High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I didn’t realize you started writing for Blizzard! Congrats!


I didn’t think you did either! congrats!

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Good thing I make a fairly strong effort to avoid making declarative posts saying “this is how it is”. I am very careful to pepper my assumptions and conclusions with things like “I think”, “I believe” and “I think this is plausible” or “implausible”. I try to avoid making black and white declarative statements.

Also remember, Blizzard writes the lore… and the lore can change at the drop of a hat.


I dont see SW High Elf Wayfarers either.

They don’t say where they’re from.

You can’t say at all if they are or are not from the SC. So there is no reason to assume a player can’t be from the SC either.


The sad part is people believing we’re not allowed to given this being what seems to be our “final avenue”, if Blizzard is trying to fix their mistake of giving us High Elves in Void Elves, then we’ll definitely turn Void Elves into the “High Elf AR” they were supposed to be from the beginning.

As terrible an outcome as that turns out to be for Void Elves, but when your races entire existence is based on the ham-fisted delivery attempt of “High Elves”, how terrible is that for the vast majority of players?

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Well. I hope void elves stay void elves. Luckily blizzard doesn’t have a history of changing playable races like that. So I think I’m good.

There you go, apparently WoW characters are allowed to define themselves by more than just high elves/void elf and by extension it extends to us players to.


Coming out of nowhere and being one of the worst loreLOLs in WoW is “better” than Blood Elves?

You’d need a really good explanation for it. And a universe-destroying threat to convince them to go through with the change. Remember that it took Alleria an arduous battle with the Burning Legion and the death of X’era before she started considering taking Locus Walker up on his offer.

Doing it right now would make little sense since a) we’ve just dealt with an old god, which are connected to the void, b) not everyone will be up for it, since strength and mental fortitude vary from individual to individual, and c) it’d be a bandaid to a problem Blizzard themselves created.

In concept I’m not against Blizzard writing out high elves and having void elves take their place, but writing solid lore to make it convincing is a herculean task.

Nuke the SC scourge 2.0 style and have the remainders join the void elves as the consolidated alliance elf presence. Sounds good to me.

The sc can be the next big alliance tragedy. Blizzard does love those.

They’ve also never glued one races aesthetic to another.

Keep patting yourself on the back to make yourself feel better, most people don’t care what happens to a race with 0 lore, especially when there’s a better and more popular option to be had.

You know, like was the sole reason for Void Elves existence

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Sure they do. Wildhammer springs to mind. And that one was actually written into canon…unlike some.

Hey if I’m wrong, I’ll buy you a coke. Doubt it though.

You are, High Elves are more popular than Void Elves, that is fact.

What will happen thanks to these new options is for time to tell, but we’re all well aware the only reason this has become a topic is because the road for Alliance High Elves is opening, not because void elves could be in danger. :man_shrugging:


That’s certainly an opinion to have

You’re allowed to disagree.

You’re not allowed to pretend facts are opinions my guy.

High Elves beat Void Elves in popularity every time, be as sad as you want about it, don’t be purposely obtuse and say it’s an opinion, it’s disingenuous and only hurts your argument.

If you have to lie, to defend Void Elves, there wasn’t much of a foundation to begin with was there?

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It’s sad if there are truly people that are big Void Elf fans but at the end of the day I think its silly to pretend its anywhere close to the Pro Helf movement. I don’t think the Void Elf crowd is as big as some people are saying it is. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be proven as soon as the players get their hands on the new options.

For the people who like Void Elves though the options will still be there. Even if they rename the race to “High Elf” or something else the Void Skin tones and hair will still be there if you REALLY want to be a Void Elf. But I think those people are much smaller than the Pro Helfers.

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Like I mentioned above, most Void Elf players are the people who want to be as close as possible to Alliance High Elves.

It sucks for people who grew to like what “void elves” are, but that in itself is questionable as they were only introduced, they were not developed, they have no history or story in WoW, not even a mention before they were born.

What people fell for is a model and a niche, because there is nothing to Void Elves past that, and that’s for a reason, because Blizzard knew, that they made Void Elves for the express purpose of trying to give us our most highly requested AR.

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Exactly. We don’t have any reason to assume a High Elf Wayfarer who went to study with Locus-Walker is or is not an SC elf or a SW elf or from some other place.

The player can decide that for themselves for their character.

Your opinions and his are just as valid as one another.

There are Void Elf fans. There are High Elf fans. Lets not try to trod on one another.

There being more High Elf fans than Void elf fans is not an opinion Fezzy, we’ve all actively seen that here, pretending otherwise is disingenuous.

He’s allowed his opinion, but ignoring what’s infront of you as a foundation for your argument is obtuse.

I’m allowed to like High Elves more than void elves, he’s allowed the opposite.

Neither of us are allowed to pretend that the popularity of those are equal.

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No we haven’t. All we’ve seen is that high elf fans are louder. What reason was there for Void Elf fans to shout on the forums before this? They had a thing, it was good, no pressing need to lobby for something. You all have something you want and won’t shut up about, and now you’re trying to pretend that because up until now you’ve had a complaint that has brought you to the forums means you’re bigger and more important than other players.

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Then get back to me when they rise up, because as of late, it’s only 1 die-hard.

Ah cute, you’re trying to turn it into something it isn’t.

Fact of the matter is numbers Tarrok, as bitter as you are about this continuing situation, you can’t sit there and pretend what was the biggest player request ever isn’t larger than the request to defend an empty husk of a race from a so far nonexistent problem.