High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Why thank you, Reno!


I do think you need a stylish shoulder tho.

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I can manage that no doubt. I’m not going to be able to play until tonight though.


If I remember I’ll sit down and help you.


Nope, invalidating the obvious circle jerk of people wanting the Warfront AND grasping at straws. 4 posters from million players is ridiculously irrelevant; heck not even the whole forum poster population is probably a real relevant player population to justify “muh Warfront cause MUH TMOGS”.

Tmogs can come from literally anywhere, no Warfront needed whatsoever. You guys use a fail premise to justify content that objectively speaking , is NOT popular (as told by Blizz themselves) AND can be used to continue the Horde villain batting (objectively too when we consider the whole of BfA AND the incoming pre expac novel… Horde gets so negative lore portrayal devs already made the Council fail).

Imagine underestimating the motivating power of Transmog.

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Imagine believing devs are so narrowminded only tmog can come from one source… that´s my point: you can get your Belf tmogs regardless of any Silvermoon “upodate” nor Warfront.

The only people that want a Warfront are the ones that either A) naively believe devs will treat the Horde as anything but cartoonish idiotic evul monsters or B) expect to get the territory at least lorewise speaking cause “muh Helves/Velves!!”

momentarily off-topic.

so i live by the space base in florida, where the apollo, mercury, space shuttles launch. space-x is going up today and we watch it on tv in real time. before we could get out in our front yard to see it live, it had already entered space orbit. that thing was hauling rump. much faster than the shuttles


Why do they have to come from a warfront, that concept that they can only come from one source and anyone against the warfront is against transmog is just odd to me. I hope we get them some time by some other means :heart:

No one believes this at all tho.


So, you are invalidating yourself.

Tmogs come from a variety of sources sure, but they have to come from someplace.

Since the Warfronts have provided racially themed sets so far, its very logical to assume they would again.

Even more so to assume a Silvermoon Warfront would likely engage a Blood Elven theme. (And I suspect Draenei as the opposing force but don’t have any solid evidence of this)


Well then make it an Exodar invasion warfront and call it a day then. And see how the dranei fans are okay with it, to get the same transmogs.

i dont think stormwind, ironforge, orgrimmar, silvermoon, suramar, or most of azeroth is gonna survive shadowlands. wont be a silvermoon to warfront. in fact, wont be anything azerothian to warfront, from the sounds of it

i dont have a problem with that, but i dont think exodar will survive shadowlands

Exactly. They can come from anyhwere else, no need for a Warfront. That IS the faulty reasoning of the Warfront defenders.

Sure dear, it´s not like the whole freaking expac screamed it and implemented it.

And you guys especially. I´m not the one saying Warfront tmog was so awesome devs deffinitely have to make more Warfronts… and as a mattyer of fact, Warfronts were so underwhelming as content that regardless of tmog, devs decided to not bother anymore with them.

So tell me who is more realistic between us.

So, raids and dungeons and world quest don´t exist?

Since Warfronts were a mechanical gameplay failure , it´s even more logical to assume devs won´t touche them again nor bother wasting massive resources on them.

Draenei don´t even make sense as opossing force, dear. Last time I saw, they left to chill out and deal with their own issues since TBC.

We never said Transmog has to come from only 1 place. Smh.

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Thats fine by me. But I assume we’re working with the previously datamined information on where the other Warfronts were going to be based. In which case I believe it was Silvermoon and Mulgore.

I’m not pushing for a Warfront here that was dropped, those are done, I’m just pointing out that its logical to assume there would have been a blood elven themed set of armor and weapons associated with it. That is just logical.

I was just pointing out that its dumb to assume there wouldn’t be tmogs associated with it and that that would be the likely place to get them.

Warfronts are done with.

Yeah they were. The Tmogs are still being farmed for to this day though and are the main reason anyone bothers.

Never said they didn’t.

But it is logical to assume thats where they would have come from.

They make sense as they still have a standing army that didn’t do anything else for the most part and they are the counterpart race to the Blood Elves. Its an assumption, but logical enough.

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Well if the devs thought of it and it was deemed a horrible idea they aren’t even working with it anymore maybe we shouldn’t work with it anymore either and think of new ideas.

Squelching any talk of it at all doesn’t seem sensible when its the topic at hand.

Nor will it harm anyone. They’re not going to be a thing and there will not be one. Talking about wishing there had been one so you can get some Tmogs is the least thing anyone should be getting too riled up about.


Sometimes Daddy Bear needs to give all the Goldielockes of the World a good chinwag and bap to set them straight. All jokes aside however…I’m curious as well. I think it’s largely going to be determined by the Time Skip and how far into the future we go. If the Time Skip is merely say…1 year and the two Player Factions are working together like a masterfully, well oiled machine. It’s going to come off as exceptionally unbelievable in the negative sense of the word. If the Time Skip goes too far forward however, it might not be believable to see some characters still alive.

Unfortunately we just have to wait and see what comes of it in the end.