High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I know it won’t please everyone, I just put forward a possible direction that might please some of those that are still not happy with Blizzard’s choice. I’m personally modestly happy with Blizzard’s direction. Neither over the moon or under the weather, I’m near close to the center as what they put forward was basically another idea I had in mind, though they went further than what I thought up in one sense, and cut out the quest part I thought would be neat.

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we have to wait with blizzard what will do with the passing silver convenant, if blizzard places them to study the void together alleria?

even so their forces are not paladins but mostly wizards and rangers

if blizzard wants to end this discussion once and for all he must touch the silver convenant

Regarding the blood elves, if they are mass inclined to the light by the sunwell, when they were high elves for the most part they were of arcane power, but by the sacrifice of the naruu that restored the sunwell the blood elves would come to identify more with she, because her salvation has been, that is why blue eyes are bad also blood elf our future are the golden eyes ignored by the source of the sun, is where our lore goes

I’m personally wondering why they still can’t take off their sandals. There are some rare pandaren NPCs who wear actual boots, after all. And the icon for monks’ leg sweep ability shows what looks like a bare pandaren footpaw.

There is some. And it leaves a plot hole, as they seen what dark magic can do, why would they want to dabble in it? Also I’m sure Arator, whom was raised by vereesa would have a thing to say in the matter.

Like I said, it’s the use of balanced and neutral. You probably aren’t doing it intentionally, but you’re kinda missing out the mindset of what a lot of people against it are upset about. Just say it’s what you want.

The problem with those terms is that it paints it as the reasonable solution, as something that is meant to placate both sides. And intentionally or not, that also ends up painting people who don’t think it’s a good idea or that it completely leaves out their concerns as being unreasonable.

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Arathor is half elf, and her path is more inclined towards her father’s than that of her mother.

It is clear that she has something to say, but do you not see that since alleria has arrived, her group has passed in the second degree, if in an expansion that is based on factional warfare, are not the silver convenant where they will be used in Lore?

When it is clear that blizzad intends to use the void elf more

her? Arator is a he. Yup they are, as there is ppl that wants to RP them obviously, and VE will not suffice all that much to that degree. Atcually while the actions of blizz does say that, we have yet to see blizz announcing it as such. And you know what will happen if they do!

I agree with you that blizzard has not said anything, but if they explain that these skins that are given to the void elfs are by the high elves who are studying the void with alleria and umbric there is not much to say

and that the void elf are taking up much more space in lore than the high elves of silver conventant is true if you don’t look at the latest expansion,

Let’s see if on June 9 they explain something else

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I beleive that the silver covenent will be playable someday in a way, just not through void elves. and they do hold a big part of the story. Wrath, purge of dalaran, thunder isle, nightborne insurrection and even some in order halls. It would be sad to waste all of that.

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What you are talking about is another story and I am nobody to tell you if that will happen or not

Since blizzard has been contradicted many times, ion now in less than 15 days with blue eyes in the belfs

Still I think that the high elves of the alliance should advance in something else, if the blood elfs cannot be called high elves for what they did suck mana from living creatures, the same thing happens to the high elves that have given up on silvermoon and the source of the sun, the two holiest sites of the high elves,

I do not beleive they called themselves high elves because of the sunwell, they called themselves that because they beleived they where high born! But besides that, yeah they either be playable or they will find another way to add them indirectly without going horde nor going void. Half-elf or apart of LF customizations!

I am not saying that they are called high elves because of the sunwell, it is the name given to them when they created their new nation, which is in quethalas, and that their most sacred site is the sunwell, it is part of their culture and history, their greatest achievement and so they quarreled with their kaldorei cousins

If kaelthas had not decided to change the name to the fallen in his honor, the people who stayed at silvermoon would still wear blue.

Most possibly. But there still would have had a faction split. If it came to it in that case the race would just be named by the faction associated (LF high elves, silver covenent elf) for examples.

And in that I agree with you, but the high elves of the alliance must advance in something, as the blood elfs have done, they cannot retain like the authentic high elves when they have also changed and have had to live with other races in order to survive, have had to solve their mana addition problems in other ways

one word. lightforging :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s something that I would like and it fits within the framework Blizzard has put forward as far as I can see. But, even that isn’t what would put me over the moon with Blizzard either. That is just me working within their framework. What I would truly like above all else goes beyond even the High Elves (even though they’re part of it as well.) To paint that metaphorical picture though, is going to require me to make what I suspect would be a very long post to ensure every little detail & variable is covered.

Again, we simply cannot please everyone. I think we can both agree that it’s a solid, undeniable fact at this point. So, while I suspect we will just need to agree to disagree, I will ask; what do you think Blizzard should do/are possibly doing or whatever?

Which is basically Blood Elves on emo steroids, but to each their own I guess.

I find myself happy believing my character is a simple Sunfury that returned (I®m no RPer, though
 not enough lore info about Belf rogues proper -and I refuse to use the walking fanservice as any kind of guide-).

Well giving the “darkfallen” aesthetic to Blood Elves so they have their own emo-goth option isn’t a bad thing if it makes those looking for San’layn or Dark Rangers happy right? And hey
 maybe some people just think red eyes are like
 cool ya know? Cool doesn’t care if you RP or not :slight_smile:


I dunno if I’d want to see a san’layn paladin though. Maybe make a Dark ranger race with san’layn customizations?

A “better” version? I’m hard-pressed to see how that isn’t subjective, but I am genuinely curious. What makes Void Elves “better” than Blood Elves in your eyes?

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