High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Itā€™s just getting tiresome to hear people saying weā€™re not allowed to be upset because they think that all customization must be good. Thereā€™s the real possibility of downsides for other people that keeps getting brushed aside. Iā€™m not personally that big into elves, but Iā€™ve heard enough people who are who are upset that now it feels like the alliance do have the superior Thalassian style elf because it has the options for void and non-void, and yeah, maybe something will come down the line. But right now, this can feel like Blizz saying ā€œOk, weā€™ll give them all your toys, and weā€™ll give you this eyecolor we would have given you because they would be upset if you got it in returnā€

Well, for me, I have to wait and see. My biggest worry is that this will be ANOTHER instance where the alliance will be the good guy. Iā€™ll never get what would make me not worry from blizz, which would be a promise that Void elves will NEVER be considered morally superior in any conflict they have with blood elves (This doesnā€™t prohibit situations where both sides do things against the other but are not presented with one side being better. I just donā€™t want to see ā€œAnd here are the void elves who despite the constant presence of the void in their head are saving things from the baby eating blood elvesā€) But for Void elves, I can see the real worry. And the very real frustration. People like what they are, and right now you have way too many people basically shouting on the forums about how to get rid of the void part of void elves and make them into high elves through petitioning blizz and not just TRP like a reasonable person. There are some themes of void elves (and yes, I know you think Alleria invalidates them, but I and other disagree) that can get overriden by high elf stuff. And since time is finite there is a real way in which any high elf option could be considered to be taking the place of a void elf one

No, itā€™s just another straw on the camelā€™s back of stuff where the alliance is making out better or at the cost of horde players. Look, I know you disagree, but itā€™s not exactly a stretch to say this is giving the alliance a horde race in gameplay. Iā€™m just tired of losing story for the race I actually care about to the alliance a few times (although one did get walked back) Iā€™m feeling like my subscription isnā€™t worth as much as a personā€™s who mainly plays Alliance after the last two expansions, and Iā€™m pessimistic probably, but SL isnā€™t looking too much better yet.

Just donā€™t use that word. Iā€™m not going to get into a whole argument here. But itā€™s subjective, itā€™s all our interpretation of lore, and neither of us can prove our idea is right and the otherā€™s is wrong. Say you think she makes it make sense, just donā€™t label it as some self evident truth that it just isnā€™t.

Mainly, itā€™s just the timing. The frenzy just comes off as distasteful and in some cases ungrateful. It was a big gift for multiple reasons, and people are being massively greedy by treating it as if it isnā€™t a gift if they arenā€™t given even more.

Not really, because I know that. Iā€™m just trying to make the point that we have mutually exclusive wants. What I want includes you not getting what you want and vice versa. Iā€™m just tired of it being treated as if itā€™s only saying no to a request is greedy when the request is to take things from the other faction and spreading their story thinner and opening them up to some bad possibilities.

sigh And then I get to the last paragraph.

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Well I donā€™t have it in me to write another wall of text so Iā€™ll just leave it at this:

If your wants ultimately hinge on denying the wants of others, then I canā€™t be on your side and support the things you want.

But if your wants can be acquired without denying the wants of others, Iā€™ll be more than happy to stand by you and help you get them.


And if your wants lived up to that, I wouldnā€™t oppose them.

It really depends, because Iā€™m vehemently opposed to the Quelā€™thalas warfront idea that predominantly only comes up in the High Elf discussion circles. I have no problem opposing that and to some it is a want on their end.

Some people want Quelā€™thalas as neutral. Again I wouldnā€™t support that, and its not a case of oh well weā€™ll split it so weā€™re all happy, flat out simple no.

So it depends, people are able to have wants, and people are able to oppose them, and Iā€™m using this as my own example to apply that logic.

Wellā€¦ hereā€™s some of my wants:

I want the Horde to stop getting beat with the Villain bat.

I want Blood Elves to get the ā€œdarkfallenā€ npc options for players.

If Blizzard for some reason decides to share Blood Elf hairstyles with Void Elves (something I find unlikely but humor me), then I want Blizzard to share the Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elves.

I want the Nightborne to get most (if not all) the Night Elf skin tone options.

I want Nightborne to get significant effort devoted to them so they have options to look like their NPCā€™s.

Truth be told I want the faction divide abolished but I realize that so much of the gameā€™s mechanics hinge on it that itā€™s an unrealistic want and not likely to ever happen so I donā€™t actually ask for that.

I want you to be happy and enjoy the game without it impacting my happiness and enjoyment of the game.


Pro-HE = vegeta
Everyone else that wants them not to touch VE and silvermoon = Trunks

Iā€™m ambivalent toward war fronts in general. The only reason Iā€™d even care about a Quelā€™thalas warfront is that it would possibly lead to an update of Silvermoon, Eversong, and the Ghostlands to be flyable (and by extension allow flight in Azuremyst which doesnā€™t have much in the way of graphical smoke and mirrors preventing flight).

Quelā€™thalas ever being neutral is a pipe dream and anyone asking for that is insane if they think it could or would ever actually happen. Not because of lore but because of game mechanics. So long as the faction divide exists the capitals will remain hostile to their opposing faction members.

I get not agreeing with some peopleā€™s wants. But thereā€™s a difference between not supporting those wants, and working actively against them. I choose to simply ignore the requests for things I think arenā€™t good rather than devote time and energy to actively opposing them. If enough people actually want something I think is bad, and the devs want to appease them, my opposition isnā€™t going to matter. Iā€™d rather just avoid the negativity entirely.


No I can see where if people think something I bad they would actively stand against something.

I get what youā€™re saying when it applies to customization and more playable races I agree with you on not shutting down those requests, but as a blanket overall statement I have to disagree to go towards all wants and possible disagreement with said wants that just isnā€™t realistic, and goes only to invalidate others while only validating yourself.

hahaha now they also want to remove quethalas from belfs or make it neutral

thatā€™s why you canā€™t negotiate with the pro helf they want it all, seriously no commitment can be made with you ends up being toxic

Seems to me there are a whole lot of people going all sorts of different ways right now.

Iā€™m pro Helf and I definitely do not want Quelā€™thalas stolen from the Horde.


Same but you also support the hypothetical warfront that opens the door to the potential of the wants of the part of the community that wants Quelā€™thalas. Itā€™s one of the main reasons I can understand where the antis come from even if I donā€™t agree with it because I donā€™t care about the model, I care about the lore.

I advocate that a Silvermoon Warfront would have given access to Blood Elf themed armor and weapons and likely would have been against Draenei.

I have never once suggested that I want Silvermoon to fall to the Alliance. In any capacity. Ever.


Pro-HE: Vegeta
Everyone else that wants silvermoon and VE left alone: Trunks

I didnā€™t say you did.

I said exactly what I just said. The warfront opens the door. And its hard for people to separate the two because its always pro HE fans who push taking QT, so it feels hollow to have pros also say "well we donā€™t want it, we just want the transmogs from it lol :slight_smile: "

Just because I know you, and your intentions. I donā€™t trust other peoples, does this make sense? Theyā€™ll be just as soon to band behind you like ā€œyeah thats what we want!ā€ and then it comes about and they start pushing their real agenda.

Why are you bringing this up so often? I didnā€™t mention it and it was you who wanted me to stop talking about it. We agreed to do so.

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you deserve that sylvanas eliminate veressa together with the silver convenant

Why donā€™t you scroll up.

Its my main example for why I understand antiā€™s to an extent. As someone was saying all wants should always be accepted and they canā€™t respect anyone in disagreement on it.

And Iā€™ll bring it up as much as I want to, everyone else does when it suits them, you just happened to come in and I was pointing it out to you. Also idc if you bring it up lol, I just accepted your olive branch on moving on from it, Iā€™ll argue against it all day long.

In truth I donā€™t think a warfront would ever open any of the current faction capitals to being ā€œlostā€ by its current owner. That sounds more like the kind of thing Blizzard would incorporate into open world pvp. Like towers in Hellfire Penninsula where one side controls it and can lose it to the other side.

Iā€™m not sure I see any reasonable cause for concern over this. Itā€™s really just not something that could or would ever happen.


As long as Arator takes over the silver covenent and join the army of the light Iā€™ll be ok with that!

I donā€™t advocate accepting all wants. Only not fighting tooth and nail to oppose them. The devotion of so much time and energy to simply deny someone a feature really seems like overkill to me. But I guess I can see why you donā€™t look at it that way. I mean, if a requested change was to take something away from me (as in I wouldnā€™t have it anymore) Iā€™d oppose that in a heartbeat.