High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I am gonna make a wildhammer shaman. I wish they could add a glyph for water spells to turn into brew spells lmao.


I have a shaman already who will finally look the part.

I honestly don’t even think that’s needed. The Blood Elves don’t even refer to themselves as High Elves. I’m pretty sure the Blue eyed blood elves are most likely ones who have been cured by the Sunwell. High Elves are simply the name Thalassians in the Alliance identify as outside of Void Elves. I think it would be better (personally) if the Alliance High Elves and Void Elves are rolled in to their own faction like the Silver Covenant.

When it comes to the Pandaren I really wish they just picked one side or the other form them. They’re doomed to be irrelevant forever now after MOP sadly.


You realize, that’s exactly what the new void elf skins are? Void elves literally were blood elves and just switched factions when they got void powers. High Elves have plenty of more lore justifying their existence.


Ppl wants VE to be their own thing seperate from HE’s though. Which is why many are upset with the requests to just merge all the HE to the VE. Espaically since VE are BE lite.

Because there were Horde players that also wanted them and felt they had a claim on them as well. So, rather than playing towards either Faction, I envisioned something that is a perfect or at least near perfect 50/50 split. No Faction gains more than the other in what I personally put forward as a possible direction Blizzard could go. But, that is up to Blizzard ultimately, I merely put forward a possible direction.

Alliance has already gained a better version of blood elves, when do the damned demands for more stop?

They had 2 years to do that, and the perfect opportunity with this patch.

It’s pretty obvious Blizzard doesn’t care too much about developing them as of late.

Many is a strong word, i’ve only seen 2 die-hard Void Elf defends and their argument is shaky at best, because the sole reason Void Elves were added to the Alliance was to “try” giving us High Elves.

You really can’t sit there and defend the Void Elves as strongly as you think you can when they only have the Blood Elf model and the Void niche as there “popularity staple”, whereas most other people who made them and play them, do so for the express purpose of being as close to “true” Alliance High Elves as is possible.


If I could give you that information I would.

Just label the demands what they are, demands. They aren’t balanced and neutral, they are purely positive for one faction here.

Hey cezol! you want to argue again? We did this yesterday, and discovered you just want to troll ppl making arguements! No the reality is not that void elves = high elves and will merge with high elven lore. We still have the possibility of getting them in many ways. No we don’t care if you think it’s the only compromise in your mind that we will get, because the fact that not all high elves would want to dabble in the void! VE is also only drawing in the SW high elves and not the others! We can go on if you wish!

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As I said to Nexsa - You can’t please everyone unfortunately.


Sweetie, what we do is not arguing, it’s me telling you the harsh truth, and you ignoring it and thinking your dead thread will get Blizzard to correct this mess.

They wont, it’s time to face the music.

Hey tamz, your idea is a good one, don’t get let down by others!

fixed /10 char


So don’t pretend that what you suggested does that. That is what calling it balanced and neutral seems to proclaim.

Aww cute, you’re throwing a tantrum.

Well good luck with your thread with 2 likes. :kissing_heart: :wave:

If People are trying to get me down, they’re going to need to try a lot harder than that. But, in order to do that, they would basically need to come off as if they’re directly attacking me, which so far I haven’t felt that way from any response from anyone. I get some People are frustrated, believe me I would have approached all of this a lot differently. But, I don’t have the power that Blizzard has, so I merely put forward a possible direction Blizzard could take if they wanted to. Hell, for all we know, they might already be doing that, and we just haven’t gotten to that stage yet.

what he tells you is very true, another thing is whether we like it or not

If the blood elf became what they were after the destruction of silvermoon, I see no problem that the exiled elves, that is, the high elves, their future would become void elf

They would even be very differentiated between light-like elves and void-like elves.

Lol think what you wanna think puppy, now be a good dog and beg for food somewhere else. :slight_smile:

Same here. :beers:

Lore stats otherwise for one, and two, just like the void there is many possibilities in the future. The fight will go on!

Your ignoring the silver covenent and it’s light users :roll_eyes: How convenient.

BE isn’t “light” elves. Unless you like the idea of power hungry mongrels are worthy of being called all holy. At least LF have their zealotry.