High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎


Most of the Alliance ones, and if we’re being fair the high elf ones before Blood Elves lost their Faith a bit and turned temporarily to sucking it out of a naaru, come from the same source.

The Rise of the Silver Hand during the Second War.

It’s one reason I’m hoping we’ll get night elf paladins. It’d be a paladin sourced from Elune and at least have some flavor.

Horde Paladins, now excluding blood elves, have unique sources for the class and that’s neat!


The night elves literally exiled them. And I always thought Tyrande’s line about kin helping them against the legion was Jainas Alliance forces that stood with them.

No they don’t, they have small interactions and we’re genuinely surprised to bump into each other in that one minor encounter.

Doesn’t matter, the Blood Elves went through trauma and had a societal reset. Their entire society, went through a trauma and their entire society reformed themselves and they took on a new name even. So attributing why a High Elf would hate Trolls and Orcs and Undead doesn’t apply to Blood Elves. They are different groups, with different outlooks, and the entire point of Blood Elves is how they are now not how they were in WC2.

Night elf paladins would be an awesome take. I would level one yesterday.

I don’t have a strong opinion on high elf paladins, if they get them good, but I primarily want druid and shaman for them.


i totally understand your position now, after the fact, after the devs designed the lore and personality of blood elves post wc3, not arguing that point. i have always argued the exact moment where they abandoned every friendly group in favor of every unfriendly group because a small portion of the friendly group, were trying to destroy them and thus werent friends, and the devs decision that the only way it could make sense is by making them soul-less and bitter.


I thought most pro HE fans emphasize the differences between BEs and HEs not apply the HE narrative onto BEs in an attempt to invalidate them on the Horde.

Because ignoring the story and applying how you view HEs onto the BE narrative, is really quite different then wanting the Alliance Quel’dorei group playable.

is that what i’m doing? i thought i was just expressing my dislike for how they became horde, not dislike that they are horde now, but how it all happened in the first place.

I have a character saved for when they allow Nelf paladins. Lol

I think they should get them honestly, cause they likely would exist.

If blizz says we’re dropping them for shaman and druid? I won’t lose sleep.


 you 100% aware Nelves weren®t Alliance at the time either? If anything, this coupled with posterior TBC Nelf behaviour works against your “but Belves belonged to Alliance” argument.

Cause apparently after becoming Alliance, Nelves decided it as A-OK to act like douches against their cousins

Worse, she doesn®t realize the Tyrande - Kael®thas interaction at the time it®s pointless for Alliance simply because Nelves weren®t Alliance at the time, period. And were portrayed as a-holes AFTER becoming Alliance to boot

It®s a disgrace. If you have read “Blood of the Highborne” you start to understand why would Belves take an extremely cold looks towards the light.

Simply put it, it indeed left them down at the worst time ever -and mind you, they were never portrayed in the novella as “muahahaha!! suck it, Naaru!!”
 they were very indifferent towards the whole deal, effectively appreciating the light as just another source of magical energy, not a faith. Paid the price of sucking the light from the windchime toobtw, migraines were common and even Galell went mad thanks to Mu®ru.

of course they were because the devs shifted from friendly with what would be a race in the alliance, to unfriendly with what would be a race in the horde. iotw, they wrote it like that so it could justify making the blood elves unfriendly to nelfs, since they were not going to be reacquired as an alliance race, after the fact.

even if it has gotten close a few times, the alliance has such a bad rep now, most belfs wouldnt want to be alliance even if they could. thats one of the reasons i dont think playable high elves on alliance, would hurt the horde’s belf population very much.

What kind of incoherent yeeting is this.
I never said anything about every individual from x faction is faulty. There’s no double standards between Azshara who murdered her own people, and Sylvanas who rallied her people (being the horde) who willingly fought for her and willingly slaughtered night elves. They just simply aren’t comparable, the only thing that’s similar is that thousands of night elves died both times lol.

You really need to take it down like 10 notches lmao.

But as it’s been pointed out. Blood Elves were never going to be Alliance, so this idea it’s some great wrong that’s been done and needs to be corrected is not the case.

What does seem to be the case is people desperately want BEs to fit their idea of HEs. And playable Quel’dorei on the Alliance I support, but different ways to attack BE lore I do have to speak up against.

You must be a “High” Elf if you think you’re getting Blue Eyes.

i dont think anything i have said suggests that. i am neither desperate for such a scenario, nor interested enough in belfs to want them to resemble helfs. i think they are aesthetically pleasing, i like lor’themar as a character and feel bad for kael’thas, and thats about it.

High elf integration as an Alliance race would be easy. You could even add in a hero class, Ranger for high elves and blood elves. Could be set up like an old school hunter where you switch out your ranged weapon for a melee weapon at close range for a damage bonus. Fun stuff.


I mean people have wanted Dark Ranger class as a hero class, and shadowlands would have been the expansion to do it. And they aren’t so I wonder if we’ll see HEs added via a class of some kind / idk how that would work exactly.


You aware the actual Alliance units as per WC3 were massive douches, right? Like Garithos and Daelin -THE massive douches in the game at the time.

Sorry but as far as narrative is concerned, Alliance never was the “friendly by default” entity.

Incoherent only if you either A) don®t know how to read or B) very poorly express your opinions. In your particular case it®s B (yup, you indeed said not ALL the individual members of the Horde were guilty of Teldrassil just to post afterwards that the Horde as a whole was to be blamed by Teldrassil. Effectively contradicting yourself in the same post, congrats

Guess what?? when you apply a final judgment over an entire organization, you®re applying the same judgment over ALL the people that belongs to it by default (amazing concept, I know)

And you need to learn how to express your ideas and understand the ramifications on the “judgmental argument” too btw

all of them or just those two?

which is why i wasnt surprised when red eyes were discovered in the belf folder, and why i was surprised when they said it wasnt for players. why miss such a cool opportunity to make so many people happy? as an alliance main, i have no reason to be unhappy about belfs getting dark rangers. i’d be like
 cool, its about time devs started realizing honoring player feedback is actually the opportunity to make happy customers. lol


Well, nobody on the game -who basically implies they died with the exception of Jaina and her refugees, Garithos and his military units and Daelin and his marines- on the Alliance side complained either against it. And while this ofc doesnÂŽt make all and every Alliance individual massive douches, it does make the ones interacting with the Belves and the Horde massive ones.

It®s irrelevant if the Stormwind Humans are “kind” people -we actually kinda don®t know, they were kinda AFK in WC3-; at the end of the day the ones representing the Alliance IN GAME (Garithos et al) DO appeared acting as a-holes. Which unfortunately for you, does break the notion all and every Alliance race IS friendly by default.

Unfortunately for you, the actual Alliance units interacting with the Belves were portrayed as anything but friendly (and even more unfortunate for you, some like Modera and Ansirem are still part of Dalaran and still part of the Alliance up to today). The actions of third parties like Tyrande and Malfurion don®t retroactively make the Alliance “friendly”. That®s not how lore and writting works.

Heck, let®s use your Tyrande example even if it doesn®t truly apply and pretend it does. Then we have to take into account she was “nice” to Kael®thas cause her interest wasn®t to save Belves; it was merely to find Illidan so he could help her with the demon invasion issue on Hyjal -and we know both Maiev AND Malfurion were 100% against this-. At the end of the game, Illidan is STILL a criminal that escaped, and one less headache for Malfurion (Malfy was kind of a douche on that game; family before hoes dude). Have you ever though maybe Kael®thas -by proxy of becoming Illidan®s (a Nelf criminal that escaped) ally- became a criminal to the Nelf society by mere association too?

i didnt know any of this when i started playing wow. all i ever played was like warcraft 1, where you have some humans and orcs cutting lumber and building forts. lol i dont think i even finished it. so i come into wow, totally oblivious to any of its warcraft 2 and 3 history. i had no idea who illidan or tyrande or arthas was. heck i didnt even know the chick in the castle was onyxia in disguise cause most people didnt even know how to do the quest to unmask her. lol

anyway, i am fond of the lightheartedness of dwarves and gnomes, the nature freak night elves and the noble human paladins and magical mages. got kinda attached to the whole thing.