High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You’re not speaking to me I know but I’m happy to bury this dead issue back in the ground where it was before someone brought it up again.

Moving on then, which customizations are you going to utilize from VEs and BEs specifically Fezzy?

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Sela will remain as she is(blueberry) , but I’m going to make a High Elf Wayfarer who followed Alleria’s way and Trained in the Rift under Locus-Walker. Not sure what class yet.

Also Kyuu my Belf will go blue eyes (or purple if it’s a thing) for his Arcane affinities.

I also will have a high elf SI:7 agent working as a member of the Hordes Shattered Hand.

Got some other ideas too but want to see what else we hear about.

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i think it is. in the wow dev image, it shows a velf with purple hair and purple eyes. its not a real strong purple, but its there. almost pink.

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DH’s when they see a weapon someone wants: A fine addition to my collection


I’m still waiting to hear about hair colors and if entropic embrace will have other visual options.


I’ve thought about changing Lannisteros to be my BE and Lannisterian to be my VE. I doubt I’ll do it but it’s on my mind, VE warlock and BE priest connected to the Sunwell. But I also like being a BE warlock
 and I can make Lannisteros use the blue eyes and new customizations so if we get the lore to confirm the HEs are taking on the VE name he could have a backstory of either a HE or I can keep with my former BE story I have for him.

Assuming I take the path of least resistance which is keeping both as what they are now. But I do have more fun on my warlock than my priest.

I want undead customization for BEs we all know so I will be using that if it comes
 otherwise I think I will just stay the same Golden eyes for my warlock I do like the new short hair male hairstyles on BEs will probably try them both out to see what I like!

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Well it’s not clear if it makes sense that Void Elves can be Paladins.

The first batch of them were Blood Elves, who can be Paladins. Void Elves can be Holy Priests.

I don’t know if High Elves had Paladins before the Blood Elves created the Blood Knight order. Are modern Blood Elf Paladins still Blood Knights or have they adopted the way of the light in the same way other races do?

I don’t have much interest either way, Alliance has enough choice in the class as far as I’m concerned. However, I have no objection to them being added, but Horde will need an extra class choice to balance things out for the sake of fairness.

ohh, i was referring to how the game has alot of races without capital cities now or still, in the case of gnomes. gnomes lived with dwarves even though they had a capital city. worgen lived with nelfs even though they had a capital city, and so forth.

to me it almost seems like the devs are trying to decrease the size of the game, since its gotten so big, yet the population of players has shrunk, so you can play for hours and not see another person in some zones.

Because I®m actually aware of how ruined in the creative sense are the hacks in charge of writting the story. I®m pretty certain they would take the worst part of these “what ifs” and put them in the story cause “muh drama!!”

Someone never had the pleasure to see good ®ol Cairne confront an ally raid (it was MAGNIFICENT to see him fighting with that “decorative totems”.

And you DO realize they have literally DENIED this petition twice already? Heck, considering the “armor heritage” scenario they used to absolutely avoid working on the maps proper, I bet they would have constructed the whole Warfront in a pocket map and leave it like that.

Wrong, I actually DID listen to Blizzard instead of entertaining player headcanons and useless wishful thinking.

This is NO debatable topic, devs have outright DENIED the will to update those maps several times. This is FACT.

And what, have everybody and their mother complaining over “why no moar tmog from PvP content?”

Btw, players vs. machine is hardly PvP content

The filthiest
 the only thing more boring that Warfronts are the Island Expeditions and World Questing (but then again, World Questing is literally the lowest of the low).

Those weapons ended up in the hands of the updated guards in Silvermoon.

Fair, I really dislike entertaining dumb ideas like that old Warfront suggestion was.

Man, you are using GOLDEN EYES -lorewise affiliated to a very deep connection and worship of the Light (not my words, God words)- with that warlock. It canÂŽt get more incoherent even if you try.

For actual 100% canon approach, warlocks and DH kinda have to keep the fel green eyes.

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Heh well I was between making a Warlock or another priest or a paladin but I detest melee. So I use golden eyes because I like them but it also just felt right seeing as he was almost a priest I kind of have the idea he was studying and had a connection to the light before studying Fel and becoming a warlock. Not sure how he got from point A to B but it’s not enough of a concern for me either, that’s just what I have in my head for him.

Yeah, but all we got in the heritage armor was a cloak replacement, not totem weapons

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Maybe another option for Nightborne or HM Tauren that isnÂŽt a Pally?

I don’t know if it’s for belves though. :frowning:

Hopeful though.

Omg that’s hilarious!

I could see that.

I kinda hope there is something to link in the SC and Vereesa. Just seems so odd that they haven’t gotten together with Alleria in some capacity.

I also want this. Going to have a dark Ranger related to Kyuu of that drops.

Also a Warlock with the red eyes maybe.

Go look at your armor sets. It’s labeled as pvp seasonal gear.

Your opinion is noted.

And Cairne never used it as a cloak, but a functional weapon.

My point was that had devs wanted to include the aesthetic of the weapons in the model, they could have done so.

And devs pretend Jaina was “neutral” in Tides of War
 your point?

We both now they don®t even care about properly naming stuff, so

We gonna get the Sasuke haircut, but I still don®t see my Itachi haircut (Belves are the ones with the anime hair after all)
 and we have already a half-way haircut; changing the ponytal to fall on the back instead of it resting in the shoulders doesn®t seem too much to ask for

No need to be rude.

Fact is that’s what it’s labeled as.

So, as I said, that would be a good place for them to do racially themed stuff along the same lines.

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Same here. Hopefully we get some more normal hair colors. Could be some different shades of blonde, brown & red.

I’m still holding out hope we get an option to hide the Entropic Embrace visual or change it to something more fitting like Arcane. Depending some more class options (Paladin, Shaman, Druid) it would be kinda cool if you could have even more choice with it. Maybe “Light’s Embrace” for Paladins or “Nature Embrace” for Druids/Shamans.

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I’d love druids and shaman as well, but I am not optimistic.

Yeah I doubt we’ll get Druids or Shamans for them but one can hope! It’s not something that will really upset me but it would be cool to have nonetheless. If we can at least turn off the racial visual or change it then that will make me happy for the most part.

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I still have a slight amount of hope that they will just give us high elves, especially with void elf players protesting.


Personally I think they’re just going to roll them all into Void Elves together. I could be wrong but that’s just how I see them doing it. They probably know that many if not most Void Elves will change to High Elves whether that be a new customization or a new Allied Race all together. Their logic might be that they don’t want yet another dead allied race on the Alliance in the form of Void Elves.

Again I could be wrong but I feel like that might be their logic.