High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

or as yoda would say, your opinion, noted it is. :smile:

i’m still giddy that we are getting customizations for velfs.

Are you happy we may see them confirm the new VEs some are HE recruits? I think they could do so very easily. The blue eyed VEs with normal human skin tones could be former Alliance HEs then.

it makes sense, considering their standing there in the rift, learning from locus walker. though it is out of character for alliance aligned high elves

I’m glad you got what you wanted then :blue_heart:

I know I will be using the new customization on my priest! I’m very happy about things but everyone’s taking the news different though still seems to be overwhelming positivity about it some are less so than others.

my only nit pick is that the alliance aligned helfs seemed to be rather sticks in the mud when it came to dangerous magics, because of the lessons learned from the sundering. seems inconsistent with their ideological positions, prior to velfs


That’s the angle I suspect they’ll go with,and even if they add in SC or what ever that’s still viable.

Perhaps Alleria leading them helps draw support among their ranks?

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as long as she doesnt end up like azshara part 2. hehe.

All the new customization’s are nice I’ll admit, I’m happy for everyone in that regard. I’m gonna enjoy my pandaren’s customizations. (Now all I want is for us Panda’s to have some relevance in the story again maybe some stuff like scars as well). But nevertheless the majority of the customization’s are good.


are there more new panda customs being shown, since the ones we saw a month ago?

Nope sadly D:

I think it’s the easiest, and it’ll give validation to the HE community that we are playing an Alliance HE in all but name, following Alleria with an interest in the Void to varying degrees.

That was the number one thing I’ve seen said time and time again with different scenarios on how they could have done it from different people but it essentially comes down to the same thing “Void Elves would be better accepted if they had come from the Alliance High Elves, and had the customization options”, I have seen that many times, so I think this is a huge victory really.


there’s sure to be more. i’d like to see skinny pandas. pandas with better leaf decorations. cause the current ones are not very leaf like.

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Aye. It’s a very good result all things considered.

Cannot wait!

If they give us the Dark Ranger skin tones for BE’s all will be right in the world I will be ecstatic.

patiently waiting for that victory

I also hope the Gilgoblin fans can be thought of, and I’ve seen calls for Taunka. Trying to turn this victory and the potential victory for undead BE’s, into good things for other people too, positive energy pass it on!


I’m incredibly hype about it myself. Warcraft 2 was my first introduction to Warcraft, and fantasy in general beyond The Legend of Zelda. High Elves were of course an absolute staple of that game, and they always stuck in my mind. Yea, Garithos happened… but I was still dumbfounded when the blood elves ended up joining the Horde. It seems to have ended up working out of course, but I never stopped wanting my proper Alliance High Elf, and now it seems this is as close as we’re going to get, so I’ll take it.

Whether I do a ‘void purge’ or simply a ‘better void control’ story, I guarantee you I’m going to be dipping into that sweet sweet fair skin blue eyed elf action.


Awe happy for you :blue_heart:

My first warcraft experience was Warcraft 3, I didn’t really understand who or what I liked, I think back then I preferred playing humans, but I was devastated by the turn of events that lead to, I rooted for Jaina a lot. But I decided I liked the Blood Elves, I’m not sure that was Frozen Throne? I’m not someone who cares about reforged, I played it, I’m done with it, but the BE campaign always stuck out to me, and when I tried wow for the first time in the end of WOTLK I made my BE mage, and the Horde story made sense and stuck for me.

I’m so happy for the people who can have the lore to go along with making their VE make sense, you can be the HE that never left the Alliance, with the full diversity range of the new skin tone customizations! My VE will definitely be using them, though I’m unsure if I want to keep his backstory or or not, he’s a former BE, former Sylvanas loyalist who has grown to admire and follow Alleria.

I hope so. It makes a lot of sense too.

Oh I’m rather hopeful for that as well!

These too!

Of course an AR for all would be better but I’ll live with customization!

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If I want to keep Lannisteros’s backstory as a former BE, but use Blue Eyes, I wonder if I can play up some connection to the light without a connection to the Sunwell. He is a priest. Maybe I will be holy again just for this, I switched back to shadow because I like it personally when you void erupt it reminds me of that ability Sylvanas has when she screamed in UC at Anduin and the purple stuff went flying, or some of the abilities I saw in the SL trailer. Not tit for tat it just reminds me of it so I like it.

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Supposedly the high elves had members in both the church of the holy light and the Silver Hand from the second war till Quel’thalas fell. So shouldn’t be a major issue.