High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Considering horde players will get to make high elves but with a different name, his statement hasn’t lost any credibility.

Agreed. The Void Elves should just stick with the Silver Covenant. The Silver Covenant already has different themes going on with the potential for more, but the Void Elves are always just going to be stuck with the void theme, which we’re all sick of at this point.

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I seen this coming. You got your elves to now be able to look like High Elves with Blood Elves skin tones. You want to be able to choose weather you’re Silver Covenant or one of the original made void elves. You want to have the racial reflect that choice. This allows you to have the Paladin class. I’ve seen people requesting taking back Silvermoon.

At this point you should just ask Blizzard to delete Void Elves, then copy/paste Blood Elves over to Alliance and rename it to High Elves. Then those Alliance High Elves can walk into Silvermoon because it’s neutral grounds for both Horde and Alliance HE/BE elves. While in that city Alliance and Horde elves can trade items, talk to each other normally, make groups, etc.

Hell, while were at it lets just delete factions and call this game World of Whatever. Where nothing matters as long as you can RP how you want.

Blizzard gave in and had a discussion. Ion said that they sat down and talked it over. Blood Elves are still a choice for you to pick for Paladin class. Too bad it’s not on Alliance side. You have other races on Alliance side that can be Paladins. Not like the choice isn’t there.

Blizzard, please just copy Blood Elves to Alliance and name them High Elves. This is never going to end. Just remove factions or something. New generation of players clearly don’t care about factions or identity. Just let Alliance and Horde raid together and let this game just be a free for all at this point.

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This i can get with, the rest of your post seems like a rant that I’m just not interested in.

It’s obvious that Blizzard created Void Elves because they didn’t want to give us High Elves. No effort went into them, and after 2.5 years they’re still terrible

No epic lore moments, no memorable characters, no defined culture or relationships with other races etc. Why do they exist?

They were a “compromise” because someone at Blizzard HQ hates High Elves and alliance players. So instead we get this race that has nothing to do with Vereesa, the Silver Covenant, and the WC2 elves. So yes, a lot of us want to move as far away from void elves as possible because Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about developing them.


I wouldn’t say its only relevant to Hunters. It’s also relevant to anyone who wants to RP as a San’layn (another highly request allied race)… or even just thinks red eyes are cool (especially if they plan to join the Venthyr in Shadowlands).


The undead BE would just be you saying you want to be a BE that Sylvanas possibly raised in all honesty. Regardless of class they’d probably leave it to player choice.

Pretty much. That’s the beauty of options. We can use them in a variety of ways and explain them with our headcannon as we please.

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ErMaGeRd! StIlL nO hIgH ElF lOrE!

I ThInK I wIlL gO rIoT aNd BuRn dOwN aN aUtO zOnE aNd LoOt A tArGeT sToRe!


Well if they are going to add the customization, might as well do it right so to make sure there is no reason for another Alliance high elf Post on the Forums, if they going do it, do it all the way is my point is all.


that looks AMAZING

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Seeing all these new high elf threads pop up just shows that if Blizzard simply made high elves playable, all this chaos would finally stop.

No amount of compromise with the void elves will change this. They are still void elves, no one wanted void elves.
Even if Blizzard makes them look 100% identical to the high elves, they’ll still be void elves and this topic will not stop.
Don’t get me wrong, i think void elves having new options is great, but I still want to play high elves.

I really don’t get why Ion chooses to be so stubborn over something that could be so easily rectified.


Yep. If they’ve gone this far already may as well finish off the issue imo.


I mean come Shadowlands a void elf is just going to be a high elf with void powers. The only downside is having a limited class selection

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I mean that’s great and all, but they’re still not the regular high elves being heavily requested.
Void/blood elves will never be high elves and giving them high elf skin tones and eye colors will still make them void/blood elves.
It’s so unecessary for Blizzard to keep holding them back like this!


I see where you’re coming from but I have to disagree. The High Elf wayfarers if we get explicit comment from Blizzard they are some of the new recruits. We could assume the new VEs are just Elves with an allegiance to Alleria, interest in the void/ utilizes it, but doesn’t go through a change. It would allow people to RP either as a BE who wants to switch allegiances but still look normal, or a HE that never left the Alliance, who has been drawn to one of their people’s hero’s- Alleria.

That’s fine but even then that just makes them void high elves. I really hope we can get just the regular high elves one day.
I don’t get this whole void light mecha weird abreviations that have to be mixed into every alliance race lol!
Next we’ll have day elves…night elves that decided to no longer worship elune and look up to anshe~ lol!

(Blizzard I swear, do NOT give us day elves)


I agree, with the bad habit the Devs having with Hey we got this coming we always have the Buuuuut, or other shoe to drop feeling with any announcement, they need to quit playing games and just do it right, Or the threads and request will keep coming. (imho) Oh and BTW we never asked for Ren’dorei.


Did you just come up with a new Elf… ooooo I like it

Give them to the Horde! wink wink

Back to being serious I do see what you’re saying, and I admire your stance on it. I am currently unsure what the plan is, a bit confused, also happy to see HE lore being infused with VEs it was always said they would have been better received if they had come from the Alliance High Elves we’re finally getting the lore and the look. So I’m not too concerned with the name or allegiance to Alleria and her ideals which include utilizing the Void as a tool.

But I would still stand by people who want the AR, I just think right now is the time to celebrate still, and to see what is exactly happening.

At this point the only way to correct it with the cards they’ve dealt (in my opinion) is to give them secondary racials for the High Elf aesthetic. Arcane Embrace or Light’s Embrace to replace entropic embrace. Allow some kinda option to tag your character as a High Elf or a Void Elf. Or simply rename the race all together.

I know that’s controversial but at the end of the day we all know the “High Elf” aesthetic is going to overtake the Void Elf aesthetic. It’s not a matter of “if” but “when.”

Part of me believes they’re going to transform Void Elves into High Elves for the sheer fact they don’t want another dead allied race option on the Alliance. If they make High Elves as their own allied race it’s safe to assume most Void Elf players will reroll to High Elf. Thus leaving the Void Elves in the Allied Race graveyard alongside Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes.


The worst part is that it makes more sense than void elves IMO.
(But seriously NO to day elves)

Yeah I’m happy for void elves and stuff. More options for any race really is fine by me.