High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Yeah but I think I want to be a former BE still. I think my backstory of being a former Sylvanas loyalist actually works with being a VE post original VE’s. I could be one of those right now studying in the rift that looks normal. So I have to think why a BE studying the void with the current VE’s would have blue eyes. I will decide later heh!

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Ah I gotcha.

… Could be that the sunwell’s arcane side slipped in… Given your light connection though that’s harder.

I may have to just end up thinking of him as a former HE who was studying the Void. Which is okay too! Or maybe I’ll still do me and just use blue eyes just cause :crazy_face:

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Whatever makes you happy I say.

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Probably unlikely but the way I can see that making sense is if they’re High Elves born in Stormwind rather than being exiled. They could be the children of High Elf settlers that moved to Stormwind when it was rebuilt after the Second War. They could have a different outlook on dangerous magics compared to the exiled High Elves.

Hey, guys, after three days of meditation on the matter, I’ve decided to resub for one month (with gold, of course) just to celebrate the news!

It also renews my hopes for further allied race customization.

For void elves, I’m now hoping:

  • More hair styles
  • More hair colors: dark red, bege, silver-blue, black, white, dual color (red/black, blue/blonde).
  • Toggle to select between hair tendrils and braids
  • Alleria-like tattoos with void, blue, violet or magenta colors.

Just that and it’s perfect for me.

BTW, have you seen the new Entropic Embrace in the alpha? It’s darker and does not cover the hair, looking more like Alleria’s void form:


Big welcome back!! I always enjoy seeing your well thought out posts and ideas Alamara! One of my favorite posters on this topic! I’m very excited for things moving forward! :blue_heart:


With these new customization options, I guess Blizzard won’t need to try to hide the high elves anymore. The simple fact that they are now “playable” increases the chance of there being storylines featuring them in the future.

Blizzard purposely hid the high elves in BfA because they wanted to sell their new toy, void elves. If high elves weren’t “threatening” to void elves, then they’d probably would had appeared more. They are no longer such a “threat”. Blizzard has no reason to downplay their roles anymore. So, I hope to see more of them in the future (once we go back to Azeroth, that is).


That’s true I never thought of it like that, I figured they could add HE lore into VEs by just confirming the new recruits are former HEs. But it didn’t dawn on me we would also see more HE story outside of this just in general! That sounds amazing!

I think they’ll appear with void elves often, and their stories may be tied from now on, but at least there’s no reason to hide them anymore. That possibility makes me happy. No more only-blue elves in the Alliance!


Are you going to use the blue eyes on Alamara :slight_smile: ? I think I will use them on my priest, I like that bright blue that was shown!

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I know I’d use them on a character. Just don’t care for the entropic embrace visual, so iam with Avarie on that.


Just going to quote this here to see what everyone thinks.


Hmmm that’s less of an issue for me as I already like VEs as is. So the addition of HEs as recruits and HE customization is enough for me. I think it might be realistic to get a toggle on and off? Some want a total rework of it I think that’s just not realistic. But who knows all may be possible and positivity is in the air!

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I love my alliance high elves :slight_smile:
I remember Fiora Longears in Darkshore. This is for her!


This could work, though it depends on how it’s presented.

Suppose that after the player character exits the Shadowlands, they come face to face with not Anduin Wrynn, but his grandson, who is now the king of Stormwind. Because of plot, he doesn’t know who you are at first but eventually begins putting everything together, realizing that you are the missing hero of the Alliance that was written about (maybe by Anduin himself, maybe by someone chronicling your contributions to Azeroth). This would allow him to reintroduce you to Azeroth but with notable political and societal changes, while also allowing the game to give you a rough idea of what happened while you were away in the Shadowlands.

Given the above timegap, Genn would be dead, as would possibly Moira (her son would be the king of Ironforge). Jaina could plausibly still be alive, provided she pulled some magic shenanigans. Tyrande and Malfurion would also still be alive (then again, one of the events of the time gap could be that Tyrande lost control of the Night Warrior and had to be put down by a raid of 40 lore characters). I agree that you shouldn’t keep the current lore characters alive if the time gap is well past their lifespan.

I think this was prior to blizz deciding that night elves and high elves hating each other and using the sundering as reason why.

It was an interesting or at least a potential story to make kaldorei and quel’dorei become allies after all this time.


I think my suggestions above would be nice for both high and void elves, as Blizzard.

As for other options, I have a theory but I’ll post it in the San’layn thread later.


You would think this would be a great time considering night elves were welcoming shen’dralar arcane magic users into their ranks again. But hey, that’s my fault for thinking blizz would write an interesting story.

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The problem is Ren’dorei are already a race. One that I and many others particularly like. Having them marked a “subrace” or group in the silver covenant doesn’t sit well with me. And many others. Our lore is still very scarce ect. Us being just a “subrace” would be a massive downgrade and insult. If you wish for High Elves you should be pushing for High Elves to be their separate thing.