High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You know that alpha bug with Entropic Embrace makes sooo much more sense now!

I mean I could understand a texture bug with the new Entropic Embrace effect… but that’s a fairly specific “bug” to have that particular texture replace the skin.

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Light Forged Draenei Death Knights make just as much sense tbh my guy.

The difference is light and death are two things that have been confirmed to be used together. They don’t react kindly to each other but they aren’t extremely chaotic. You see DKS using it as far back as old Naxx. Meanwhile the void is a force that obviously isn’t that kind to the light, as it literally clouded X’era’s vision of the future when she tried to see the outcome of Turalyon and Alleria’s mission. She couldn’t see the outcome because the void clouded the vision making it impossible for her to see exactly how they completed it and survived.

Disc Priest.

NPC Void/Shadow Paladins are in the game since Cataclysm, in WOD the Eredar themselves had dark paladins. Honestly I see no reason to not give paladins to the Void elf, the only thing needed is a quest line that turns the abilities of the retribution paladin in Void, similar to Fel fire in the destruction warlock


This is a good counterpoint, however I think the difference comes is that priests have been about the balance of the two forces. Light cannot exist without the void. When the Paladins have been full on Light focused. However who knows it could work maybe?

I want more quests like this. But blizzard doesn’t want to do this anymore. The problem comes with how difficult it makes it when they add in new abilities. Though I would kill for my fire mage to have blue/arcane flame.

I hope it works anyways and at the end of the day Blizzard could think of a reason if nothing else. But I do think if they add HE lore to VEs it would give a valid backing to add HE classes that aren’t currently represented on the VE roster.

Aren’t alliance and Horde tied for Paladin I was told? But Horde still have more shaman races. Alliance can use another Paladin or two to catch up imo.


Yeah, this was making me suspicious back when it first showed up!

I love the new effect too as a void elf main.
I’m just so happy everybody’s getting something cool out of all this.

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Yay! Yall’s persistence paid off, finally.

That’s all I have to say.


Congratulations everyone! I am happy for us all! For the Quel’dorei! For the Alliance!


And I keep asking why people think paladins are so iconic of High Elves on the first place.

Which is the more sensible path to be honest, considering that both their leaders are sisters and it would just make sense they united their forces into a single political entity.


I think it’s been slowly moving in that direction for some time. The high elves in Telogrus Rift, Vereesa and Alleria reconnecting, the high elf sorceress walking around Stormwind with the void elf etc… I bet you’ll see blue skinned members of the silver covenant, they are all going to unite.

Surprise troll post!

I hope so; maybe the Silver Covenant rebrands itself as the “Veiled Covenant” or something and becomes the new join organization for Void and High Elves. We players would be Void Elves -or at least high elves that dabble on the void- but several could just remain High Elves in the sense they don’t partake or study the Void-


I think the Silver Covenant will likely become the military branch of the void elves, similar to the far striders for the blood elves.

Vereesa can continue to be the Ranger General, while Alleria and Umbric will become co regents.


I’m confused, are we happy about this?

I have a weird itch that this just muddies the water even more than an actual, separate AR would.

My mind is running on all the RP possibilities!

This change demands that I roll a fresh toon in SL though. Likely a new main, so no race changes!

Maybe, but I am looking it as the Silver Covenant being already a political entity on itself more than just a branch of military types, so I’m pointing out as the grouping of both VE and HE as a political entity with goals rather than military heriarchy within.

Sorry, no tattoos for you, but you do get blue eyes! Thanks to your insistence, we got normal skin tones for Void Elves as a compensation. Isnt it funny how your genuine petition turned out?