High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I think there could have been more signs actually shown in game.

The lore in this game is all over the place and makes little sense in several places.
People are allowed to point that out.

It’s already been proven through Blizzard themselves that the Blood Elves are Horde because of faction imbalance in Vanilla. The lore justification they did to allow that was weak. Heck, if anything, it’d just make more sense for there to have been a third faction based on everything that happened.

Nothing is ever going to change, but the point still stands it was stupid, and the stupidity of it all is reflected in the Void Elves motivations.

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you dont know if it really ended up better though. all your experience is after the fact, where the story is told according to the wishes of the developers, who based it on manipulating the game population . they couldve easily had some of the alliance population defend the blood elves, just as some of the horde are finally defending some of the night elves. but they didnt, because the horde needed a pretty race

It doesn’t matter because as it happens the BEs make better sense Horde, so what if that triggered their initial interest in making BEs Horde, the point is the better story came from it that makes more sense.

What doesn’t make sense is why Blood Elves stop playable Alliance High Elves, but I don’t believe that will be for much longer with everything pointing to something coming for HE fans from the April fools patch notes being a good clue and shout out / recognition.

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I really don’t think anybody lashing out against the Forsaken after what they did to Gilneas is unwarranted.

And looking back on it, especially after Teldrassil, it’s a wonder more people aren’t on Tyrande/Genn’s side.


So you’re arguing BEs are somehow in a worse spot then they were when they came about in BC?

Sure seem to be doing better to me.

The story was centred on overthrowing the undead waifu. It was stated explicitly that the seeds to that began at Teldrassil.

It’d be really lame as a Horde player if the story wouldn’t shut up about the night elf story. I just came out of Lego and I wasn’t in the mood for listening to make Alliance lore.

Imagine how night elves feel with our tree burning and then the story focusing on how sad saurfang is for the rest of the expac.


They had to do those Saurfang cinematics. It was literally the only reason a large portion of the Horde knew there was a light at the end of this tunnel of unnecessary villain battery.


Don’t forget our “victory” being a minor cutscene hotfixed in a patch later, with no other references in game.


its a better spot than what garithos had them in, for sure. but the point is, the devs didnt have to write it so it seemed like they should be on the horde. as someone else mentioned, they could’ve more believably formed a neutral or 3rd faction. in fact, that seems to have been kael’thas’ original intention - forming a 3rd faction with illidan, and then kil’jaeden got ahold of him and threw a wrench into it, turning kael’thas into a nutcase, poor guy - another move to force blood elves into the horde.

I really don’t know why people who joined the faction that literally spams “blood and thunder” and “victory or death” complains about being the “villains”.

I used to main Forsaken. That’s what I expected when I played Horde. I swapped when I realized it wasn’t for me.

Yeah, nothing about this is satisfying for a night elf fan.


Play Warcraft 3.


I did.

Which is why it makes no sense to me that the Blood Elves are Horde when it was Lordaeron that screwed them, not Stormwind, and why I can’t stand orcs.


Well then you know why Horde players don’t see their faction as villainous.

Well then you’d know it was the Alliance that screwed them, not Stormwind.

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the stormwind alliance or the lordaeron alliance? its so odd this has to be pointed out. the belfs are literally in cahoots with the races/people who tried to genocide them in the past, and are blaming people who werent even in the game yet.

someone mentioned yesterday that belfs dont blame other alliance races for what garithos and the council of six did, but the devs made sure the stormwind alliance would give belfs reasons to blame them anyway, by turning stormwind alliance members into spies in belf lands.

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No the point is the devs didn’t have to write it so they should be Alliance.

The only time I ever see pros mention this like it’s some great idea is to the effect of having BEs being a non playable NPC villain faction, and it normally goes hand in hand with “and HEs should have reclaimed Quel’thalas for the Alliance in BC”

Supporting Alliance High Elves and Blood Elves really isn’t that hard and probably would go a long way in the random forum goer who is a BE fan also supporting our cause.

oh absolutely. but they decided to anyway, even though it made no sense. the only saving grace is sylvannas. she’s the only even remotely believable piece of this and the fact she is an undead, ruins it immediately, as the undead are who genocided the belfs in the first place. do you not see how silly that is? they’re like stockholme syndrome patients.

Why is it odder to ally with your fallen hero, who now leads former victims of the man you hate most - Arthas

But apparently it’s not odd at all to ally with the people who persecuted you in Dalaran, then when given the chance sabotage your lands when you need help the most.

But apparently the former and not the latter is as you describe as