High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I think you missed the point in the end and I don’t immensely want to go around in circles.

Bad writing I guess, doesn’t mean they are them. Lore says they’re a druid with a sun fetish. Makes sense since the Tauren worship the sun as well as the moon.

Who? Avarie? Avarie makes good points, you should listen to others once in awhile.

Blizz’s execution is bad, but also the fact that they did go along with it for so long is ridiculous, and its sensible to be kinda ticked off about it. Especially if you’re a night elf main.


she’s not saying playable half elves. she’s saying npc half elves.

so being feminine is a trope? haha. you’re a trip.

Ofcourse. Dwarves are the perfect example :wink:

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Lazy writting to be more exact. ThatÂŽs how we all end up in Dalaran anytime the devs feel like cutting corners.

Is a good point to blame entire races/classes of crimes cause some individualsÂŽactions? While at the exact same time other individuals closely related and members of the aforementioned faction are portrayed somewhere else doing exactly the opposite?

Sorry but thatÂŽs not an argument, thatÂŽs a fallacy. And I aknowledged from the start that this happened precisely thanks to the proverbial denial of Blizzard to portray the Horde PoV that wasnÂŽt related to the clown actors (Sadfang/Sylvanas).

Dude, sorry but no. One canÂŽt blame nonexistant virtual people for the faults of irl people.

And Horde characters never reacted “on time” simply because the devs were more concerned with “Old Soldier” and other bunch of ridiculous cinematics, period. They kinda don®t exist, hard for them to “rebel from their creators” or something.

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trophy wife. haha. no, i just
 its either amazon woman or trophy wife. those are the options mmkay?

:astonished: /covers eyes

It wasn’t enough to butcher the male Night elf Model and not give me leaf hair. :man_shrugging:

leaf hair for nelfs!!



Their lack of a response whether its the devs failing to give one or not is the only story we have to go with. The Horde leaders were shaking in their booties too afraid to stand up to Sylvanas until a Tauren decided he wasn’t going to let the Forsaken leader betray their greatest belief that they have freewill.

The Horde holds some of the blame for this war and all that happened in it. Teldrassil was mostly just Sylvanas, but someone fired the catapults. And only Saurfang said a word at that time.

See above.

You know I actually really like the Night Elf model myself.

I do feel like I should have included Worgen in my above post though. Now I feel bad.

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We still need male ear jewelry for BEs. Unless I missed it? I could have I only half pay attention to these things and forget it once I’ve seen them lol.

And both BEs and NEs may get the undead customizations.

And idk I see so many new good things in all honesty for a lot of races though I’m only interested in BE/NE stuff and or VE/NB stuff as far as ARs.

Yeah I wouldn’t want to see High Elves rolled into Void Elves. I like Void Elves as their own unique thing. Night Elves would be the only way I could see them rolled into an existing Alliance race and not too feel out of place. That might still seem weird due to their differences but its the best case scenario I see for them being rolled into an existing race. That said I still support them being their own allied race. Especially if it meant them getting their own unique heritage armor. As for a capitol city for them they could make a Thalassian District in Stormwind. Maybe even revamp Highvale Lodge in the hinterlands.

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We agree then. That’s not what I was saying at all. I was saying that there’s not much reason for the horde to even have druids given how disrespectful they’ve been to nature this expac. You brought up shaman with this quote in response.

It says blizz refused to show the spiritual response, so I was just pointing out that there were horde shaman there, using the elements to make it burn faster.

And then you brought up the earthen ring and I’m confused as to why since I never implied anywhere that every shaman helped burn the tree.

Edit: To add they don’t really show any reaction from the horde leaders or npcs about Teldrassil, other than the horde is confused. Following that though, they continue to follow her orders. She drags them into a war by committing a horrific act.

During said horrific act, some are confused. But do they say no? No. They launch the catapults. Mages infuse the ammunition to make it more powerful. Shaman conjure wind to spread the fire. Horde characters, like Morka, are delighting in the war.

Saurfang is the only character shown to object or to be upset in the moment. No one turns on Sylvanas. No one leaves. No one refuses to follow further orders. They show up to defend undercity.

They delight in murdering farmers in Brennadam. They drop blight on kul’tiras. The other leaders are largely silent and seemingly content to do nothing until she wants to execute Baine which is pretty late in the game.

So yes, it would have been fabulous to see anything that showed other members of the horde took issue with Teldrassil and the other horrible crap she pulled. But without anything showing otherwise it seems as though no one cared.


In regards to High Elf positivity —

the Lumineth in Warhammer look neat
despite a weird fixation on either cows or fauns. Battle Cattle

The old high elves, wood elves, and dark elves are awesome as well, btw, but the new models look interesting.

Opinions — elves with hammers for primary weapons?

Were there?

I’m not sure religion works off of a faction system. If it did, night elves wouldn’t be druids either.

I think I am unfamiliar with other fantasy Elf archetypes and narratives to be honest. Wow and previously WC3 the extent of my love for the high fantasy genre. WC3 and Kotor being the reason I like both wow and swtor, I think its why I tried and failed to like ESO, it lacked familiarity and I don’t love fantasy enough to apply the common themes to a new game in a way I would instantly connect with it.

That being said I find it interesting how peoples love of Elves spans games / other fantasy worlds. I do think I am a bit biased in preferring the Elf iterations we have in wow though, there is no Quel’thalas anywhere else for example.

Actually these two confuse me the most, I thought they were one and the same but apparently different.

In general? I guess the melee class types heh.

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Full Human Model is referring to Alodi’s in game model (He plays a role in the Mage class hall). He does indeed use a regular human model with nothing unique about it. Kalec’s humanoid form is also a standard human model but with blue hair and a unique face (that’s low res unfortunately since its pre-player-model-update).

I think giving nightborne botanist “druids” with alliance high elves also getting their own version would work well.

Canonically they wouldn’t do shapeshifting but they have to for gameplay purposes. Lore wise they should have no connection to the cenarion circle and should be more about the balance and restoration specs but with an arcane spin to them.

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tbh I think blizzard should also show the other end of the spectrum by giving the short and medium elf ear options to humans as well.

That way you could play a more human half elf and a more elf half elf.