High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Not allowing others to take an opposing stance on it when the topic is at hand doesn’t seem sensible either. So since it’s never happening we can argue about this all day or move on.

And some are talking about how thankful we are for not having had this happen.

This is a fact and shows how valuable they are to ppl and not as Ariel puts it “no one”.

There’s nothing wrong with thinking about what coulda beens. Afterall this whole High Elf thing is the perfect example of it.


The High Elf request has been said to be in the foreseeable future. This warfront has it had comments from the dev? Or was it such a bad idea they scrapped it before even talking about it. All I see is people wishing for the idea, and others happy it didn’t happen. People can have both opinions, but since warfronts are dead and you still want the transmogs the logical thing would be to think about how to still get those transmogs.

I would have been careful to not knock over your plastic trees on the march to silvermoon.

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Thats fair enough, but then you’re just gonna end up with this. >.>

Not sure why there is argument.

Folk saying Tmogs could come from someplace else when they would have definitely come from that Warfront? Thats where people are going to think of.


They’re welcome just as anyone else is to that opinion.

We all don’t need to be getting up in each others grills over it though.

Pretty sure given that Blizzard has only ever done sets like those from the Warfronts through Warfronts that they’re never going to happen nor would again.

Unless they came out with a similar feature. It is tied to PvP seasons though so maybe just through that?

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I think what both AriĂ«l and I and I’ve seen others say is that the Quel’thalas warfront no matter how many times you say “it’ll be great because it’ll give the BEs a win” it opens the doors to the possibility of having a really toxic environment of BE fans possibly losing Quel’thalas. So it’s not hard to understand why even if you just want it for transmogs others may not. And it’s odd a passing idea can be dropped but differing opinion on that idea that keeps being talked about is shut down.

Hopefully not I have also seen as some have speculated we may not ever return to Azeroth that is a far more pressing concern too imo.

The High Elf request was dead until a few days ago.

think about what coulda beens and wish for nice things.

Truly a saint.

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I don’t know anyone who thought that to be honest :confused:

I’ve seen that going around.

I think it’s too early to tell really.

No sense worrying about something that wasn’t going to happen. Unless you actually think Blizz would make the Horde lose Silvermoon?

Then you haven’t been paying attention.

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might go in reverse too. nothing says time flows faster, in only one direction, while in shadowlands.

I don’t know, did NE fans expect to lose Teldrassil, or Forsaken Undercity before they happened. I’d rather not have a QT warfront. And that is my choice and right to voice my opinion on it every time it comes up :confused:

Considering they showed it before release, there would be no excuse not expect it.

But that’s the point it wasn’t expected before it was shown. Nothing ever is, and the story can go any way really, I’d rather not give Alliance Quel’thalas and I don’t know what the writers intend I’m not even sure of player intentions when they ask for this warfront.

bugs me that gnomes still dont have their capital city, and its like right there in their starting zone. and gobs dont have a capital city, when they are industrious lil peeps. they shoulda been hanging in tanaris with their kin at gadget. and velfs just have a couple floating rocks. and worgen lost their city, which is crazy since its such a cool looking old english city. gilneas shoulda been their capital, not teldrassil. etc.

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I’m not really knowledgeable about the Gnome capital to be honest with you, I see it get brought up a lot in terms of something we should see in game as a city for Alliance so I hope we do one day. I think it was a dungeon is all I know about that tbh.

Idk what you were expecting when you were shown a giant tree on fire and Blizz asking what came first UC or Teldrassil. They literally told before release that those two places were getting wrecked.

Might as well have no story then, if you can’t see the obvious in front of you.

You forget about Theramore.