High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

The demand for wut, troll posts?

the demand for the rightful inclusion of an original founding race of the entire setting.

K but this is the best we’re gonna get.

Folk can be happy to have an option that from a RP standpoint can get them close.

Or you can just see it as an Alleria style void elf.

Honestly I agree with you that an AR would be better but this is a good thing to celebrate.

I will still always want actual high elves, but this I feel is a sign that blizzard is trying to make everyone happy in some way. Those who want high elves will be able to rp as them, those who don’t want race slot used on another elf race can be happy, blood elf fans get the blue eyes they wanted.

It might not be perfect but I definitely appreciate blizzard for doing this, and I know it was probably a hard position to be in.


I was pretty excited when I saw this a while ago. For anyone upset they aren’t their own full race or about being stuck with Void Elf hair colors have some hope. From how that post was written (at least In my opinion) those are just early previews of the options. The High Elves could be getting regular Blood Elf hair styles as well as regular hair colors such as Blonde and Red. Blood Elves are getting the Void Elf beard option so it’s entirely possible they’ll exchange more hair options.

My only concern is the racial abilities. Entropic Embrace would look weird as a High Elf so I hope there’s a way to undisplay it when it procs. Or maybe for the High Elf option it becomes “Arcane Embrace” to look more fitting. Depending how their heritage armor goes I would be nice to have a High Elf version as well.

Either way good news imo. Im excited to see what else they get!


Exactly. This is a whole lot better a compromise than the Void Elves were at first and given that they’re here now.


Paladins and some other class options might not be off the table either. They could add Paladins (or even druids/shamans like some people suggest) and just make those class options restricted to High Elf customization options. I would be fine with that.


I think that would work well, as well as a way to change the visual of entropic embrace depending on your customization.


it’s not a hard position to be in, it’s a relatively simple one.

i mean, it’s not even a position in the first place. they’ve already done what is being asked, with pandaren. they got anushurt over pandaren for some idiotic reason(i wish i could use harsher language), and then hazzikostas’ pettiness only worsened the issue.

every single “problem” with having a race that’s basically the exact same race on the other faction, is a problem invented in someone’s head, or an outright lie. pvp? anyone stupid enough to not know red = dead deserves the loss. i can’t even think of another issue to list, it’s that false.

i have no sympathy for blizzard on this, because it’s always been a mental block at best, or an outright lie at worst(most likely option).

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Even though Blood Elves getting the Alliance’s aesthetic is pretty annoying, I’m probably going to pre-order Shadowlands and get a year sub for myself and the family now that VEs can look right. The ability to play a High Elf where they belong will be extremely rad. Can’t wait.


it’s not a high elf, and it never will be.

Now that we’re all allowed to use normal skin, my new High Elves will be whatever I want them to be, hater.

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racial, racial mount, racial tabard, heritage armor, racial lore(which, obviously, you don’t care about lore), name tag in game.

you’re a void elf.


If you can’t bend in the wind you’ll break with the storm, friend.

Let the folk who are happy be happy.


I’m sure the HEs in the rift will be addressed. As will the HE aligned population. How nice would it be to see Vereesa swear the SC under the Ren’dorei banner and name, opening up the Paladin class too in that regard!


Blizz should just steal your good ideas. It’s that simple.

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Well I mean there has been, and still is opposition to this from players. So they have a group that’s wanted high elves, a group that doesn’t, a group that doesn’t care so much beyond that they would rather see other races take new slots instead of a reskin, so whichever way they went some people would be upset.

I still would want them to get their own race, but I do understand why this is the path they chose for adding them.


there is no physical possibility for a void elf to be a paladin. they can only be holy or disc due to gameplay forcing it to be an option.

a velf can’t even touch a lightforged without crippling pain and visions of the future. wielding the light might outright kill them.

If the SC HEs swear fealty to Alleria, under the VE name. What are they going to do in the pre patch I wonder going back to Northrend? High Elves in all but name. Just like Blood Elves :slight_smile:

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