High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

sylvannas was such an awesome character. i have been trying to figure out why the devs decided to ruin her with mary sue-itis and villian-bat-itis. all i can think is the c h i 
nese co m m
i s t party, doesnt like powerful half dressed female european elves being in charge of the biggest faction in the game. haha

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Nothing wrong with being a loyalist either though!

That’s the problem. Alliance once again gets to complain that “We lost every time” When after Teldrassil they won every single battle, and retained the moral high ground. And outside of that, nothing on the Horde side progressed against Sylv without some form of Alliance reason for it. Do we rebel against the maniac for the position she put us in? NO! It’s because Jaina’s bro was in trouble! Does Saurfang grit his teeth and lead a rebellion because he knows what happens when the Horde follows that path? NO! He’s sulks and sulks until the Great Alliance Savior gives him a pep talk!

Oh, and because the forums would probably explode if the Horde got a chance to clean up their mess. Sylvanas won’t be brought to justice by the Horde she’s nearly destroyed, she’ll prolly be killed to show off whatever new powers Mary-Sue Whisperwind and Gary-Stu Stormrage get in this expansion.


Sorry it was a jab at your still being Scourge.

Your Forsaken didn’t happen until after the end of the Third War.

Yeah. That’s why the aspects didn’t bless it at first. It was however blessed later on in cata though it did not bring back our immorality.

Nor does that have anything to do with what the Horde did.

You’re the only one saying I don’t. I’m telling you what is. You’re spinning off into things that don’t matter.

You burned our people. You haven’t paid anything back. No reparations, no pulling out of ashenvale, nothing.

We had to defy the Alliance to force you out of Darkshore.

What you did to yourselves following Sylvanas? Losing your own city (just the city and brill), having a leader or two die or run off? You started the war. So that’s on you.

When a night elf cuts the head off a leader of yours let me know.

 I do hope blizzard stops that nonsense.

Would like some sort of victory for the Night Elves that doesn’t feel hollow or tacked on.

Hell I’d settle for at least the armistice seeing the horde pull out of Ashenvale
 Something showing they’re being held accountable for the second (third if you count Gilneas though it was technically neutral then) city they’ve destroyed.

A warfront where we fought raised night elven heroes who died fighting for Teldrassil and were stolen away during our supposed “revenge” I might add.


But they got away with it. No accountability towards the Night Elves because “it was Sylvanas doing” That’s literally how it ended, with half of the NE’s just too jaded and wanting to rebuild and the other half festering in anger.

So here we are? At the point you don’t want the NE genocide to be called that because it sounds bad? That was what it was. The Horde went through NE territory killing any opposition, had the NEs cornered in Teldrassil and then proceeded to burn them down with their home. But let’s not call it a genocide because enough survived!


Wasn’t trying to put it in a bad way :frowning:

I wish that is actually Alliance leaders that could start getting killed off every expansion.

how? you actually have to have enough players willing to play alliance, to win anything. you’re pretending the players are winning. like talendrion said, it was not even in the flipping game that alliance won. it was in like a book or something. what a joke.

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Is it even in a book? I think the devs just said it somewhere.


Lore =/= Gameplay

Alliance are struggling right now; kicking them while they’re down isn’t going to help. Does it matter who “won” in the story when players are struggling to get group content done past a certain point?

We didn’t even find out we won until we got a passive out of game post about it, and they hotfixed in a rather sloppy victory cinematic.


The only fictional character I’ll always be a loyalist for, it’s 9S from Nier Atuomata.

Other fictional characters, I’ll simply like and hope for decent development for and so far, Blizz has been doing nothing but a disservice to a character like Sylvanas that has been dragged through the mud since Cataclysm.

it’s ok, it gvame me the chance to slip in a good ol’ (overused) gnome eating joke.

Again, I’m not entirely sure who said that the night elves “won’t recover” from this (but if it was Tyrande, that makes it even less believable), but anyone that has seen all the night elves went through (self-inflicted or otherwise), should know that they will continue forward.

To be honest, I doubt you’ll see any of that. Not because I don’t think blizz doesn’t like the Alliance, but because any victory will go to the humans.

you said it. its to the point where they seem to think we’re just npcs


And as I pointed out, the Horde just gets to feel bad about it while the Night Elves got slaughtered and burned to cinders and the Horde is not held accountable for their complicitness because “it’s Sylvanas doing.”

Do you see my point? It’s hard to feel sympathy for the Horde’s lack of spine towards Sylvanas and needing a pep talk from Anduin, “we didn’t get to feel heroic!!” when the night elves were thrown on the back alley, shot in the back of the head, and the answer we get to it is “you should move on.”


She should’ve stayed dead at the end of Edge of Night. That was the end of her natural arc.

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I don’t know who that is. But I remain a Sylvanas loyalist. And that is the BE customization I want Dark Ranger skins.

On that note I wanna remind everyone Blue eyed BEs shouldn’t deter the HE request hugs

I get you guys don’t fully comprehend what it’s like to lose a leader permantently, but in the Horde, we really don’t have a massive pool of characters to draw leader from like Alliance does.


Nobody has ever played both factions, dear, oh no.


Good for you. Then don’t say things that makes it look like you only play one side.

I’m salty that blood elves’ eyes are gettin void elves’ colours. Leave our eyes out of this mess! >:(

Critiquing a character in vidya makes me really biased, yeah. It’s almost like I’m also able to dissociate poor story choices from my character.