High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I’m not the one who made up BS numbers for something that we don’t know. All we know is that all of us are a minute portion of the playerbase that actually cares about this issue. And it’s really REALLY obnoxious the way you all are so casually deciding what needs to happen to an AR you were all unhappy with until it suddenly became the path to all your greedy little hearts desire.

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Considering said AR was blatantly the “first bad try”, at giving High Elves, I don’t see it as obnoxious.

You and many others seem to forget the sole purpose for Void Elves existing was for that purpose and that purpose alone, considering they’ve had ample opportunity to expand their story past their literal birth and actively chose not to, it’s not as traumatic as you’re making it seem to steer them towards the direction they were supposed to be from the beginning.

Your objective and spiteful bias towards High Elf fans for the past 2 years is not a foundation with any weight that you can use to judge us on this issue, considering half your arguments all ever amount to is fearmongering and horde “victim” hood, I don’t believe for a second you even remotely cared about Void Elves till they became our High Elf Avenue.

Please keep pretending the vast majority of people who played Void elves haven’t done it to be as close to High Elves as possible and the second these options are available won’t completely switch to that new aesthetic.



Get out of here with this nonsense.

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Those are Void Elves.

Naw man, totally different emo elf. Least that’s what the /silly says.

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Fooled me, Lor.

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I’ll say it’s not an opinion when you actually present some facts. I’m going to need a citation my guy.

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Until you’ve got some numbers there all you’ve got is an opinion.

And you’re using it to bash velf fans.

I don’t know man, maybe respect that blizz threw us all a bone for player choice.


I think many are confused, the skin tones they are receiving are for void elfs, so they are void elfs that are the closest thing to what is alleria

Since she herself has shown that her normal appearance can be preserved, which is why she is in the lore justified by herself

Now that many of you use these characteristics to role-play, it doesn’t seem bad to me, since you have been doing it for a long time with humans using silver convenant tabards or other elven clothes that have been dropped.

reality is one thing and another they want.

The question is, does pro helfs help this for now?

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I think folk can continue to campaign for what they want without being hostile to the void elves. Or any race for that matter.

You want blizz to go farther than this keep calling for an AR for helfs or more story or what not.

But don’t go around pretending velfs shouldn’t be at all. Especially since they have their own fans and story compared to helfs.

Belfs helfs and velfs can all be nice to each other.


I have never said anything against void elfs fans

I just said that the new features are for the elves who are practicing void power in telerus rift

That is as much as possible of what blizzard is doing, that question is more for the pro helfs who want to replace the void elfs asking for things like paladins and other features that do not go with the void

If the pro helfs continue to ask for their Ar, it is their thing and they are in their right, another thing is for blizzard to listen to them.

What is certain is that at least these skin allow them a better role than what they had before with humans or grape-colored elves, so at least that blizzard makes sub-races in the Ar the discussion does not make sense

and as I said void elf are still void elf, something that many pro helf do not want to accept


Indeed we should continue to push for playable he in other ways then removing ve features. A new race he or half elves or silver covenent integration into the army of the light along with other races.

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is that you do not have to remove what blizzard just gave them, it is very justified that there are void elfs with that appearance

Another very different thing is that they will be helfs

If I am pro helf, I would still ask for the playable silver conventant, although I am not in favor of it, but it is what they are really asking for, and this is not helf, it is more custom for elfs voids

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Aye sorry I wasn’t directing that at you. Just jumping off from what you said.

I agree. What folk RP after that is up to them.

Aye again. I think for the most part you and I have the same idea.

Though I personally would be all for void based Pallies.

Also where are my night elf Pallies blizz!!?

Aye. Given what they had this was an unexpected and welcome decision.

Yeah there is no reason at present to expect the story to change what void elves are.

I hate the lightforged idea from a personal standpoint, but I respect it. And let’s face it I’d totally play one. Lol

Prefer high elf AR still. Half elves too.

It doesn’t take a census to read a room, but your kumbaja sentiment is sweet.

The forums didn’t explode day of because “Our empty husk elves are getting more options”, they exploded because “High Elves”, with more than half of them not even mentioning void elves.

Yes all 4 of them.

But I’m also being realistic, you can’t pretend there’s such a large number of them that steering their aesthetic into the High elf one it was meant to be from the start, would be a travesty for the few people who fell in love with the niche of the void and the carbon copied blood elf model that is the ONLY thing the void elves can state they own, because for the past 2 years of their existence, they haven’t been touched by development, even with the perfect opportunity to do so in this very patch.

Yes, giving us blood elf skin tones and blue eyes and nothing else is definitely a fair trade for giving the exact same thing to Blood Elves and more.

Once they start adding more customization options for our apparent “final compromise/high elf avenue” aesthetic, then we can start considering this a bone, till then, this a used chew toy.

I’m ready to get off the customization horse and on the High Elf AR horse again once people start realizing these customization options quite possibly aren’t as great as we thought they were.

Can you hear yourself?

Like really hear yourself?

From what you’re telling me you never should have gotten off.

You don’t need to be negative to void elf fans and their concerns because you’re not satisfied with these options offered. You didn’t seem to catch that point I was making.

Now if you want to go off sounding like the Antis you’ve argued with for however long, go ahead I guess.


Let’s all ignore the threads with 50 likes. Yes it’s 4 people.


I have to agree with you Fezzy. As much as I support adding playable Alliance High Elves as their own allied race, and as much as I appreciate at least having the option to play them through Void Elf customization, I also really like Void Elves for what they are and the potential I see in them in the future, even with their intro flaws.

I don’t want Void Elves replaced. I do want a High Elf allied race on their own. But if I can’t have that, then rolling High Elves into Void Elves and having options for either, or a mix of the two, is something I can accept with gratitude, especially if we get some in-game dialogue actually talking about it and detailing the how’s and why’s.

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It would be difficult to do so with-out plot holes of how all the sudden all high elves rolled into ve no?

I’m not saying anything about “all High Elves rolled into Void Elves” I’m saying I’d like some in-game dialogue that mentions why some High Elves are turning to the Ren’dorei, and more info detailing the process of how new members of the Ren’dorei are acquiring their powers.

Why would it be difficult to simply have some High NPC’s in Telogrus mention why they are there beyond “a path denied is now open to us”, and having Instructor Duskwalker (void elf npc) talk about the actual process of inducting new elves into the Ren’dorei?

It actually fills plot holes rather than causes them.