High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

i dont think its gonna survive shadowlands, but the hated dungeon, gnomeregan, was their capital city before it was taken over by the troggs and leper gnomes

We knew from datamining and from a leak and then from a dev though.

And I always assumed we’d win Darkshore back.

Arathi I’ll grant I thought would return to a status quo but blizz says we won there so

With Silvermoon I’d have assumed Horde would win there.

Mulgore I think would be interesting cause that would have dropped just about the time we saved Baine.

So I think it would have been Alliance and Horde Rebels against Sylvanas loyalists Warfront. Leading into a depleted Alliance and Rebels vs. an entrenched and better supplied Loyalist force at Orgrimmar.


they do? when i was on my way to finish my mage class hall mount quest, i had to fly over to old dalaran in hillsbrad. before i even got over arathi, i was forced off my flying mount and flagged. the zone name was in red, and was said to be under horde control

The assumption is what I’m saying isn’t enough. And no one is saying people didn’t know about UC or Teldrassil my point is before they were a thing we didn’t know we were going to lose them the initial shock was a shock. So too could the shock of Silvermoon being lost. And the HE fans that push that I just don’t trust to not make the most toxic topics for months on end about why they should win.

They aren’t some small company with no resources if they want to give BE transmog they can do it without a warfront in the future.

At the last blizzcon they said we won both warfronts.

lol sorta like fake news.

Yes Blizz said Alliance won both.

You guys are the ones swearing Blood Elf oriented tmog can ONLY come from a Silvermoon warfront, not myself.

Indeed they are -and with good reason, they®re boring to tears-. So what prevents the “amazing” Belf tmog to be obtained by some other content?

But if the Warfront was dropped what®s the point with the “what ifs”? Heck, did devs even got to design the tmogs? Cause me thinks not.

On the other hand the recent short story and that datamined pre-BfA tmog reminiscent of a red + gold Nightborne heritage armor makes me wonder

Wrong, the free epics are. Arathi can be done while AFK, and Darkshore basically gifts a guarantee heroic tier piece of armor for basically playing peon, so

Wrong, they can still come from anyhwere. Heck they can come from Shadowlands if devs feel like it.

Sure thing dear, is not as if the Draenei leader himself basically gave the Azerothian Belves their magical fix once again and left to bother with his own issues. And his War Crimes portrayals actually make him taking any part in attacking Silvermoon for the lols the most gross character retconn ever

Talk about massively ignoring the lore. FYI, the counterpart ended the moment KaelÂŽthas -who was the actual responsible party in regards to Belf crimes against the Draenei- was dealt with in TBC.

This. I repeat: the pro-Warfront people may hide in apparently bening and harmless excuses, but I question their actual true reasoning behind it.

But it is the topic at hand? or just more qqing from a portion of the playerbase that believes that complaining enough gets you stuff?

Cause if weÂŽre 100% honest, only tyhe most hardcore anti-Belf posters even mention it.

Not valuable enough to devote resources that can be used on a raid tier. And this is fact, I don®t see anyone making entire threads in the forums asking for Silvermoon Warfronts (as a matter of fact the ONLY place you find people even mentioning it arethe Helfers threads, go figures
 I wonder why.)


Were you active in the forums when the a-hole that posted the idea in the playable Helf megathread did it? You know how “considerate” it was?

To resume, basically Helfers were gonna poach Halduron from the Belves (making him a traitor) and make them “win” by barely reasons -and Helves didn®t lose; they actually got Ghostlands on that “harmless example done by very concerned and supportive Helfers”-. Heck, they tried to snuff the Farstrider theme completely on that suggestion and basically make the one dimensional Blood Knights the reason for “barely getting to keep Silvermoon”.

I DO remember cause I called them upomn their BS “we don®t want Belves®stuff” back then.

whatcha mean? theres some nuance in your response that i’m not getting.

This is very possible as well and it’s a magical universe so screwyness can come from any direction.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

We are saying that if a Silvermoon warfront had occurred that in all likelyhood There would be Belf Transmog based on the previous two warfronts. And considering the Darkshore warfront added Glaives, it only made sense to speculate that if we had gotten a Silvermoon Warfront, we would have gotten the highly desired Spellbreaker weapons people ask for.

What we did not say is that, that transmog, CAN ONLY come from a Silvermoon warfront.

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like that shield. that full body shield. so cool looking.

I think this is why I find the idea so threatening too, because it’s really not talked about that much save for a constant “wish” in the HE threads. There are some threads floating about right now but I think their mostly just antagonizing people over the new customizations announced the other day.

and at this very moment, there are people harrassing nelf posters for wanting something good to happen for nelfs considering all they lost. and their responses are things like - get over yourself, videos of burning christmas trees, that kinda thing. imagine if there was a silvermoon warfront and people behaved like that. i dont think there should be any more warfronts for that reason alone - it encourages people who are not quite right in ye olde noggin, to be even less so.


Thank You!

You understand where we’re coming from, the contempt isn’t nice to see on either end, thank you for understanding that.

Edit: I’m out of likes so I had to throw a like from my VE :blue_heart:

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Yup. The hardcore anti Belves use it as a perfect excuse to create toxic environment.

Worse then, why are you people wasting time with “what if Silvermoon Warfront” INSTEAD of figuring out other content to get it?

Heck, how about asking if devs even want to give it to players (considering Tauren heritage armor came with the totems, have you guys thought that maybe devs arenÂŽt even interested in giving the glaive + shield combo to the players by default?)

Indeed. And frankly, the “Silvermoon Warfront” BS doesn®t even properly advance the Belf narrative -that narrative in regards to Belves has a clear path- nor much less the Helf one -heck, as if Helfers would be A-OK withg being depicted as irredemable losers who deffinitely won®t ever gain a conflict against Belves. Sure thing.


Because it’s fun to think of coulda beens. Why are you so upset about what other people speculate about?

Totems that are just decorations on armor are no where near the level of a Sword and Shield that would actually do something.

The two simply cannot be compared.

You do realize a Silvermoon Warfront would have prompted the Devs an excuse to work on those ancient tied to BC zones right?

No, wait, you didn’t because you don’t think beyond a supposed agenda ppl have that goes against w/e thing you’re being offended for.

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I mean, I feel that this is getting all ahead of things talking about more elf stuff, when the rules that I just made up state that they need to make us gd ornately carved tree trunks that we can actually swing around like they’ve been teasing us with since Vanilla.

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I literally suggested that it could be added in a pvp season since that’s kinda what they are.

I mean
 I like them but I’m a filthy casual.

And nothing.

What I was saying is that the Silvermoon warfront would have been the likely place for it and there’s not likely to be a call for that sort of theme later. So some folk will miss it.

Cause it’s fun to imagine?

I think there were a few datamined weapons actually

Not sure though that was awhile ago.

Those and the Tmogs
 Every heroic I get into for these warfronts there’s multiple people saying which pieces they’re still missing and hoping to get. Lol

They could come from anywhere but a Silvermoon warfront would have definitely had them

Go ahead. I can only tell you my reasons and that’s it. If you don’t want to believe me I can’t make you.

I am 100% not against belfs
 My Belf is one of my favorite characters by far.

I did.

Oh I kinda remember that. That was dumb.

Also I maintain it’d have been Draenei not elves. Could see some Void Elves helping I guess.

Anyways, if you want me to stop talking about this, then stop talking to me about it.

I’m happy to let it go if you do.

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An alliance city that got nuked. You had mentioned Teldrassil, Gilneas, etc.

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