High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

It would give new meaning to the title “Blood Knight” he he. But I bet a lot of Blood DK’s would appreciate those red eyes.

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He might think the additional void options makes them better. He is assuming perhaps they will get all the BE hair options but I highly doubt that. There does need to be a price to pay for that void meddling void elves do.

I don’t know if I agree that there “needs to be a price to pay” but I do agree that it seems unlikely that Void Elves would get all (or even any) of the Blood Elf hair. But even if that does happen I would expect that Void Elves would share their hair with Blood Elves in kind (with tentacles removed where applicable).

You have void and blood elves in once Allied Race. As of yet, Blood elves are just blood elves still.

Yeah I want to see Undead BE skin tone pallet, and I have seen pros be very supportive of that too… but on that same note it lacks a bit of self awareness to already be moving forward with things they also want, I personally think an air of celebration is still the best thing because it also gives people a chance to pause before coming back to things, but some don’t want to pause and thats fine I respect everyones choice, but if VE’s get anything else before BE’s thats not only unrealistic but lacks self awareness in terms of reading your room / other peoples desires.

That’s why I think giving Blood Elves the “darkfallen” options is a good idea. It gives the option to create San’layn and/or Dark Ranger flavored characters. It’s also an aesthetic that would be entirely unique to Blood Elves and not shared with Void Elves. It also offers something to those asking for San’layn as an allied race (and much like High Elves they’d prefer it as an allied race but wouldn’t snub the options if that’s the best the devs will offer).


you want to put the san’layn to us to justify the subraces in wow and thus give them the title of high elves

If so, we go from them, we prefer different races such as ogres or saberoon

Well, I mean to be fair, you’d need to make something like an Undead AR that’s basically Nathanos undead, but with the option to be a normal human too. Or give nightborn the actual night elf model and all it’s skin tones too.

There’s an entire megathread of Horde players campaigning for the San’layn/Darkfallen as an allied race. I’m fairly sure they wouldn’t snub their nose at being offered that aesthetic as a customization option if Blizzard isn’t willing to do yet another elf race.


I know the request, but we the horde prefer not to have it to prostitute the allied races and it becomes nonsense, I think that the commitment that they have been given with the skins in the void elf for the moment is enough

I actually expect Nightborne to get anything Night Elves get that makes sense ported over to them in some fashion.

Adding the Night Elf skin tone options would be a great addition to Nightborne for similar reasons it was for Void Elves to get Blood Elf skin tones, because the only 3 skin tone options they have are such a restrictive palette to work with for many trying to make what they feel is an aesthetically appealing character.

I’m all for Nightborne getting most if not all Night Elf skin tone options. They desperately need more options overall, in addition to options so they can look more like their NPCs.


You don’t get to speak for “The Horde” you can only speak for “Yourself”. I am fairly certain several Horde players would take umbrage at you claiming to speak for them and arbitrarily dismiss their request for San’layn/Darkfallen.

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No. This didn’t make sense, so neither should that. Nightborne should have the option to look as they are(preferably fixed), or nearly identical to a night elf to be anything remotely approaching what happened here where the opposite faction has more options in an allied race than the core race of the other faction they were based on.

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Blizzard isn’t going to just swap out the Nightborne models with the Night Elf ones. That ship has sailed, and there’s players out there who actually like the way their Nightborne currently look (the females can be nice looking with the right selections and transmogs admittedly).

I’m going to make a friendly suggestion to you… stop looking for “compensation”. Stop looking at the sharing of skins between Void Elves and Blood Elves as some sort of “theft” or “misappropriation” and simply ask for things that you want.

You seem to be lashing out because you’re mad that Blizzard is proliferating the skins to make one group happy because you don’t think they should get to share in what you consider “your” things. It absolutely can make sense for Void Elves to have a broader range of skin tones. And you know that to be true. You claim otherwise but deep down, you know that if Alleria can keep her normal appearance and be a Void Elf (and the game/lore does consider her one), that others can become Void Elves in a similar (not necessarily identical) manner.

If Nightborne got the full range of Night Elf skin tones, that alone would suffice as a “fair trade”. Asking for more is just being spiteful because you’d rather not have shared what you had in the first place.

Look. I get that you’re not happy with this outcome, and you’re not happy with certain other things happening to your faction and to other races on your faction. I support several of the things you want, and share your concerns with how your faction is written. But don’t make this the target of your rage.

A fair number of people are going to be happy about these options. Is it so hard to just be happy for them for the sake of being a decent human being? If you want more stuff for Blood Elves or Nightborne… just ask for it. Don’t make it some sort of competition or tradewar.

We don’t have a say in what Blizzard does. We can only ask for what we want, and should not ask that others not get what we don’t want them to have. Ask Blizzard for the things you want added to your races and don’t attack others for getting what they asked for even if you think it doesn’t make sense or they don’t “deserve” it.

I’m not trying to be your enemy here but you’re really making that difficult.


From my part I’m happy, and now focused on suggesting ideas on how to enhance void elf customization to appease both void and high elf fans without taking anything more from blood elves. I think a lot of old requests regarding high elves could now be inherited by void elves, like colored tattoos, dual-color hair, some of the hair styles suggested for high elves and so on.

As for the paladin class, I think for now that’s out of question. Maybe in a future date, when Blizzard decides to increase class/race combinations, it may be considered, but for now I think it’s a waste of effort, as it’s very unlikely to happen, and the deal we got cover most of the would-be high elf classes.

ANother thing that bothers me is the lack of void elf lore, and unfortunately Shadowlands will be a terrible expansion to develop it. I’m hoping with this update Blizzard won’t shy away from using high elves anymore, and we will eventually get more high/void elf lore when we return to Azeroth.

This is important. Blue eyes were asked by Horde players and that’s the “compensation” they got. Maybe if people had been asking for something else instead they could have gotten it.

About nightborne, I have no doubt they’ll get attention from Blizzard when the night elf pass comes. I’m really hoping they get a few more faces with the small eyes, and I’m sure that new hair, eye and skin colors are on the table. I hope nightborne get a lot of love, and I’ll be sure to make lots of suggestions about them to Blizzard.


The ship should have sailed with Blood elves, and then with Void elves, look where we are.

Likewise, stop policing other people’s emotions. Right now this sucks. Blizz caved to an unreasonable demand and people are pushing to make it even worse. Don’t try and offer little compensations that would fall in line with what we already knew about the customizations. If dwarves are getting Wildhammer as a cosmetic, than any sort of blood elf adjacent model is something we should have gotten any way.

Yes. Because I and other people like our things, and we don’t want to worry that Blizzard will keep ruining our things to make other people happy (even if they fail) like they did in BFA. There’s tons of ways that this change can negatively impact other plays in lore for both horde and alliance. And I’m sick of people so damned greedy they can’t think of other people and seem to be gleefully plotting taking over someone else’s AR to get their little unicorn.

That’s bull. Alleria is her own special thing, what are they going to get an unlimited supply of void naaru to eat? I mean, if you don’t like the void elves as they were created, yeah, it can be made to make sense. But from outside that bubble it’s just an excuse to get what you want and forget the people who like the void theme.

Tell that to everyone demanding paladins, blonde hair, swapping the void for the light, and all the million other spiteful demands out there.

I tried to be, I’m friends with some people who I’m glad got what they wanted. But in the reverse, a lot of people who wanted that REALLY need to get off the high horse and be sympathetic to the people who are feeling shortchanged or are worried that this could lead to more bad story being shoveled on to them, or the story that they are interested in being abandoned in favor of someone else’s want.

But what you want is to prevent us from having what we want? Why can’t people get that? You guys take offense we suggest that you’re asking for things at the detriment of what we want, let us let blizzard know how we feel without trying to guilt trip us any more.

And likewise.

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Sorry for disappering guys, looks like someone didn’t like my post earlier…

Alamara, I agree with you, but I do beleive we could solve that issue by lore by halving the HE population, one to void and the other to Lightforging and customizations for both should be split differently by lvls of corruption by the magics.

The ship should have sailed with Blood elves, and then with Void elves, look where we are.

Void Elves didn’t fulfill the desire that Blizzard expected it to. They apparently felt the need to offer something more in the hopes of addressing that desire but still refused to do it the way people actually wanted (High Elves as an allied race). There’s a fair few on the pro- side as unhappy with this outcome as you are.

Consider too that Nightborne are in a similar situation. Players wanted one thing and the devs gave them something that fell far short of what was asked for and/or expected. Nightborne deserve to have those issues addressed and that’s something I am greatly in support of as I have my own Nightborne Priest and Mage alt.

Likewise, stop policing other people’s emotions. Right now this sucks. Blizz caved to an unreasonable demand and people are pushing to make it even worse. Don’t try and offer little compensations that would fall in line with what we already knew about the customizations. If dwarves are getting Wildhammer as a cosmetic, than any sort of blood elf adjacent model is something we should have gotten any way.

I apologize if I came across as “policing your emotions”. It wasn’t my intent, but your posts really do come across as “overly passionate” to put it nicely. I’m not offering any compensation to you. I don’t feel like I have to even if I were in a position to. That’s between you are the Devs. Not me. And not those happy with the forthcoming customization option.

I’m a staunch supporter of Blood Elves getting the “darkfallen” aesthetic options, not to pander to your desire for compensation, but because a) I want them for my Blood Elf alts, b) I have been a supporter of it since Fallynn’s megathread first appeared, and c) I feel genuine happiness when other people get things they really want. I’m not the sort of person who says “no I don’t want you to have that option you want”. It’s just not my nature to be that way in most circumstances.

Yes. Because I and other people like our things, and we don’t want to worry that Blizzard will keep ruining our things to make other people happy (even if they fail) like they did in BFA. There’s tons of ways that this change can negatively impact other plays in lore for both horde and alliance. And I’m sick of people so damned greedy they can’t think of other people and seem to be gleefully plotting taking over someone else’s AR to get their little unicorn.

How exactly are your things being ruined? How does the sharing of skin tones “ruin” things for you? The pro-helfers didn’t want to merge Void Elves and High Elves… but Blizzard chose to go this route so your issue is with them for doing it this way, not us for asking for playable Alliance High Elves. Are there people asking for ways to make Void Elves even more capable of fulfilling the High Elf fantasy? Yes. Are some of their requests unreasonable? I would agree with you that some of them are, yes.

But from your wording, and I apologize if this is a misinterpretation on my part but… you just seem to be mad that Blizzard are actually giving something… anything… to those asking for High Elves. Maybe that’s not where you’re coming from but it comes across that way to me from your post.

That’s bull. Alleria is her own special thing, what are they going to get an unlimited supply of void naaru to eat? I mean, if you don’t like the void elves as they were created, yeah, it can be made to make sense. But from outside that bubble it’s just an excuse to get what you want and forget the people who like the void theme.

Actually no. Anyone can follow the same route of instruction Alleria took under Locus Walker’s tutelage. She isn’t some special “chosen one” who was the only one capable of gaining those powers in that way. She and Locus Walker even discuss his search for other potential students during her arc on Argus. So I’m gonna put a hard stop on any implication that no one else can do what Alleria did and become a Void Elf in that manner.

Anyone looking at it objectively will agree that it is most definitely possible for others to follow in Alleria’s footsteps. A Dark Naaru isn’t necessarily a requirement, but that’s one issue that makes many of us Void Elf players hope that Blizzard will add in-game lore detailing the process of induction for new Void Elves. And just to put the kibosh on any further argument on this topic, Blizzard writes the lore. If they say its possible, then it is. If they say its impossible then it isn’t. And if they want to do a 180 and retcon the whole mess… they can do that too.

Tell that to everyone demanding paladins, blonde hair, swapping the void for the light, and all the million other spiteful demands out there.

As I mentioned above, I agree that some requests are unreasonable. I don’t think blonde hair color is an unreasonable ask. I do think asking for Paladins is unrealistic, and I think its highly unlikely Blizzard will offer any options to hide Entropic Embrace’s effect. I can’t stop them from asking but I am also not going to ask Blizzard to deny their request either because that would make me a hypocrite.

But what you want is to prevent us from having what we want? Why can’t people get that? You guys take offense we suggest that you’re asking for things at the detriment of what we want, let us let blizzard know how we feel without trying to guilt trip us any more.

Am I the only one seeing the irony here? I mean, in all fairness, you spent a fair amount of time and effort trying to prevent pro-helfers from getting what they wanted… and now you feel the tables are turned and don’t like how it feels? As I said… irony. The difference here is, I’m not really seeing people preventing you from having what you want… if what you want are improvements and additions to your races. I think it’s ridiculous to say that pro-helfers getting what they want is somehow a detriment.

Pro-helfers getting this bone thrown to them (which doesn’t fully address their request mind you), does nothing to you. It removes nothing from you. You still have all your things. You can still ask for new things. You can still get new things. Nothing we get stops you from getting things too. But you’re not asking for “things”, you’re asking for others to “not get things”, because somehow you feel that if they get similar “things” to yours it will somehow diminish those “things” for you. Which is just gosh darn silly.


looks great, hoping for it.

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last one is Pai Mei

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