High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Dude are you okay?

Except there’s literally no one complaining for void elves right now. If you want to be a purple void elf you can still be a purple void elf so save that “in velf players eyes~ I am the savior of void elves!” weird propaganda shenanigans please.

I really don’t think lightskinned void elves will change the high elf request regardless, unless they fold high elves into void elves. I still want to see playable high elves.


Maybe that’s what blizzard should do instead, just do high elves as their own race.


Stop and realize that is what you are doing too.

I have been against your request because I think that it could harm the story I enjoy. So while yes, that means I have to advocate against what you want, I am still asking for my story to be protected so I am not denied any semblance of heroism or not-evilness in the horde story.

While you advocate for what you want, you are denying people who like blood elves or horde story the openness of plot that having an antagonistic portion of your race being NPC only provides. By changing our villains from NPC to PC it limits that story.

For void elves, as much as people say there’s no limit to options. That’s not true. Time is finite, there’s only so much they can spend on each race. People who like Void elves as they are are asking that that time be spent more on options that they want than the ones you want. And the more of your request that get through may in fact mean that they are denied what they want.

It may be selfish, but we are all selfish here in that case.


What. High Elves being “villains” is perfectly subjective on both sides of the factions. Blizzard has never actually alluded to them being villains though, not that it would even matter. And although they may be seen as ‘villains’ to some of you guys, they’re soldiers/civilians/heroes to the ALliance side, which are the people asking to play them.

You’re basically just saying, “No, I don’t want this so you guys can’t have this.”.


Yup! That’s what people here have been asking for right?
Lightskinned void elves are still just blood elves who switched to the alliance over a 5 minute transformation.
Blizzard thinks that by throwing new customization options in for velfs that no one will want to play high elves anymore.

More options for void elves are great and stuff but that doesn’t erase high elves.


And we are back at your “it’s either/or” mentality, trying to pit HE and VE players against each other by inventing scarcity, to pretend the BE story will be affected negatively in any way because… VE get normal skin tones and hair?

Your story “being protected” has nothing to do with VE’s being blond FFS what is this argument even.

You keep saying the SC are just “BE NPC villains,” you keep denying that High Elves on the alliance is an alliance issue. You never have had any respect for the HE request, everything a HE fan would want feels like a strike against you, completely imagined as they are.

All you keep doing is being afraid how others getting what they want will affect you, and I am tired of pretending that’s anything but incredibly selfish at its core.


Says the person who gets outraged that people want things that they don’t want.

I’m tired of you pretending you aren’t just as selfish as you try to paint everyone who disagrees with you.


Some of the ideas I’ve seen you push today would to many BE players be a negative. So the idea that BE players don’t have concerns is so weird to me. Blizzard took great pains to try to please both sides, and both sides have a right to react to varying degrees, even on the pro side it’s not completely one way of thinking people are mostly positive but some are different.


But that’s what you’re doing with void elves? I mean you literally liked a post that wants to rename void elves to high elves and give high elves a mount and heritage armor and basically switch all focus to high elves and away from void elves. Don’t act like you don’t do the same to things you don’t like.

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Zero sense of logic here.
High elves aren’t solely there to be villains to the blood elves.

In that case make the entire alliance NPC only since I think they serve purely as my antagonist.
You’re not losing anything from what race someone chooses to play.

The fact that you see no difference in “let people ask for things they want” and “let people deny others from what they want” is inmensively telling.

Are really the same to you? Do you really think it’s the same to say “I want blonde hair” and “I don’t want that person to have blonde hair?”

I am not “outraged that people want things that they don’t want.” That’s literally you about people asking for blonde hair, how do you not see that?

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Would anyone like some popcorn? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


The difference being purple void elves will continue being purple void elves. Sure if their purple skin tones were outright removed, THEN that would be horrible.


You can’t mention you’d like a “Quel’thalas Warfront” without being crucified for it. My friend, you are being incredibly petty.

You are acting like all I do is talk about the alliance reclaiming Quel’thalas. I just mentioned as a possibility. I’m not actually invested on it happening man.


You keep jumping on me when I call out people who are attacking people who want to have more void than high elf stuff on the high elves as greedy. So what am I supposed to think when you seemingly keep coming in to defend the bad actors on your side?

Do you not get how you’re telling people that they’re being greedy for saying “I want more void hair, and worry that this high elf stuff is going to eat up all the customization we get”

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That doesn’t change the fact that you are TAKING away void elf identity by putting them under a “high elf” label instead. They are their own race and deserve to be their own race still. High elf players will have to be the ones that cope with being just a customization skin. Or they should continue advocating for their own actual high elf race to be added.

So I was just thinking what class choices Alliance High Elves would have gotten. The obvious choices are Mage, Priest, Paladin, Hunter, Druid.

I have literally called them annoying, how is that me “coming on their defense”? You ALWAYS forget that I am speaking from a thalassian fan perspective. I’m asking fellow elven fans to not fixate on others people requests .

Dude, WTF? I want more void hair, I’ve said that i’d rather have more void elf hair colors than HE colors.

An odd attempt to insult me by previously making it sound like you’re being nice.

People are allowed to feel this threatens their favorite race. You can’t go around promoting it knowing a large chunk of Pro HE fans literally just wait in the wings to try to bring up how QT should be Alliance etc etc, when that is all that they would be pushing in such a situation. I find it interesting you’d take the time to resort to personal insults while also invalidating BE fans.

You’re telling someone right here they have no reason to be afraid it doesn’t affect them, and yet things you have said I have seen large amounts of BE players be against, so why act like their concerns aren’t valid. Why is it selfish to want to protect things people like as much as give others new things they would like to see.