High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Taking some time to process the current info being provided by Blizzard and seeing People’s responses to it. I can say for myself currently, I’m modestly happy with this development, which is primarily because this was ultimately as far as I was willing to compromise on the matter in a general sense (see here for proof that also links to more proof). I know for some folks they think the door is 100% closed for High Elves joining the Alliance as a dedicated race (be they happy or sad over this.) However, where one door may have very well closed, I see another door that may have very well opened…

Now in my personal opinion, I see 3 possible paths Blizzard can take right now as things currently stand.

Path #1 - Worst case scenario

Alliance & Horde share High Elves via customization and a pure in-name High Elf race option is off the table 100%. Only thing High Elf related we will get anymore after this point is related to customization through Blood & Void Elves, cosmetics, in-game lore, and etc…Neither Faction gets factual, exclusive claim to the pure Quel’Dorei.

Path #2 - Middle Ground case scenario

Blizzard goes down the Pandaren path. A Neutral, pure High Elf playable race is made, and eventually the Player will be forced to choose to join either the Alliance or Horde. Both Factions share factual claim to the pure Quel’Dorei. The Horde would get a new sub-faction of High Elves in their Player Faction through a story partnership with the Blood Elves and the Silver Covenant will officially join the Alliance with a story partnership with the Void Elves.

Path #3 - Best case scenario

Blizzard is possibly setting the stage for the Alliance & Horde to be forced into a single, merged Player Faction AFTER the Shadowlands Expansion. They plan to make a in-name playable High Elf race. But, it won’t be Neutral like the Pandarens were and that is because the Alliance & Horde as we know them now are gone (again) AFTER the Shadowlands expansion. There would still be sub-factions players can join to justify PvP, but the old Alliance & Horde Faction system would largely be destroyed. Thus current coming customization options in Shadowlands for the Blood Elves & Void Elves are purely a short term customization flavor enhancer for the two player races.

I do see a 4th possible path. But, that path is better reserved for a dedicated topic as it covers a lot more than just playable High Elves.

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When did Blood Elves ask for blue eyes? And was it an on-going request like high elves or was it made in response to the high elf requests?

Also, considering eye color tends to be a reflection of what type of magic they’re around or have absorbed, it’d make less sense to give them blue eyes. Green and gold make sense based on what we’ve seen, even if gold was a recent addition. I really wouldn’t have batted an eye if they had gotten that option with the Wrath pre-patch or at Wrath’s launch, since it’d be a consequence of what happened in Sunwell Plateau.

but also did alliance on VE’s and have to share skin tones.

I’ll acquiesce on this, though I personally saw it as a lazy solution. Especially since I’m of the opinion Blizzard did not do the legwork to make VEs a good addition to WoW. So I’m not going to praise them for a lazy solution placed upon something that is already of questionable origin. A massive lore dump in-game and a complete remake of the VE starting area could be a step in the right direction, but I don’t count on them doing that.

Girl, there have been threads for blue eyes for blood elves for a looooong time. Like you might not be aware, but they are.

Can someone bring one ip?

Honestly, agree.

I’m personally happy with getting HE lore for the VE customizations allowing us to be HE in all but name.

But I do want to say your ideas are creative and took the time to not insult BE fans. It’s the only time I’ve ever seen a neutral idea be pitched that doesn’t involve taking the BE race off the creation screen and re naming it Thalassian and calling that neutrality and fair.


I’ve asked multiple times. Even sent in about 20 some odd suggestions in game.

This one rides on how much more work Blizzard wants to dedicate to the elf debacle. Also, the major downside is that they’d still be sort of dangling High Elves in front of alliance players like a carrot on a stick.

Path #2 - Middle Ground case scenario

On the one hand, I’m not comfortable with the overlap seen if both HE and BE can be on the Horde. On the other, this isn’t that different from mag’har orcs or highmountain tauren being on the horde, so it could work.

Path #3 - Best case scenario

While I can agree with the direction that would take, there’s some major risks involved with this. The people that go on about “the war in Warcraft” would probably not like it, even if PvE and RP servers would see this as a massive win.

As the saying goes; different strokes for different folks. :smiley: :+1:

Thanks, I did want to make sure People understood that I wasn’t out to give the Blood Elves the metaphorical pitchfork shanking, so I re-typed that post above like 3 times to make sure there was no room for doubt. The 4th idea I have in mind also avoids that same problem, but it would be a massive reply post in here, and that is even if I broke it down to it’s most extreme focused point for High Elves. So, if People would like for me to make it, I will. But, it’s going to be extremely focused and not covering the full picture of what I would love to see happen after Shadowlands.

Please leave your made up stuff at the door.

I think you got the order mixed up there.

I disagree and night elves are their own thing with their own nation.

Yes. The telogrus platform should be built up with a proper void elf gate to stabilize it and some void elf tents around it.

Technically it required exposure to fel energy to get green eyes in the first place. So… farstriders, etc. Probably always had blue eyes.

Mages were likely to get blue eyes again anyways.

and supposedly the Fel was going to wear off eventually anyways.

Besides, if the argument was always, “There aren’t enough High Elves.” then why are there suddenly enough High Elves to be playable Horde side?

Also, honestly, we all know it’s just so people can customize their elves more.


Basically. Until there is more clarification, it really is speculation either way!

Yup it does 100% and yeah it would be like that for the Alliance in a sense. It’s one of the hard aspects of trying to please everyone, or at least as many People as possible without trying to make major waves in the metaphorical community pond.

It could indeed, it just takes Blizzard’s willingness to commit to it, and the community to accept that it’s going to be a quasi-Pandaren type introduction to the game. However, I think it can be done differently enough that it would fit the High Elves well even if it’s borrowing general story elements from the Pandaren. Hell, I already got a simple scenario in my head that would work pretty well, and could leave a lot of room for RP stuff as well.

This will without a doubt require a lot of careful storytelling by Blizzard. But, In my personal 2 cent opinion, I think WoW needs this story evolution pretty badly right now to freshen things up again, and Blizzard is pretty much in the most ideal storytelling position to make that happen with the hint of a Time skip, the new peace between the two player factions, and the Lich King’s crown being destroyed.

As the old saying goes though; more than one way to skin a cat. So, even if Blizzard doesn’t take that path that I think they should take, it doesn’t mean they cannot achieve it differently as well by going down a slightly different path. Just have to wait and see in the end either which way. Much like everyone else, I don’t have Blizzard’s playbook in my lap. :smiley:

The new customization’s still look like greasy hair emoes. Hope they fix the hair to.

How so exactly?

You’ve got best case scenario listed as worst case and worst case as best case. That’s all.

We can’t please everyone with our 2 cent opinions. :smiley: :+1:

Nope, but I’m still gonna keep chucking those pennies so maybe Blizz sees that and
doesn’t make things worse and ruin 2 races just to placate some people who are being really greedy now.

Blizz you’re almost THERE

Just give them the HAIR


Blizz, do you see what’s going on? They’re never going to be happy, just sigh and tell us that we’re why we can’t have nice things and take it back.

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