wrong.

Gotcha, so you’re just determined not to actually raise a point, hu?

Honey, Blizzard did that for us, i’m just playing with the cards they dealt, much like the people who immediately started realizing the Void elf aesthetic is not what they wanted along with these new customization options, the ball already started rolling from Void Elves towards High Elves before i even woke up that morning.

And you thought anyone thought that was gonna happen

What i’m saying is what I’ve been seeing, more request for High Elf customization than Void Elf customization, and why wouldn’t there be?

Considering this is the “avenue” for High Elf, Blizzard apparently came up with, i don’t even remotely blame people for wanting more out of it, it’s a big deal, and only fueled immensely by the lackluster implementation of Void elves more than 2 years ago.

If Blizzard wanted to avoid this particular fire, they would of developed Void Elves into their own thing a long time ago, and even more recently now, with the patch that perfectly fits their tiny niche in the void, if they wanted to give them an “identity” before destroying it by gluing High Elves to it.

I get that you’re just outraged for the little people, but like i mentioned to you before.

Antis were always wrong about High Elves, hilariously proven more so by this customization options that just outright takes the Blood elf look, guess they should of been campaigning against Void Elf customization instead hu?

I’m not wrong about Void Elves, they are outright not more popular than High Elves, and all this recent news does is cement that idea more.

I look forward to your incoming “Karening” of the defenseless, lets try to keep it under 2 paragraphs, i’m raiding. :kissing_heart:

Sorry sweetheart, being correct trumps your feelings on this, just because you’re outraged doesn’t make me wrong.

Just makes you outraged. :man_shrugging:

Your first mistake is to think I care about the rambling of a stranger on the internet.

But believe what you want. As long as that void elf name stays on the character, I think you might be full of it.

Also, sweetheart? What are you like a 60 creepy used car salesman. Gross.

Thank you i will believe facts thank you.

Cool opinions, broseph.

Lol so cute, delusional till the end.

Not shocked anyone who’s a fan of Kul Tirans is also a fan of Void Elves.

You’re entitled to your tastes, you’re not entitled to disagree with whats in front of you.

But i mean i wont stop you, really solid foundation you’re building you’re argument on there, a lie. :kissing_heart:

Says the person who needs a third party app to pretend they’re playing their preferred race.

Lol love your theory crafting on addons that don’t exist yet to a problem that doesn’t exist yet.

So your entire thing is just “being afraid” and “lying” hu?

Cool story.

I feel bad for any genuine Void Elf fans that there are but sadly this is the path blizzard has chosen in regards to the High Elf issue. They’ve given Void Elves the option for regular skin tones and blue eyes. (Possibly even more options that we haven’t seen yet.)

For better or for worse this is the path that most people are going to argue now for their playable High Elves and it’s the most likely path they’re going to get them from. I don’t see why Blizzard at this point would add an entirely new race for them when High Elves already have 1 foot in the door through Void Elves. They’ve already got the skin tones and the blue/purple eyes. What’s stopping them from adding normal hair and tattoos or warpaint? Or even more than that when it comes to racials?

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You might be right. I’ll just have to keep giving my feedback and playing my void elf until it becomes a high elf.

Things change, but I hope they decide to keep the race as is.

Nothing, because people are entitled to ask for more customization for the most requested group in-game, whatever avenue that has apparently taken.

And they shouldn’t feel like they shouldn’t because they don’t want to ruin a race with 0 development and lore for a group with infinite more popularity and story, like it’s honestly ridiculous to come to the defense of something that is not only not being touched but has nothing but a model and a niche to defend.

Like, Void Elves were supposed to be High Elves from the beginning, exactly the reason why they weren’t developed past their introduction, the fact that anyone is shocked that that’s whats finally happening is beyond me.


hehe. with goggles and a neck scarf.

I’d say just keep asking for more void themed options, rather than asking Blizzard to stop adding High Elf options. It puts you at odds with some people. Me? I’m greedy! I want more of everything!

When you ask for more void themed stuff, I’m on your side. :smiley:
When you ask to not add more High Elf stuff I’m not. :disappointed_relieved:


That’s a fair opinion to take.

Hows this then. The new customization options are great, but lets get some new void looks and lore before we start messing with things like the racials. Like, just stabilize the race a bit more before adding too much up front?