High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

only after the fact. they’ve had like 13 years to try to make it seem like the right decision.

Blood elves are fine in the horde and it’s not like it can be changed anyway.

We just need alliance high elves playable.


I don’t actually remember the Tauren acting that way. I was actually kinda surprised by how little they said. When they did speak, to me, they did not sound like HMP.

I’ll grant you lumping everyone into homogenized order halls without calling out their specific lore more wasn’t great but do you actually think these races are homogenized or is that just gameplay trumping story arcs?

Because they ARE at war. They weren´t in Vanilla (the battleground stuff are just militya skirmishes as per the lore), which means races from both factional groups effectively clash not because of “muh hate” butr simply because a group of randos that came from nowhere suddenly attack them. Same until Battle for Undercity where Varian DOES declare war on the Horde.

As the proud owner of a fem Tauren pally, I DO remember. Zero mentions to druidism nor sun worship from Aponi (and mind you, she was part of the Class Hall quest chain).

Second, gameplay trumps lore so much afterwards devs subtly try to keep the homogenization status quo (like the abhorrent presence of Horde paladins sporting Silver Hand tabards in Orgrimmar datamined in Shadowlands alpha).

When it comes to druids, nelf and tauren are pretty similar in their beliefs. I mean the highmountain tauren have a whole scenario showing the connection and cooperation between the two.

The silver hand banners were just placeholders and are gone now I believe.

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Dear, this sdame argument can be pulled in regards to Alliance High Elves -who mind you, are an even more “constructed from thin air” retconn.

Just give it up. Ask for your playable High elves on Alliance and stop thirsting over Belf stuff. It has been more than a decade, time to channel Elsa and f*ing Let It Go…

Oh, I hope to God you´re right. Cause the alternative is retarded AF.

i am not thirsting over belf stuff. i just dont like the lore of how they became horde. i’d be happy with half elves that dont even use the thalassian model, as long as it was svelte enough to resemble a traditional elf, graceful, attractive, etc.

They’re thematically perfect in the horde.

And that aesthetic gives way for a different one for Alliance High Elves.


On several occasions you have expressed that you openly disregard the story in favor of… WC2 I guess I don’t really know, all I know is declaring the story null and void because you dislike it, is ignoring the story.

They’ve changed that and it was always Likely a placeholder. It’s an alpha.

Yeah I’m saying they did that for gameplay.

It doesn’t erase what Tauren Paladins are.

They are.

The Sunwalkers (priest and paladin) have the belief that that sort of worship should be applied to the Earthmother in full. Thus they balance the moon focus of the Cenarion Circle by focusing on the sun.

They see themselves as “druidic” in nature.

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Blizzard reveals that High Elves are fatter and beefier than Blood Elves, meaning the High Elf model would be a fat elf version: Suddenly nobody plays a High Elf.

i dont disregard wc3. most of wc3 for the nelf / belf campaign is them being friends and helping each other. it isnt until kael’thas has to report back to garithos, and tyrande falls in the river, that everything starts to change but even then, its not because night elves are being unfriendly. they dont become enemies of belfs till the decision is made by the devs to make them a horde race, and justification for why they would turn against the nelfs is then made by turning nelfs into spies.

You disregard everything that happens afterwards.

They were never friends. Tyrande felt Kael would help lead to Illidan so she also helped him.

I don’t know how you can look at that and paint this huge close friendship. But then ignore the ties they have had on Horde. Where you know they have actual friends Forsaken, Nightborne.

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well thats when the devs take the nelfs, who up till then had been friendly and helpful to the belfs, and suddenly make them enemy spies.

The Orcs and Night Elves have more interaction than the Blood Elves and Night Elves ever did. And the story made sense for them to go Alliance.

Yes I am familiar with their short and small interaction. Where both the Night Elves and Blood Elves are cordial and have a mutual exchange of help.

That does not make a deep rooted friendship. Especially not to cite it as a reason to ignore all BE story forward.

The horde paladins are interesting to me. They are fairly different from each other, as well as from alliance iterations of them. Belves have kind of lost what made their paladins interesting though.


tyrande says, these people need our help, maiev. their brethren aided us against the legion. we will honor that debt now.

so they have a history of helping each other prior to wc3 also. whereas their only interaction with trolls, orcs and undead, up till then, had been mostly violent and deadly