High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Well, I also suspect they believe they made something so uniquely ā€˜coolā€™ that people wouldnā€™t notice or care.

This thread and the who knows how many megathreads that have arisen since near-end of Legion / early-start of BFA (when allied races were announced), proves otherwise.

Same (although to be fair, itā€™s not just ANY class, itā€™s a specific one that is nominally restricted, although not as much as DH ā€” that one is definitely the most restrictive ATM).

Trick isā€¦given how recently the two people separatedā€¦thereā€™s a LOT OF OVERLAPā€¦on what counts as BE and HE.
Have to navigate these waters with caution, and while emphasizing the differences is a good start, it doesnā€™t need to be done with a sledge hammer.
The fact that HE wouldnā€™t have Warlock, DH, and DK is already a difference. Potentially wouldnā€™t have Monk (even though I listed it on my preferences, thereā€™s no reason to believe HE have monks). The addition of Shaman alone (or druid alone) would start to highly emphasize difference.
No need to lose Paladin.

But I do get your concern on the area, again, regarding infringement from either side. I simply think the concern is unwarranted. I think if HE are made playable, it will be more in line with the Silver Covenant and will be kept separate from Silvermoon and Quelā€™thalas.
The open question, in my opinion, is WHERE they would re-settle. (Or ifā€¦they may stay in separate enclaves as they are now).


Tauren get to be all three. Why should they get to have their steak and eat it too?

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Oh god they do donā€™t they.

I mean I guess the upside is they get less story development than even gnomes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


At the expense of Paladin.

I agree with this, I just added my own reasoning for why I chose the same options you did.

HElf pallies are historic so Iā€™d be arguing much more on their side. Iā€™d be much more, if we gotta let them have a non-BElf class, give 'em druids per that mention of HElf druids being a thing in the WC2 instruction manual

HElves havenā€™t had anything to do with shamans historically so Iā€™d be leaving that off. Puts them basically in the middle of BElf and NElf classes, sharing things both can be


I think it would make more sense to figure out how they could add Druid and/or Shaman rather then some trade for something that might never happen by taking away something thatā€™s almost guaranteed.


But in terms of the Blood Elves, not even the original Thalassian playable race has Paladin, Druid, and Shaman. Why should HEā€™s get all classes that BE fans also want? And I am unsure how I feel about BE druids btw shamans yes but Iā€™m indifferent on BE druids havenā€™t decided if I like the idea of them or not.

Giving them the same level of classes as Zandalari, would give them more classes then BEā€™s. And I disagree they should get all of them.

No not at the expense of paladin, not for me. I mean if we each had to choose what classes we would play fine, whatever.

But if the majority of helf fans want pallies more Iā€™d give up one of the other two.

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Know what I change my mind.

High elf Pallies and druids.

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Im not even remotely ashamed to ask for both, Iā€™m willing to give up shaman, at least until I see some Totem designs.

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High elves wouldnā€™t have demon hunters, possibly not dks, or warlocks. Druid and shaman are the only two classes belves canā€™t have.



I had forgotten about that. Given that we havenā€™t seen that since though, itā€™s quite possible they took that thread and expanded it into the Night Elves for WC3.

The only reason I include Shamans as a possibility is due to proximity to the Wildhammer Dwarves, and that a major lodge is in Hinterlands not far from Aerie Peak.
Any High Elf Shamans in this regard would DEFINITELY be new recruits and very green (no pun intended).

Same. Iā€™m okay with those 2, but not at the expense of Paladin.
If having all 3 is a problemā€¦then Pally First, and then we figure out which of the other 2 makes the most sense.
I lean Shaman due to the Wildhammers, but I do understand the desire for Druid as well.

Not it wouldnā€™t.
They (HE) would most likely lack Demon Hunter, Death Knight, and Warlock. Possibly also Monk (do not know for sure).
Gaining Druid and Shaman in return would mean that Blood Elves still have 1 more class option overall (possibly 2).

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I think they would have monks. They did hang around pandaria.


I think they could make a case for DKs, as a lot of them died as High Elves during the invasion of Quelā€™Thalas.

Then again the DKs we make are usually based around the time Arthas woke up.

THEN AGAIN, Allied races are just newer Death Knights so thatā€™s an easy possibility.


Just going to list my compilation on possible High Elf classes to show my opinion.


I donā€™t see them getting DHā€™s or Warlocks but why would they not get DK? Did no HEā€™s die against Arthas? Could more DKs not be made if the need arises? And were the SC not intricately involved in WOTLK the depose Arthas expansion where arguably people died.

And why should they get 2 Elf druid races, and an Elf paladin race. While Horde has no Elf druid race. When Elves are arguably incredibly popular.

Unless we also opened the classes for BEā€™s which I donā€™t have an opinion on in regards of Druids as I just said.

And this list would be fine, but if weā€™re adding new lore additions in that just seems an unfair amount of popular classes to an already popular race, and I donā€™t see any problem with people having preferences on which classes they prefer and why.

From what I understand in the lore (and this likely will have changed since the advent of Shadowlands and BFA Allied Races), but every Thalassian elf who became a Death Knight, returned and joined the Sinā€™dorei.

As for the elf druid vs pally vs shaman race thing ā€” technically thereā€™s no elf shammies yet at all either.
So that argument would extend to even if High Elves retained Paladin, had NO druid, but got Shaman.
Or if Night Elves got Shaman and High Elves got neither druid nor Shaman.
Or if Night Elves got Shaman and High Elves are still unplayable.

Blood elves donā€™t need every class. Nightborne would be a better candidate for elven druids horde side.

Dk for high elves Iā€™m less on the fence about with them being available for ars now, admittedly. Before though, it was a question of would there have been any high elf dks that didnā€™t join the belves after.


DKs are likely given that every Allied Race has DKs these days. Based on that theyā€™d probably get the newer quest experience but, still would be DKs

Iā€™m sticking with druids over shammies though because of that WC2 note


That is your opinion and I respect it and you.

For me I think I prefer Druids and Shamans over Paladins, with my reasoning above.