High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Giving normal skintones to Void Elves is not outrageous, nor does it detract from the Hordeā€™s identity.


In your opinion.

And yeah, it does in a way. It also massively detracts from the void elvesā€™ identity.


It doesnā€™t, because theyā€™re still Void Elves. Alleria is a precedent set to allow for normal skintones.

The Hordeā€™s identity is not built on peachy toned elves.

I say this as an anti, by the way, as much as I loathe that term.


racial leader. And how many of them reflect the race they lead?

And I accept theyā€™re a thing, Iā€™m happy for the people who are able to be decent human beings that they got something they wanted. But this feels really lopsided, and Iā€™d like say some sign of ā€œhey, weā€™re listening to you too hordeā€ after how horrible BFA was. Since theyā€™re getting early AR customizations, why not fix nightborne too?

And youā€™ll never convince me that the person I was responding to was right that it was owed the Alliance because of thing that happened in the past.

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Itā€™s not ā€œowedā€ but to say itā€™s lopsided isnā€™t right either.

People begged for upright orcs, they got them.

People begged for high elves, which Blizzard has made clear they donā€™t intend, and instead gave people void elves with normal skintones.

Really? You think distances in travel is even on the same page as getting actual new content? Oh how you are clutching at straws.

Both Zandalari and Nightborne got substantial modifications from the base models.

Using existing textures on existing models is a flea in regards to work required compared to creating a new animation rig for running and walking with the upright Orc.

I do think you rather have to consider the general popularity and reception of Allied Races. Their is a disparity between Horde and Alliance, to put it mildly.

Yes, overall popularity MATTERS in a game designed for millions of players, not designed for Tom over there who keeps telling us how wonderful his Mechagnome is. Thereā€™s a reason why only KT and Mechagnomes, and Void Elves to a lesser extent, are often the subject of ridicule.


During allied race things. They made Magā€™har upright and allowed normal orcs to do that too. Itā€™s in the past, and Alliance got other stuff at the same time that the horde didnā€™t. Itā€™s foolish to keep going back in time to make it sound like it wasnā€™t a gift to the alliance players that wanted them.

But Iā€™m just bugged because with the way horde got ignored in legion then butchered in BFA. Iā€™m worried SL is going to go back to being one of those world ending threats where they forget the horde exists. So Iā€™d like some signs that they hear some of the complaints on the horde side and are taking them into account like they take alliance requests.

Nope, just pointing out other things that make as much sense as your little nonsense about how an AR customization being opened up for the main race (who had been asking for it from the start) is some big extraordinary gift when it was just part of the AR system that everyone got.


People begged for upright orcs, they got them. People begged for not-boney undead, they got them.

This seems more like youā€™re frustrated that the Horde got cookies an hour ago and are seeing the Alliance now getting a cookie and are claiming the Horde never gets cookies. When people point out you got a cookie an hour ago, youā€™re saying ā€œbut thatā€™s in the pastā€.



If by cookie you mean a birthday party at chuck-e-cheese with special guest Mr. Tom Fortnite, then yes.


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We never get the Allianceā€™s cookies for one. Our cookies donā€™t have the potential to screw up any alliance raceā€™s cookies. Blizz hasnā€™t had the record at destroying alliance cookies that they do with horde cookies.

So yeah. After the practically complete retcon of what the horde was into npc villain faction that was BFA so that we could be the pure and good Allianceā€™s villains. Iā€™m a bit defensive.

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None of this really makes sense to me, but I can tell youā€™re frustrated at something.

I donā€™t think Blizzard is biased towards Horde or Alliance, and Iā€™m sorry that whatever it is youā€™re wanting added to the game hasnā€™t been added yet. I hope you can have fun anyway.


I mean, you jumped in because I said that it was nonsense to pretend that ā€œOh horde got a thing in BFA when everyone was getting new thingsā€ has to mean ā€œAnd so Alliance is OWED this other thingā€

No I didnā€™t. I responded to the OP, you responded to me. I had never mentioned the thing about the Alliance being owed anything until you did, and what I did say in response to you was that I actually agreed that they arenā€™t owed anything, but neither is the Horde being ignored.

oops, sorry, mixed you up there.

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Do you like the upcoming tauren customization? Some of it has me wanting to make one. I hope they add more though.

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So far so good. But I hope thereā€™s a lot more coming, like new faces and such.


I think the new VE stuff opens the door to Taunka a lot of people want Taunka too.


I want Taunkaā€¦ Love those guys.


if you people actually let yourselves be swayed from your demand by this, itā€™s gonna be pretty stupid.

throwing away years of asking over a stupid skin option? instead of the full race, as it should rightfully be? itā€™s ridiculous.

now it is nice to get these skin tones and eyes, for both velf and belf. but neither of them are high elves, no matter what that nu-male taliesin has to say about it. their racial is void, their heritage is void, their name and their lore is void and the study of void. these are not high elves.

this does NOT answer the demand.

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