High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Or… maybe they could, if their forms were all plant-based (like the artifact druid forms that are skinned like trees)… Like, they coming up with a way to be that.

for nightborne arcane cat and bear forms are obvious.

For their tree form it would be cool to give them a botani model or perhaps for balance as well.

Probably higher chance of nightborne getting druid than belf if you ask me…though I would not rule out them doing panda across the board for both factions.

More like Balance… I’d figure they would want Resto to stay by default being the “caster form” spec, although would be lovely for the cosmetic tree form get some love.

And I suppose they can get an Arcan’dor themed Tree of Life as well (the cooldown).

It’s nothing to do with factions, it has to do with actions. Of course we don’t actually know what horde druids felt about Teldrassil, or about blighting everything, and they weren’t necessarily directly involved, but nothing showed them protesting these actions or going against them either.

As for the shaman.

The first volley of the siege engines struck true.

Rut’theran Village, its docks crowded with night elves, was the first to be consumed. Those not killed outright tumbled into the water, screaming in agony as the cold brine brought not relief but only further shock . . . then death.

The arcane-touched payloads crashed into the branches of Teldrassil, each bough the size of an ordinary tree itself. The fire caught quickly. Shaman in Darkshore conjured winds to amplify the flames. Sparks danced like vicious imps from bough to bough, leaving crackling crimson and orange in their wake.

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Well see that makes no sense. Shamans who do that lose their powers.

And Malfurion was made a druid despite the fact that the night elves as a group were pretty much destroying Azeroth at the time.

Apparently not. I mean, I would think they would, but I guess now they can use the elements to commit genocide and it’s okay.

Also I didn’t say every druid of a specific race should be held accountable for what others in the race do. I am basically wondering why horde druids weren’t shown to object to Teldrassil or the blighting of lands. In fact it’s odd that specific horde races don’t seem to object. Tauren being okay with dropping blight seems to really go against the earth mother theme.

I am questioning the consistency of how they ate written, and wishing we had seen push back from the start. This is specifically an issue with writing, not the races.


“night elves as a group trying to destroy azeroth” What?

Azshara’s highborne and deathwing were strictly responsible for trying to destroy Azeroth, even the noble inhabitants of Zin’azshari pretty much all got murdered by demons because of her.

Tyrande and malf were both treehugging and moonpriesting away from the city.
99% of night elves had nothing to do with Azshara and her nightborne.

I don’t think “horde shamans burned the tree” is blaming ALL horde shamans.
Yes there are horde shamans chilling on all different corners of Azeroth, but that doesn’t change the fact that horde shamans helped burn teldrassil. You seem to have really misunderstood, this isn’t a pissing contest as to who was better/worse.

It’s a statement: horde shamans helped burn teldrassil.



That’s what I mean, for that to be canon and not a writer making a mistake would require structural reworks of how shamans and shamanism works.

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It was in Elegy, so it was written by Golden.

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Either entire races are responsible for the actions of individuals of that race or they’re not. Not every night elf was one of Azshara’s warlocks and not every member of the Horde burnt down the tree. Trying to claim that every Horde member is responsible for the actions of every Horde member but that only individual night elves are responsible for their own actions is having your cake and eating it too.


Which is hilarious because she literally wrote the book that outlines why a shaman couldn’t do that.

Easily explainable by shifting into some sort of purely arcane shape.

Kul’tiran druids aren’t exactly cenarion circle classical druids either. There’s ways of doing form shifts without it being “literally cat”.

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The thing is, I never said anywhere that all horde shaman are responsible for it. I said there were horde shaman at darkshore helping the tree burn faster. Then I was accused of faulting all of them, which isn’t the case.

I’m flat out calling shenanigans on the writer who said that. It just doesn’t fit any of the like what, 20 years of lore on shamans.

You said the Horde shouldn’t have druids because of how disrespectful they’ve been to nature. Which is blaming the entire faction for the actions of the few.


Every horde member that was directly involved in burning the tree, as we witnessed from the story, is responsible.

It’s not the same as saying “every night elf that was not even part of Azsharas highborne tried to destroy Azeroth”.
Or even “every orc is responsible for gul’dan”

The horde army that burned down Teldrassil was the entirety of the horde because every single horde race was involved at the time.
Obviously the horde chilling in their cities and villages had nothing to do with it, but the horde army (again, that was composed of every horde race) was responsible.

You’re comparing what Azshara did to her own people and to the world, to the horde army, who literally willingly followed through with their warchiefs orders to murder the kaldorei. The two are completely irrelevant to each other.


“Every Horde member is responsible for the actions of every member of its race, but every night elf is not responsible for the actions of every night elf.”



Mostly I’m questioning why we didn’t see them turn on Sylvanas at Teldrassil, react after, and why we never see them react to or oppose use of blight.

And I wasn’t seriously suggesting that druids be removed from horde.

That’s not at all what I said…are you even reading?

You’re comparing Azshara being responsible for her own peoples demise, to a bunch of horde from all horde races, who willingly followed their warchief into slaughtering the night elves.
You’re going down a massive slippery slope.


Because then there wouldn’t have been about a year’s worth of content leading to Saurfang scrapping Sylvanas.