High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

We can’t do that. Tell her Zordon.

Since they chose the route of combining races instead of new ones I think the best thing for High Elves/Wildhammer Dwarves/Sand & Dark Trolls would be if there was a quest line that reworded the equivalent of Heritage Armor and racial Mount that tied up all the lore loose ends.

This would work just as well for San’layn as well. A quest to explain the new options and add the things they would have gotten as an Allied Race.


Would be perfect IMO, I have also considered this before; it could serve as a way to continue to add specific “group” themed armor sets based on questlines. Would be a fun thing to be added from time to time for races, a nice reward, and an update on the current lore of said group.

As an aside, I have been wondering -hoping- these customization options have some lore meaning behind; so what if the whole “spark” behind this is High Elves, at least Silver Covenant- joining with the Void Elves, which also causes some more light fanatical high elves to become neutral, or maybe finally return to Silvermoon?

Could be an interesting way to create an ideological divide between Alliance and Horde elves, with both groups falling alongside the spectrum of the Void/Light divide.

I know High Elves using the void is not the path most people want, but just like Alleria did, it would serve as a way to ideologically differentiate them as a whole. Maybe not every alliance HE would dabble in Void, but they would be accepting to it, which would contrast with the badn on it from BE’s.


This would most likely feel more natural, anyways.

You’d have groups that are identified by their general demonyms (ex. “Dwarves”), and more precisely by their specific demonyms (ex. “Bronzebeard Dwarves”). As the game progresses, Blizzard simply releases quests which unlock additional variants, complete with their own voiced lines, racials, the whole shebang.


OP VELF would look like an AMAZING HIGH ELF <3333 I’m so HYPE


Well this is great news! Maybe not precisely what was requested, but it DOES have the good secondary effect of potentially adding a good deal more backstory lore for the Void Elves; as another commentor said earlier, allowing for more divergent backgrounds for the Void Elves as they can now have been either Blood Elves OR High Elves who’ve become Void Elves. And they don’t even need to be strictly Voided out looking! Especially with more customization options…


IDK. I don’t view access to something that has been there all along as special attention. New developments would be special attention, and High Elves on the Alliance are not new.

I’m not that one that kept them relevant. Blizzard did that, not me.



So, let’s see. Big plot point, Azeroth is a female titan. Hmmmmmm, which race since they were introduced has had a religion based around the planet being a female goddess? Which race also has had absolutely zero reaction to the revelation of the titan Azeroth?

And who is the speaker for this goddess? Is it a representative of the race that has apparently known what was up for forever? No, it’s the stone encrusted dwarf that Blizzard killed of Cairne for no good reason so that alliance wouldn’t cry too hard when he was blatantly put on pause in the cata pre-release novel.

You’re saying the reveal that Azeroth is a titan is stealing Horde fantasy and giving it to the Alliance through Magni?


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Pretty blatantly.

If the moon generally considered to be Elune was revealed to be another sleeping female titan that then chose hmm, let’s say a goblin to speak her words to the world, and the night elves had no reaction to that. Would that be fair to the night elves?

Haha, alright.

I’m bitter about the way Cairne got killed off in exchange for Magni going on pause for a few expansions, so I’ve got a grudge there. The really huge problem I have is that there was zero mention of it by the Tauren (especially with the whole Heritage armor quest that had very little to do with the Tauren at all)

I mean, they’ve been yakking about the Earthmother for forever, something shows up that might be the Earthmother and THEN the Tauren quit talking about it?


I don’t think the Titan inside Azeroth is necessarily the Earthmother and I don’t think Tauren are making that connection either.

Frankly, it’s probably not because all that kind of plot apparently belongs to the Alliance. But I mean, it’s just plain stupid and wrong for the Tauren to have no reaction to it at all.

What are the antis opinions on this? Hopefully they’re satisfied with what’s going on, too. Both groups have been going at each other for years now, so hopefully we can all start getting along.

Also I think new hair colours would be nice. Having different shades of blonde, red, brown, white and grey(Different from what Blood Elves already have) would be amazing, and it’d help keep them visually distinct.

Super satisfied. If high elf fans are happy with taking what is already in the game and making it available to alliance for almost zero extra work, its win win!

I see a classic power ranger clip, I like.

I’ve already put together new transmogs in anticipation of the new options!

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Lmao, i have too!! :sweat_smile:

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I’m very pleased. This is precisely what I wanted. The only thing I didn’t want was either a third race of an identical model with some color tweaks, or for Blizzard to design an utterly new elf model when, by lore, High Elves look identical to Blood Elves.