High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I’m fine with all the Elves being in the Elven Quarter but I think it would look aesthetically the best if the High Elf theme was dominant in the city part. It wouldn’t be that much of a culture clash with Stormwind’s aesthetic. You could throw in some lodges and other buildings as well. Maybe even a few moon wells and ofc the portal to Telogrus somewhere in the district.

The Telogrus side of things should also be built up too with some proper Void Elf infrastructure.

It’s a terrible attempt at a compromise. You’re basically getting something that says “yeah the HE aesthetic is no longer an Alliance thing”, so now you need someone to explain why High Elves forgot about their hatred for the Blood Elves and the Horde and decided to join them.

Do we? cause it literally don’t know is High Elves joining the Horde, or, you know, Blood Elves just managing to change their eye color.

The later seems far more likely personally, but until it’s pointed out, it’s speculation either way.

Maybe because, it was never a alliance exclusive aesthetic to begin with.

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I mean it kinda was except for the 5 blood elf NPC’s with blue eyes, -none lore relevant- but does it matter? It’s not anymore.

And, mind you, Dalaran, for better or worse, has many neutral High Elves who accepted the Horde and the BE’s in their city, so. Maybe some of them finally went back to Silvermoon.

HE’s are friendly to the Alliance, hate the blood elves and hate the Horde.

There are people trying to sell this as a “victory”, ignoring the inconsistencies and questions that arise. The blue eyes was one of the things you could differentiate them with (though the many customization suggestions like tattoos, hair styles, use of earth tones for their skin and hair colors also help).

If you’re allowing people to roll Blood Elves that can be lookalikes of the high elf NPCs in-game, you have to explain why these high elves are calling themselves blood elves and why they decided to stop hating the blood elves and the Horde.

The Blood Elf model was never Alliance until VEs I think that’s the point this persons making not about blue eyes, they already commented on that and said it was a good compromise.


Tell that to all those high elves still living in quel’thalas.

Both sides got something they asked for, the least ppl can do is be grateful for it.

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Blood Elf and High Elf are one in the same, if they return to Quel’thalas and re join Sin’dorei society so what. Same thing on the flip side, the HEs are joining from the rift maybe is an avenue and calling themselves VEs now assumably so what. Why is it only the BE version of a victory is being attacked. Both sides got something good. We just need the lore.

Just pointing out that blue eyes were kinda HE exclusive, even if it wasn’t playable.

Question about this, are you referring to “High Elves” as the whole “race”, or “High Elves” as the current ideological entity? Cause using them interchangeably kinda removes the nuance.

AFAIK there are no “high elves” living in Quel’thalas in the modern ideological sense.

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Seems odd to point out if that’s not what they were talking about but okay.

Dalaran’s stance is “officially” neutral, but the populace wouldn’t associate with the Horde if they had the choice. Remember that it took one of the 6 rulers of Dalaran vouching for them before they were allowed to set foot inside the city. Even then, the general outlook on the Horde is “getting all the help we can get to deal with a greater evil”. This was true during Wrath as it was during Legion.

It’s more “big picture” thinking rather than everyone in Dalaran thinking like Rhonin or Khadgar.


Their conversation:

Am I wrong at thinking they are saying blue eyes “were never a HE exclusive thing”? Kinda need henitai to clarify on that.

IDK about that, the point is we can’t for certain now the alleignance of every “neutral” Dalaran HE. I’m just saying that some of them could have been open to finally return to Silvermoon.

It’s plausible.

Technically yes, there are high elves in quel’thalas. Just not the ones aligned with alliance.

Thats made more clear with the new customizations.

I hope commentary is on it. That would solidify the blue eyes and new customizations on VEs as HEs then too from the rift.

But is it tho? because we don’t know if this new customization means that:

-High Elves returned to Quel’thalas.

-Blood Elves have regained Blue Eyes.

I think either scenario is plausible -regardless of personal desire- but we just don’t know until it’s addressed on lore.

So saying “Now there are High Elves in Quel’thalas” is simply inaccurate, cause, we don’t know if they are just blue eyed blood elves.

Now, we can talk about how even if a high elf rejoins Quel’thalas now they become… a blood elf, since that’s their cultural identity. But that’s kinda moot.

I think we can more safely speculate that HE’s are joining VE’s at this point, simply because of the High Elf Wayfarers that join in Telogrus. With the new customization options, now both things imply new VE members.

But overall, I just think we have more speculation than confirmation of origin above all.

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Citation needed. To my understanding, everyone living in Quel’thalas is a blood elf.

Both sides got something they asked for, the least ppl can do is be grateful for it.

The Alliance wanted high elves as a playable race.

The Horde wanted no high elves for the Alliance because “something something we can only hate/fight people different from ourselves, because nuance and political ideology don’t exist in Azeroth” and “muh faction identity”.


That’s just the unkinder read, I think it’s pretty accurate we got a compromise.

-Blood Elves got blue eyes they asked, but also did alliance on VE’s and have to share skin tones.

-Alliance has something aesthetically closer to playable High Elves now, whether it will actually address HElven lore, is yet to be seen.

Still, this is quite literally, both sides getting something they wanted, but not quite everything they wanted (Exclusivity on one side, AR High Elves on the other)

cause again, compromise.

There are a lot of antis who articulate themselves just fine without you mocking them in the last paragraph there.

Second of all the first part, if we get lore to get HEs in VEs I think that’s a big victory. That was a number one thing Ive seen people say that VEs would have been better accepted had they come from the Alliance HE population. Now we could get confirmation these new customizations encompass that HE population, and the customization to match what a HE looks like. The lore and the appearance. And it was introduced the same time as an equally controversial topic blue eyes for blood elves so yes both sides were shown to be thought of.

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