High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Aside from the whole should alliance get them or not. They really do NOT need to add another elf only class, that’s just kinda obnoxious to the people who like other races to add even more elf-only nonsense to the game.


I don’t really like the idea of especially new classes being so race exclusive. Death Knight and Monk are a good example of how it should be. Not every race should be able to be the class but a good majority should be able to be the new class. Kinda like monks.


And frankly, if they were to add in more racially restricted classes, I’d rather they give it to the lower pop. races, give some reason to play them over the ones who are already popular.


I vote Dark Ranger for everyone then.

But I am more hoping for the undead customization for BEs
 maybe NEs too will be added who knows. Regardless I’ve seen people think if added it’ll be hunter class exclusive which I doubt because their comments on Golden eyes was if you want to play as a BE cleansed by the Sunwell then you can- or something to that effect iirc.

I don’t know they files they place them in can change no? There’s been no official statement from ion saying no that doesn’t make sense, the way he commented on blue eyed BEs. So I think for now I remain hopeful it’s TBA customizations.

I agree. The next race specific class should be Tinker with Gnomes and goblins.

I’m more on the side of opening up DHs to a few more races and just not having any more single race per side classes. I don’t think we’ll ever be in a spot where blizz can keep juggling balancing classes if they get tried to make enough so that each race could be paired off and have their own. But, say they did make tinkers, have the goblins and gnomes take lead, but it’s not a big thing to say that members of other races with mechanical aptitude could go off and learn from them to spread the class out more.

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And you donÂŽty think itÂŽs kinda wrong to make claims over how corrct or incorrect lore is when you yourself used nothing but your own incomplete knowledge as a measure tool?

Well, at least we all know now the root of the problem regarding you on particular
 no wonder you wildly ignore entire portions of the lore; fact is you aren®t even interested in expanding the knowledge; only on fulfilling your narrowminded PoV

Nah, man. There are already too much available classes for Belves and while Dark Ranger maybe could be acceptable from a lore PoV (theyÂŽre certainly not Belfy-Belfy; more like a Forsaken proper thing thanks to the long Sylvanas affiliation) there are other races that need the focus and development more urgently (all things considered, Belves are VERY OK in regards to playerbase population).

I want a mail wearing class that has a heal spec and isn’t just melee.

I would like to see a blend between a hunter and a mage as a class.

It was however they still have a history of working together. Shandris fought in the troll wars.

unfortunately tinker is the only class left that would fit with that.

Bards, necromancers, and dragonsworn would be readily available to most if not all races.


As for your earlier post, no wood elves and dark elves are different archetypes. In Norse Fantasy
the dark elves were actually ‘dwarves’, but that’s neither here nor there. Later on, they became their own archetype, most notably in Forgotten Realms D&D, but also in Warhammer Fantasy, of actual elf.
Wood Elves on the other hand have always been a separate archetype more in line with celtic fairies mixed with some Norse myths. The archetypal high elves are in line with the Norse Light Elves.
From there, thanks to D&D, we get all crazy amount of types of elves based on various archetypes and fairies from mythology (aquatic elves, winged elves, sun and moon elves, you name it).

I agree that neither the lore for the BE’s on Horde or the HE’s on Alliance invalidate the other.

It was an obvious split in their society after a MASSIVE trauma to their kingdom, culture, and quite frankly to them as a species. How they handled it from there is what defined them going forward. Their choices afterward are based simultaneously on this shared trauma and their initial choices afterwards on what to do about it. Other events that occurred afterwards obviously also play a part in influencing those decisions, but those subsequent events have not yet defined them as a people (barring a few exceptions like the purge of Dalaran and mana-bomb creation).

Agreed this is something that gets misunderstood a LOT.

Agreed. Blood Elves have the same intense survival at all costs mentality of the Horde. On the surface they look different, but deep down they are more similar to their Horde allies.
The High Elves took a different road that have them more in line with the Alliance.


Well, people asked “what does the fox say” and here is the answer.

Definitely. That would be very nice.

What do you think would be a good aesthetic for them that respects their heritage as Thalassian Elves, their place in the Alliance (and I guess also history with Dalaran), while at the same time pushing them in a new direction?

Night Elf Paladins would make sense.
I would like to see High Elf Paladins. It makes too much sense for them to also have Paladins.
Also — some trainers with the Silver covenant like Rulen Lightsreap are Paladins.
Arator is a half-elf and also a Paladin like his father.
So I would definitely want to see High Elf pallies. Potentially, when added, have a few hanging in Stormwind around the cathedral of light.
If we ever re-take Gilneas, I would like to see a few hanging with the Worgen in their big Light Chapel in the Gilnean capital.
And I think Stromgarde also has a mage tower and chapel. So, I’d like to a see few High Elf mages and Pallies / Priests in those areas respectively.
Given that they’d be added after Legion, they don’t have to be in Lights Hope Chapel (save for established ones like Rulen Lightsreap) Paladin class hall.


That all depends how the push the Alliance High Elf story, Druidism is my favorite option at the moment, as i like to imagine bulkier High Elves more connected to nature.

Another could be shamanism.


Bump for love


Well this does go back to connecting to their heritage as Thalassian elves and close connection to Dalaran.
That is far more in line with arcane magic, with a dip into holy magic with Priests and Pallies.
While they certainly had hunters and rangers and the like, they weren’t as full blown wood elf as say the Night Elves (the druidism + shamanism + more nature aesthetics you’re going for)

So what would push them so far towards this aspect?
Super close relationship with the Wildhammers?

Oddly enough the Quel’lithien Elves are right next to an Emerald Dreamway and are also buddy buddy with Draenei AND Wildhammer Shamans, so Druid, Paladin, and Shamanism are viable options.

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I wouldn’t care if HEs got shamans idk about Druids though that’s just my feeling on it. And I would be opposed to them getting Warlock, I think that’s more an inherently BE class, nothing says they can’t be warlock but I mean Zandalari didn’t get it either, and HEs seem a bit uncomfortable with Fel all things considered.


Since nightborne mirror belf in theme while giving the horde a different aesthetic, I feel high elves could do the same. Maybe they end up getting closer to night elves, and end up learning to be druids. They do also have close ties to wildhammer, so the shaman connection is there.


As it relates to all of the subgroups having their own
 flavor, this would make High Elves the only variety that has some sort of inherent connection with the elements.

Food for thought.

I never really see people pushing for high elven warlocks.