High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

If they are going to give Helfers anything, they should just give them the darn race. Got to many of them trying to hi-jack void elves and turn them into the race they want them to be now.


And then they call other void elves selfish for not wanting to have our race changed, not realizing that trying to change an entire races (void elves) defining feature (void), steal the exact looks of a horde race (blood elves), ask them to be able to be paladins, so just so they can live out their blond haired, blue eyed, goody good healer high elf fetish-fantasy, is just beyond selfish.

Like, what? Really? Really?

Ren’Dorei literally means child of the void not child of the light.

If they want a blond haired, blue eyed, high elf paladin the red team is that way ------>


High elves have been requested a long time. It’s not really our fault that void elves were pulled from the void instead of high elves being put in.

It’s also not our fault they are choosing to add belf skintones to void elves. We are just making the best of it.


It is kinda weird that now every hair color looks like dark hair. Which brings me back to the “Void Elves should have had white hair since the beginning”

I would be happy with something like this:


But something like this would be best case scenario:



Also I have to point this out.

If your character has a child it will be a child of the Lights, so it’s possible.

How is this just not being incredibly petty? SMH.

Literally the first Void Elf ever made is… human skinned and blonde, and she is no less of a void elf than the rest, she’s the OG FFS

I’m really tired of the “sky is falling” attitude y’all having because some people think light hair color would be nice.

Really, is Alleria any less of a Void Elf because she is blonde? What in tarnation people, do you really think Void Elves are defined by hair color?

No, they are defined by void usage FFS, I can’t wrap my head around this narrative that giving VE’s blonde hair will “destroy them” and “is hijacking void elves.”

"Coloration does not define the Void Elves" has been literally true since Alleria, you know, the first Void Elf, was made. What is even this??


Eh, not as petty as the people acting like it’ll be an outrage if they don’t get all their further demands. This isn’t sky is falling, it’s griping about the people who are going nuts acting like this means they now are entitled to everything.

I have not seen anyone say this, their just stating their opinions which I do also disagree with but sounds like you need to

I literally quoted at people crying about “void elves being hijacked and losing their identity and want to make them high elves”

Like it’s literally just up there so you can see it too :confused:

It really sounds more like you are afraid that Blizz is gonna do it, and that issue then is not with anyone asking for stuff here and instead is with them.

people are gonna ask for stuff always, is up to blizzard if they listen.


Why is them stating their opinion crying, thats a bit insensitive and assumes an awful lot imo. I agree the concerns aren’t warranted, as its Blizzard who is choosing to go this route, and them telling the HE narrative via VE’s is just more lore for VE’s they still keep everything they had before. I also haven’t seen anyone say the sky is falling, save for perhaps me at a certain idea you keep pushing.

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Eh dunno what they’ll do.

But there are some people coming out of the woodwork who are being really obnoxious and demeaning people who like void elves. Ask for what you want, but I’m not gonna stop calling out the people who are being rude and uncaring about the game play of other players.

There is asking and then there is demanding. And it’s more than possible to try and get things you want without acting like entitled little jerks who try to turn what is really a big gift as it is now into a “slap in the face” because it doesn’t have everything they think they need all at once. (not you, but there are people behaving that way, and making threads)


People shouldn’t act like that, especially since we don’t know yet what’s included, so acting like it’s a slap in the face to not get options is premature.

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:roll_eyes: are you really on about me “pushing” a “Quel’thalas Warfront”? Dear lord, I just said I’d find it nice if it happened. You have been snippy towards me since I mentioned it.

Well what else can I tell you besides for some people nothing will ever be enough?

I’m just saying that between them and the alarmist “void elves are losing their identity” posts it’s becoming a drag.

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We aren’t saying that giving the void elves more customization is bad. We are talking about the ones who are now asking for things like paladin to be added to Void Elf so they can have there high elf fantasy. Which is literally trying to hijack void elves in every shape in form.

The void elf people are just doing what you all have done for years now. They are speaking up to let Blizzard know what they want. Sometimes two requests can clash. But it’s not really a failing to stand up and let Blizz know that you want something. Some people want really voidy stuff, and they want Blizz to know that they don’t want to see all the work go into stuff to make people who want something else entirely happy.


I agree they are annoying, my point is that calling what they are doing “hijacking void elves” is alarmist.

Some people have asked for forsaken paladins for years, overall paladin players ask for every race to be paladin. It’s not happening unless we get Void Knights that use the Paladin gameplay, but have their own flavor.

IMO, I want Void Shamans; a lot of their astral stuff could have a very void-ish flavor.

Ironic isn’t it. High Elf supporters have always usually claimed that Anti’s are walking all over other people. But when it comes down to it. The High Elfers are doing the same thing with the void elf players. Calling them “Whiners” and everything for daring to speak up against them trying to in the velf players eyes. Take over their race.


But it’s the same “anti” MO that BE players have, and that’s what sits badly.

It’s different to ask for things that you want, than denying others from asking what they want.

Rise up what you support, not tear down what you disagree. If what you want is for other people to not get what the want, that’s just selfish in nature.


Sometimes peoples wants are selfish in nature. Like taking Quel’thalas, pushing a smoke screen warfront that serves to grief BE fans even more. People are allowed to fight against things they feel actively hurts their favorite parts of the game.


The second picture would be perfect. Like, that way both sides keep/get what they want. We get natural colours, but they’re different from what the Sin’dorei get, so they’ll still stand out and be distinct. Blizzard should totally do that.