High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

How? It’s not just a matter of punching on with the bloke nearest you. They’d need to determine which of their fellow soldiers were opposed to Sylvanas, somehow coordinate them, get them across a sea and then work out who they were fighting.

All within a few hours.

It’s just not realistic to expect a large scale uprising to ferment amongst a thousands strong army within a couple of hours.

My issue is that it didn’t happen. We never really get insight either, into how the other leaders felt about Teldrassil.

yet stormwind humans are all responsible for what lordaeron humans and the council of six did to the blood elves. its even more ludicrous considering most didnt know what was happening at all, till garithos revealed the blood elves were in league with a known enemy, during a time of war.

unless otherwise stated, only a handful of people actually knew what garithos was up to. and all he’d have to do then, is remind the lordaerons of the time when the blood elves recalled their troops during the previous war, leaving the lordaeron humans along the border of quel’thalas to be slaughtered.

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Of course not, it’s a completely unrealistic expectation.

Remember as well that while all this is going on there’s large scale combat going on with the night elves and burning the tree wasn’t the plan. It would have been absolute unmitigated chaos.

absolutely . its called the fog of war. my point exactly about the situation with humans, dwarves, etc,during garithos’ revenge.

It’s not that unrealistic to expect people to try and stop a genocide or to view them as complicit in it when they don’t try to stop it, occupy the territory after, and continue to follow orders from the psycho who ordered it in the first place.

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Okay, so you’re a grunt. You’re currently under heavy attack by night elves who are in an absolute frenzy. You’ve just noticed the tree is on fire. No one has told you why it’s on fire yet, no one has told you who set it on fire. The entire chain of command is doing what Sylvanas says.

How do you go from there to stopping the whole thing from happening? You still haven’t told me how you expected them to stop it from happening.

Also we know a large amount of the Horde weren’t happy about it because of this quote.

I saw a really good post about I don’t recall where about the trolls and this nonsense with trying to cite dislike for the Amani as the reason why people continually and actively ignore all lore about the Sin’dorei on Horde.

So as far as Garithos goes its “unless otherwise stated only a handful of people knew”.

But in the case of Blizzard actually stating it is the Amani trolls that have issues with Quel’thalas, and the Blood Elves actively recognize it’s a new Horde they are joining and becoming apart of, well we just ignore that then do we?

So even when things are otherwise stated a large amount of Alliance HE fans ignore it anyways because they hate Blood Elves on Horde.

its not that they hate blood elves on horde, its that in order to have blood elves on horde, the stormwind alliance is blamed for what the lordaeron alliance was up to, and even then, it wasnt the bulk of the lordaeron alliance.

remember garithos has past records of blood elves behaving poorly during a war that killed alot of lordaeronians along the border of quel’thalas. its gonna be easier to convince his inner circle and the surviving kin of those who died because the blood elves pulled their troops during war, resulting in mass deaths including garithos’ entire family. all he has to say is, the blood elves have formed a league with the naga!! instantly, fog of war, past history, current news twisted to make it seem worse than it is, and presto chango, blood elves in prison.

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I am not talking about random grunts following orders in the moment. I am talking about the shaman following orders to help it burn faster, the mages infusing the ammo to help it burn faster, the people who fired the cannons in the first place.

And then the fact that even after people still follow her. I saw nothing anywhere about how any of the leaders felt about Teldrassil as it happened or right after outside of Saurfang.

With Garrosh it was shown relatively early that some of the other leaders took issue with him. That’s what bugs me about this scenario, all we see is that they all continue doing what she wants, many of them doing so right up until she leaves.

What bothers me is the complete lack of a strong reaction to Teldrassil from the horde. It should have actually divided them.

I would suggest you read the quote I posted.

“In order to have them on the Horde”

You do realize the BEs were neutral with the Alliance having seen them leave after Garithos, and they gave the Alliance a chance by allowing them in Quel’thalas and NEs with Dwarf observation actively sabotaged their lands.

The same is true if the reverse “In order to have them on the Alliance” would be said had they gone Alliance. Everyone’s attacking the reasoning for the decision and ignoring it’s the more sensible decision because it doesn’t fit with some people’s idea of how BEs should be but their forcing the Alliance HE narrative onto Sin’dorei whose entire purpose is resetting their society which includes old alliances no longer fitting for them.

People who want to cite WC2 ignoring all other lore, and blame the Darkspear for why BEs should hate trolls while ignoring that isn’t their narrative anymore are actively ignoring lore that has been as you put it in your own words

The decision for BEs being Horde has been otherwise stated, explicitly actually and it’s still ignored.

Like a parent who always wished you had gone left but you went right and your life ended up better for going right, but they just will not move on from why you didn’t go left.

Genn started the war in Stormheim, where is the Alliance outrage over that.

written after it was determined to give playable blood elves to the horde. that’s post wc3 lore. they had to give a reason for why the stormwind alliance is just as bad as the lordaeron alliance.

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The quote that implies way after the fact that there’s a schism growing since Teldrassil even though nothing actively shows it, yeah I saw it.

I’m criticizing the writing by the way. The fact that this stuff wasn’t shown which is why it comes across as the horde being complicit.

Also, silver covenant already exists post literally everything that happened in BC.

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Genn did good. He stopped her from enslaving one of our allies against the legion, and he gets bonus points for not setting children on fire.

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Who cares what their reasons for going Horde was. It is the more sensible option, where they fit better.

If you went right, and your life ended up better for it, who cares why you went right, you could have gone left and had reasons for that too but the point is you made the more sensible option.

They would have had to have reasons to rejoin the Alliance also, and the Horde players could have said “well none of this lore counts at all, why didn’t Blizzard go with the more sensible story they could have set up” and that’s the point, the story we have makes better sense than the one you wished happened.

What is the point you’re making? That we should have playable HEs on alliance? I agree.

What I don’t agree with is people who actively deconstruct the BE narrative because they feel it doesn’t make sense because they also actively choose to ignore literally all the lore that doesn’t align with how they want things to be.

Supporting playable High Elves is a big yes from me. Deconstructing BE story in an attempt to invalidate it because you actively ignore the lore, a big no from me.

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Okay so first of all Saurfang was obviously not happy about Teldrassil and he showed that right from as soon as it happened leading to a chain of events that ended with first him trying to commit suicide and then abandoning the Horde. A quest midway after that confirms that Teldrassil has created a rift in the Horde. After that we see Lor’themar as the first Horde leader to begin an open revolt against Sylvanas. Which led ultimately to her overthrow.

What more do you expect? Did you want the story of an MMO wrapped up by the first patch?