High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Yeah and thats what I was trying to relay. It sounded like you were saying all wants should be accepted, and no one else is validated otherwise. Hence my example.

That brings us back to the harsh truth that we all know the High Elf aesthetic is going to overtake the Void Elf one as soon as these options are opened to the players on live. I believe they’re going to fully glue High Elves into Void Elves for two reasons.

1.) They realize the Elf race they gave us back in Legion should have been High Elves, not void elves.

2.) They probably think its better to sacrifice Void Elves for High Elves because if they make High Elves their own AR most VE’s will simply re roll as High Elves. Leaving the Alliance with yet another dead Allied Race no one is playing.

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Blizz does not delete races, nor will the HE community steal VE’s, The only reason they even got the skin options is for ppl that want alleria colors. The racials will still remain void themed. They will still have signs of corruption. They still will not be high elves.

No no, I meant that if someone is asking for something and it isn’t actually taking something away from you, then I see little reason to oppose it.

Like suggestions to take Quel’thalas from the Horde and give it to the Alliance. That’s just so much brain damage I don’t even know where to begin. I’d oppose that because that would actively take something away from someone else.

But requesting say the proliferation of a specific hairstyle that Dwarves have to Mag’har Orcs isn’t something I’d oppose because the Dwarf still has it when all is said and done and loses nothing by sharing it. I might not agree that it should be shared, but I won’t devote countless hours fighting against it.


I’m not sure how I feel about everyone thinking capitals shouldn’t and can’t be claimed by the opposite faction. I think it should definitely be a thing. Quel’thalas, Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar and whatever else should never truly be safe.

No High Elf or Ren’dorei has a claim to any part of Silvermoon though. IT’s not their home or culture anymore, so people thinking High Elves deserve a place in Quel’thalas are kind of wrong, imo.

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That makes sense that is just not how it came across to me. Thank you for clarifying.

Happy to. I apologize for my lack of clarity before.

I miss the days where cross realm phasing wasn’t a thing and ppl can get organized to take on a city or to defend it. :confused:

In a different type of game I’d agree with conquerable capitals but WoW isn’t really designed like that. The opposite faction can invade, cause trouble, and even kill the faction leader, but that’s about the extent of what the game supports. The deck is stacked against the invaders without a large group that has at least a little coordination.

I do agree though that High Elves that choose to remain with the Alliance are giving up any claim they have to a place in Silvermoon barring the removal of the faction divide (which I don’t see happening).

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I’m not sure why you keep saying that? I never said they would delete Void Elves. I said I think they’re going to mold them together with High Elves to solve the issue. I never said they’re going to delete the customization options to make a Void Elf.

The only high elves joining them is the ones in SW, not the entire population for starters. 2nd, by saying that we need to “sacrifice” a race that has grown on ppl you pretty much say “screw the ppl that like VE for what they are, transform them into something they are not!” You may say it nice, but it is essentially the same.

You want HE, ask for HE. Don’t take another race to pretend to be HE. Be happy you got skin colors, cause that might be the only thing you get from them lol.

It’s not really a lot of time. Or energy. Or even devotion for that matter. I just come to the forums to entertain myself when I am waiting for stuff. Whether I am in a waiting que for a dungeon finder or a game like DBD. Or just on my phone cause I’m bored. This topic just ends up being entertaining :woman_shrugging:

You aren’t as… prolific… a poster as some have been :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fair enough XD

The High Elves joining are only labeled as wayfarers. They could be from any number of places. SC, the lodges, SW, Allerian Stronghold, ect.

Why would they be just from SW?


The portal to telegrois rift is lorewise only in SW, and the silver covenent as a whole would not want to join the void elves after what they seen dark magic do in northrend.

I didn’t say that.

I said that I BELIEVE that may be BLIZZARD’s logic when it comes to the High Elf situation. Void Elves were the first attempt at High Elves and it failed. I believe this is their second attempt and that they are going to be fully rolling High Elves into Void Elves completely. I BELIEVE they think it’s probably better to “sacrifice” Void Elves instead of creating a completely new race for High Elves because doing so will most likely leave Void Elves as a dead race.

If Helf Fans have the opportunity to create a High Elf, whether that be through Void Elf customization OR by a new allied race most VE players are going to do so. In Blizzard’s mind they may think its better to convert Void Elves into that (while leaving the Void options untouched obviously) instead of completely making a new race which most Void Elf players will simply reroll as.


Sir, you are aware that a wayfarer is literally a traveler in definition? So they could indeed be from anywhere.


None of that stops any of the other groups I’ve mentioned going there and learning. Also I don’t know if the SC views it as you say… In either case outliers in all societies.

Also this.


Do you see silver covenent npc’s there? no. Even in the comic with all 3 susters vereesa questioned if she can trust either of her sisters. there is also some light users in the covenent that would oppose the idea. And then there is Arator who was raised by vereesa. What if he has a say in it? We don’t know if he is apart of the silver covenent do we? All we know is he was on a quest to look for his parents and he finally found them in legion.