High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

antis points and yell at blue eye colors in the files for blood elf models

anti: See! It is proof! Why would they have blue eyes if it didn’t mean blood elf players would getting them for customization? Checkmate alliance!

Me: I guess that means blood elf players could choose blue eyes before when there were blue eye options in the files before shadowlands all the way since TBC. Oh wait.


You’re free to do that while everyone else can just ignore it since it’s a dead horse that’s being beat by a dead horse.

It’s been a fun hobby, people have been trying to tell you people for years that this would be the most likely outcome and here we are.

I’d expect it to mostly keep going until the beta kicks off in earnest or Shadowlands launches. We’ll probably have some stragglers but I’d see most of these topics dying down except for a handful of deluded individuals banging heads against the wall.

She was the reason Garrosh won the Mak’gora against Cairne.

Seeing the skin colors and options like some kind of …flat paint thing kind of freaks me out.

Interesting to see that these options are there though. Could it be for High Elf NPCs, since those exist in the Alliance? Not sure why they’d have underwear skins but then again they are based off Blood Elves right now, or vice versa, or something.

…a lot sure has happened while I’ve been smashing Dragons in Skyrim.


That’s the most sound theory, but… why in the world would NPCs need exclusive underwear and different nail/jewelry color?



That is a fair consideration. We’ll see what happens, but it is indeed curious!

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I wish more Horde accepted being bad guys, but they don’t. Everyone is for this World of Peacecraft garbage!

egads the alliance is hemorraging more veteran players, not going horde, but completely unsubbing, over the eye color. not because it means anything by itself, but what it implies. all the way back in legion, we were told there was still a chance. the chronically optimistic, said okay and resumed their chant for high elves. i didn’t. i got mad and quit for a few months, till they announced classic, which drew me back in.

it was a trap, a trap that made me subject to the sadists on the anti side, who think its fun to watch people realize the game devs dont care about them anymore.

why did i let myself get into this situation again.

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Well that was fast lol. Sorry Alliance High Elves, but it looks like the nail is in the coffin of that dead horse.

The Horde is waiting for you.

Was I a prophet by asking my original post?

Let them go.

They’ve been told Time and Time again that high elves are on the horde. They just have a different name.

Blood elves = high elves


I’m salty that Alliance got our Blood Elves with a new skin color. :crazy_face:


Ion stated High Elves are Blood Elves.


I’m not a fan of the glowiness…the pupils need to be defined better, imo.

ever see that cartoon of the guy thats mad and steam is shooting out his ears? thats me right now. you have no idea how many people told me blood elves are high elves, as if i didnt already know that, and these Are people who know i know that, and who are just doing it, so steam will pour out my ears, cause its fun to torture alliance players.

What I find dumb is that a Blood Elf shadow priests pretty much have the theme and appearance of a Void Elf. Void Elves still have sick facial hair though, I hope dataminers find full beards for Blood Elves soon

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Doesnt’ it get old playing the victim?



dont talk to me right now.


Sorry you seemed like you didn’t know.