High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You do know Ghostcawler was not the lead game designer back in MoP.

I mean I am a BE fan so shrug we don’t all share the same opinion.

I literally have no problem with any factions territory being besieged, IMO it makes the story more interesting to me. Whatever alliance extremists wank about in the future is immaterial.

But I just don’t get the mentality of refusing conflict when conflict is what pushes stories forward. If it’s the fear of losing Silvermoon, they could make it clear from the beginning it’s not an option -again, from a meta level everyone would know that the belves wouldn’t be losing Quel’thalas-

It would be a story about the alliance trying to push and failing -maybe retake Windrunner Spire at most- to set up an updated status quo.


Hey Val, you remember asking me what our odds were a few months back? :slight_smile:

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Their Paladin mount needs to be a charger unicorn.

Them also getting their Tattoos/Warpaint would be awesome.

IF we get some kind of secondary racials or a “Choice” for racials it could open the door for a lot of other interesting options too. Like if they get Druids or Shaman maybe “Entropic Embrace” could be “Nature’s Embrace” similar to the suggested Arcane Embrace.

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Fixed /10 char

Let me know when I said you weren’t a BE fan and we shared the same opinion. I’ll wait. I think it’s a terrible idea but interesting you keep bringing it up so we have a difference of opinion on it.

Yah I remember hehe

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Mmm, I don’t think it needs echo domes tbh, it doesn’t need greenery to be beautiful.

IMO maybe Telogrus Rift should continue to be their main city, just become an actual city in space with actual VE nu age architecture. But indeed Void Elves do also need a settlement on the EK, but that can just be a hub tbh.

I am saying that as a BE fan I wouldn’t see it as unfair, this comment is indeed implying that BE fans wouldn’t find it fair. That’s what I mean.

I’m all for some conflict on Quel’thalas for 2 reasons:

-It resolves the thread of the alliance wanting to reclaim it. They lose, we move forward.

-It allows to update QT for the current time period with revamped assets like we have seen other zones.

But to be fair, there are more narrative conceits that would lead to a revamped Quel’thalas, I just prefer this one because it addresses two issues at once.

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And yet a lot of BE fans would, because it would open the door to the extremists who push that agenda and we’d be griefed for months on end, it looks like a smokescreen you can say it’ll be great the horde can win this one wink wink all you want and to some it does seem insensitive. Whats more does the Horde have to fight on its home turf to win a battle for once?

And this is what I mean when I say I am not the only BE fan who thinks its insensitive to keep bringing up a QT warfront it opens the door to the “lets steal Quel’thalas” topic and its insensitive. Move on the warfronts are dead the idea is subjectively awful.

I’m all for a Quel’Thalas warfront. Fun for the whole family. :joy:

That’s what I am saying, some of us would be into it, specially if it leads to a revamped Silvermoon. Again, I have no issues with cities/territories being besieged if the outcome is good.

Not even suggesting this as a Warfront, just a narrative.

And again, I would be okay with an updated Silvermoon for the Blood Elves even if the reason was a bit of a siege. That’s my point here.

And that I want the issue of “alliance tries to take Quel’thalas, and fails” to be done with rather soon instead of dragging it on as the gosh darn awful “Let’s retake Lordaeron” that has been going since vanilla.

IMO some plot threads should be get out of the way sooner than later, and for me this is one of those, cause otherwise I just don’t look forward to years of “let’s retake Quel’thalas!” threads.

I’d rather have the answer “alliance tried, they failed, won’t try again”

Well apparently its been thought of by Blizzard and they thought it was bad enough to not include. Thank goodness we weren’t subjected to another bad idea in BFA is all I can say, yet you’re still pushing for it, have fun with that crusade.

Create a stormwind elven district when capitals eventually get updated. Move the telogrus rift portal to here. The district would have a new HQ for the silver covenant as the centerpiece with some night elves also living in the district.

To keep with the theme many guards should instead be silver covenant rather than stormwind city guards. Still have some present but for the most part it is elves instead of human guards.


This is a brilliant idea.

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I love the idea of moving the portal to a new elven district but I don’t think the theme should really revolve around the SV as void elves don’t really have much affiliation with them.

If anything the guards should be Night Elves. They deserve their own spot after what happened to them.

Edit: I think it would also be kind of a cool idea to have the telogrus rift portal inside SI:7 HQ. We are pretty stealthy/sneaky.

Dude, saying “I’d like this idea” is not the same than “pushing for it”, chill. I literally said.

So IDK what vibe you are getting from me now, but it ain’t it chief.

Would be nice, but at the same time I don’t think it’s necessary that elves have a district on a human city when this is the opportunity for the Thalassian exiles to forge their own society, you know?

Not against it, but I do think there might be better narrative solutions. But yeah, say that little rise above the mage quarter where the Kirin Tor tents are? That would look pretty nice as an elven quarter -specially since there are many kaldorei refuges in Stormwind as well-


Well I am chill this awful idea won’t be happening so all is good :heart: :yellow_heart:

I disagree. I know you want void elves and high elves to be separate but I want them combined together. Void elves are few. High elves make up the majority of exiles. Given the status of alleria it makes sense for all the exiles in the alliance to combine together and form a new government independent of quel’thelas.

With this being done the silver covenant (Or rather whatever it would become as I believe it should be given a new name) would be the primary military force of the exiles and would allow high elves, half elves, and void elves into its’ ranks.

Have to agree with this, to a degree; I think I am overall for an “Elven District”, it could really work specially that with the night warrior, we are kinda looping between the three kinds of elves in the alliance.

And it would be nice that we just had an “Elven Guard” NPC and they could be Night Elf, Void Elf or High Elf.

I think an elven district in stormwind would work better as a meeting place for all elves for their shared heritage, while their main hubs remain elsewhere.


Why does it even have to be related to the Silver Covenant? What does the status of Alleria have to do with it? She doesn’t lead the Silver Covenant, Vereesa does.

Why can’t void elves and night elves create a new military force? One that would allow high elves, half elves and void elves?

I would personally rather an area that represents all alliance elves I don’t want the Silver Covenant to be the main focus or theme of the void elves and making an area themed with SV would do just that.

If anything, it should have a big ol’ Ren’Dorei Banner and be void themed.